I love Wade (very texan thread)

Doomsday101;2216587 said:
I have been to Maryland very nice state but what does that have to do with the extreme love that most Texans have for their state? While we lost at the Alamo we did not forget them at the Battle of San Jacinto where we won our independence and became a country of our own and by our charter with the US still hold that right. As we like to say I was born an American by luck and a Texan by the grace of God. :laugh2:
I'm not hatin' on you guys. Not much I can say about a state that can produce something as stellar as the Dallas Cowboys. So keep doing what you are doing because whatever it is, you're doing it right. :thumbup:

It's just you have confirmed my suspicion that there is a Texas nursery school song that teaches every wee little Texan about your history. Because you have stated almost verbatim about your Texas charter what I've heard so many times during conversation with a Texan.

Nothing wrong with loving Texas. I just wonder what they put in the water down there that causes Texans to tell everyone they know about it. A friend of mine from Texas would say in response, "The only thing in the water in Texas besides illegals crossing the Rio Grande is TEXAS PRIDE, baby. And we've got plenty of it.:shades: Take a sip of it and you're a Texan for life. No matter where you go, anywhere else will be lemonade without the sugar...sour."

Must be the large size of Texas that makes every male Texan thump his chest about it. :D
SweetDC;2216667 said:
I'm not hatin' on you guys. Not much I can say about a state that can produce something as stellar as the Dallas Cowboys. So keep doing what you are doing because whatever it is, you're doing it right. :thumbup:

It's just you have confirmed my suspicion that there is a Texas nursery school song that teaches every wee little Texan about your history. Because you have stated almost verbatim about your Texas charter what I've heard so many times during conversation with a Texan.

Nothing wrong with loving Texas. I just wonder what they put in the water down there that causes Texans to tell everyone they know about it. A friend of mine from Texas would say in response, "The only thing in the water in Texas besides illegals crossing the Rio Grande is TEXAS PRIDE, baby. And we've got plenty of it.:shades: Take a sip of it and you're a Texan for life. No matter where you go, anywhere else will be lemonade without the sugar...sour."

Must be the large size of Texas that makes every male Texan thump his chest about it. :D

We teach our rich history in Elementary, Jr high and High school so you learn quickly about what our founding fathers of Texas and what they did for us and sacrifices that were made. No doubt we love our state and fly our flag proudly. If there is a Texan in an international event you can bet you will see people waving the Texas flag.
Ya know what I've lived all across this Nation of ours from the East Coast to the West Coast and I can say that every state I've lived in has had it's pluses and it's Minuses.

Cali is great if you like Earth Quakes,
Florida is great if you can handel the Hurricanes
Missouri is wonderful if you can stand the Tornados
Texas is Great if you can handel the heat, tornados
and all of them are great if you can handel the illegeals...
jksmith269;2216733 said:
Ya know what I've lived all across this Nation of ours from the East Coast to the West Coast and I can say that every state I've lived in has had it's pluses and it's Minuses.

Cali is great if you like Earth Quakes,
Florida is great if you can handel the Hurricanes
Missouri is wonderful if you can stand the Tornados
Texas is Great if you can handel the heat, tornados
and all of them are great if you can handel the illegeals...

And a true Texan can do that and more by the way you left our Hurricans. :laugh2:

My great grandfather and his brother lived in Galveston when it was hit by the storm of 1900 that killed over 12,000 islanders.
SweetDC;2216467 said:
Ummm...thankfully my fellow Marylanders fared a little better holding off the enemy than those did at the Alamo. Hence, why your food is called Tex-Mex. No blame. You Texans did the best you could. Next time conflict rears, call some of us Marylanders down and we'll help you whup 'em real good.

Thank you for posting a perfect of example of why we here, want you to stay there! Disrespectful, misinformed jerk.

BTW wannabe, it's Y'ALL. You're hyphenating the word "you".
SweetDC;2216467 said:
Ummm...thankfully my fellow Marylanders fared a little better holding off the enemy than those did at the Alamo. Hence, why your food is called Tex-Mex. No blame. You Texans did the best you could. Next time conflict rears, call some of us Marylanders down and we'll help you whup 'em real good.:D

Santa Anna was a student of Napoleon, and the Mexican army substantially outnumbered the Texan army in every conflict. Yet, despite being at a crass disadvantage in man power, equipment, and tactics, Sam Houston and his force managed to score a decisive victory at San Jacinto.

Before you disparage the Alamo too terribly, you should probably take a gander at the kill ratio.

Oh, and Tex-Mex is just one of three primary cuisines in Texas, and it's called Tex-Mex because it actually possesses flavor.

