I Like Beer A Lot

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:lmao:oh, Bro! ,,,
" Nutty Putty"
The medical breakthrough wonder product, acclaimed for 1001 + every day uses at hospitals, homes & on the farm use also, here's just a small sampling of our products user testimonials:

" being in the health care service provider profession, I've used 'Nutty-Putty' to Spackle in those awful bedsores I'm responsible for tending care to the patients down at the nursing home"
Samantha Sherkier 23/ nurses aide/ Bedapest, Hungry

"Well, that there Nutty-Putty dang sure stopped all that leakage I was suffering from in the rear end of that ol' tractor of mine,,,and it plumb sure boosted up my profit margin in my bacon breeding bizness, why, just a small piece of that Nutty-Putty plugged up the pooper of them baby pigglets plumps them right up to market weight in no time flat"

Franklin E. Furrow
44 / Farmer / somewhere from the Freewheeling Frontiers

" while certain characteristics remain classified, I am at liberty to relay that an large supply of Nutty-Putty is aboard every ship under my command ,as the bilge rats just naturally gravitate to it when left out in the dark& unattended, to where the men conduct weekly rat killing contests/ as is does supplement their seafaring rations as well, which is a huge morale boost.

Vice Admiral Nelson Henry, navy Commander of Task Force .08


*now available in all osco drug stores & some of the finer Checker Cab dispatch yards.


i see u r still not behaving.
need to get @dallasdave to dice some melon

@dallasdave @waldoputty @Ranching

There you go getting personal again. :lmao:

pull kitty ears
So,you've burrowed thru to an non- Chinese controlled casing-liner to touch the green green grass of home,once again,,,EH?o_O

*How's it going with you so far, Wally?:clap:

thank you, going ok bro
going back in china for 1-2 days before flying back...
this is my few hours of internet freedom before doing so.
He's hanging in. Sometimes he's good and sometimes not. My cousin posted a photo of him on Easter. He looks so old now. I guess this takes a lot out of him.
Awe. That's exactly how my uncle was. Back and forth, feeling good, than in the hospital again feeling lousy. It's one of those drawn out illnesses. Thank you for the update. Have a great week. :)
Well, that answers THAT question. We miss you in here. It's just not the same without any Puttyism. :muttley:
Hope you had a great Easter.

does that mean u r converting to puttyism?

miss you guys and gals also!

they dont really celebrate easter here...
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