So you can take your Maryland and your crab cakes, and stuff 'em.:D
The Battle of Fort McHenry was no battle at all. British guns had range on American cannon, and stood off out of U.S. range, bombarding the fort, which returned no fire. Their plan was to coordinate with a land force, but from that distance coordination proved impossible, so the British called off the attack and left. All the lights were extinguished in Baltimore the night of the attack, and the fort was bombarded for 25 hours. The only light was given off by the exploding shells over Fort McHenry, which gave proof that the flag was still over the fort. The defense of the fort inspired the American lawyer Francis Scott Key to write a poem that would eventually supply the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner".

So basically, the battle cry for McHenry was "DUCK!" Those "fellow Marylanders" were some bad mofos.

No arguing The Battle of Fort McHenry, while being a significant event in our country's history in retrospect, it was by-and-large a happenstance of war at that period, and anything but a defense of a position, in any stretch of the word.

Historians argue that were it not for Scott Key being fortuitously an observer of the battle, it would of been a footnote.
So if I move to Texas, and embrace all that it is to be a 'Texan', would I be welcomed as a Texan? Or do I have to be born there? Just curious.
tomson75;2217032 said:
So if I move to Texas, and embrace all that it is to be a 'Texan', would I be welcomed as a Texan? Or do I have to be born there? Just curious.

As long as you're not a complete jerk, we'll embrace you as our own.:D

I've met stalwart New Yorkers who have found a home in Texas.
tomson75;2217032 said:
So if I move to Texas, and embrace all that it is to be a 'Texan', would I be welcomed as a Texan? Or do I have to be born there? Just curious.

all the evidence on here points to them kicking you across the Rio Grande
tomson75;2217032 said:
So if I move to Texas, and embrace all that it is to be a 'Texan', would I be welcomed as a Texan? Or do I have to be born there? Just curious.

You would be welcome just come on down and fit in with us don't ask us to change to your ways. :laugh1:
tomson75;2217032 said:
So if I move to Texas, and embrace all that it is to be a 'Texan', would I be welcomed as a Texan? Or do I have to be born there? Just curious.

We wouldn't expect you to embrace anything if truth be told. We want you to be you.

What does get us riled up, is people who relocate to our state, then start taking trash about it and us. And usually embellishing their story with how much better they did this-or-that "back home".

"Seriously dude, y'all did/had that!!??" "Cool, take I-35 N. You can probably be there in a few hours."
DallasCowpoke;2216857 said:
Thank you for posting a perfect of example of why we here, want you to stay there! Disrespectful, misinformed jerk.

BTW wannabe, it's Y'ALL. You're hyphenating the word "you".
Lordy be, you'd think I just slapped his mama or something. It seems you want to take my post, that was intended to be friendly banter, and insult me because of it. Ok. Personally, I am a little too old to engage in a serious conversation that starts with: "My state is better than your state" and actually get upset over the conversation. Whatever flips your Texas toast, though.

As they teach us in school to say "you all" up here, I haven't much experience with the spelling of y'all. But thank you for correcting my spelling of it. Next time I am writing a law brief or a correspondence to a friend, I won't embarrass myself by misspelling it, especially considering the numerous times the word is used in our everyday discourse up here.

I am misinformed about a lot of things, what I wrote is not one of them. If you would like me to write a dissertation to clarify my views on a given topic, let me know and I will get to it as soon as I can.

Ummm...I don't recall ever saying I ever wanted to go there. In fact I am perfectly happy to stay here despite your enticing display of that Texas charm I've heard so much about.
SweetDC;2217267 said:
Ok. Personally, I am a little too old to engage in a serious conversation that starts with: "My state is better than your state"

~looks again at your first post~

DallasCowpoke;2217264 said:
We wouldn't expect you to embrace anything if truth be told. We want you to be you.

What does get us riled up, is people who relocate to our state, then start taking trash about it and us. And usually embellishing their story with how much better they did this-or-that "back home".

"Seriously dude, y'all did/had that!!??" "Cool, take I-35 N. You can probably be there in a few hours."

You are not kidding. I worked with a guy who came from Michigan and all he did was try and tell us how things should be done and how great the union was. Of course I asked him if things are so damn great there then why the hell did you come down here. Leave the Yankee attitude behind, believe it or not we are not a bunch of hicks down here riding horses and wearing 10 gallon hats.
Doomsday101;2217328 said:
believe it or not we are not a bunch of hicks down here riding horses and wearing 10 gallon hats.

Speak for yourself, pod-na!


silverbear;2216638 said:
Amen and hallelujah, my brutha... I'll testify...

There are more pretty girls per square mile in that city than anywhere else on the face of the earth, I'm dead morally convinced of that...
Have you been to Venezuela? I highly recommend it.
I love Texas. I hate the weather. It's hot. Holy Moses it is hot.

If I could just transplant the state further north or just swap Montana and Texas on the map, it'd be the perfect state.
I have lived in Texas and Maryland.

I will take Texas over Maryland any day.

That comes from a person that has lived in the East for most of his life.

Well...except for El Paso, did not care for that part of texas too much.:D

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