I love Wade (very texan thread)

aardvark;2216642 said:
Yes sir silverbear! I went to TX State University in San Marcos back in the early 90s and the whole area is absolutely beautiful in scenery of landscape and the ladies. The ratio of ladies to men back then was like 7 to 1...

I could die happy in the Texas Hill country... Anyone who has never been there has absolutely missed one of the more beautiful places on earth.

You can't beat Sixth Street for good music, either...
SweetDC;2216667 said:
I'm not hatin' on you guys. Not much I can say about a state that can produce something as stellar as the Dallas Cowboys. So keep doing what you are doing because whatever it is, you're doing it right. :thumbup:

It's just you have confirmed my suspicion that there is a Texas nursery school song that teaches every wee little Texan about your history. Because you have stated almost verbatim about your Texas charter what I've heard so many times during conversation with a Texan.

Unless things have changed since I lived there, they teach Texas History in the public schools in the 3rd, 7th and 11th grades...

Of course, I lived there in the mid 60s...

Must be the large size of Texas that makes every male Texan thump his chest about it. :D

I repeat, como Tejas, no hay otro-- which means "there ain't no place like Texas"...
tomson75;2217032 said:
So if I move to Texas, and embrace all that it is to be a 'Texan', would I be welcomed as a Texan? Or do I have to be born there? Just curious.

We have a bumper sticker that answers your question:

I Wasn't Born In Texas, But I Got Here As Quick As I Could
Doomsday101;2217222 said:
You would be welcome just come on down and fit in with us don't ask us to change to your ways. :laugh1:

And never, EVER dis chicken fried steak in cream gravy, with home fries... it is the National Meal of Texas...
BrAinPaiNt;2219517 said:
I have lived in Texas and Maryland.

I will take Texas over Maryland any day.

That comes from a person that has lived in the East for most of his life.

Well...except for El Paso, did not care for that part of texas too much.:D

Grrrrrrrrr... tread easy, that's home you're talkin' about... I miss waking to smell of sulfur from the Asarco refinery... the soft haze hanging over Juarez, where I first learned what an "inversion layer" was... and the beautiful orange glow on the horizon, getting steadily bigger and bigger, as a sand storm moves in in the spring... tumbleweeds... and REAL rattlesnakes, not these wimpy timber rattlers we have around here... honest to Gawd Diamondbacks, bay-bee... :D

Seriously, I would like to drive Scenic Drive one more time at Christmas, when it looks like the folks have set out about a million luminarias... and the sunsets, never seen anything like a desert sunset going down over the mountains... I'd give anything to have another meal at the La Paloma restaurant, out by the North Gate shopping center...
silverbear;2219639 said:
Well, I DO like the thought of 16 cents a gallon gasoline... :D
Yeah it's a pretty cheap place to visit. I highly recommend it.
silverbear;2219632 said:
And never, EVER dis chicken fried steak in cream gravy, with home fries... it is the National Meal of Texas...
I had a freind's mom who made that dish, and it was awesome.

I'm hungry now.
silverbear;2219653 said:
Grrrrrrrrr... tread easy, that's home you're talkin' about... I miss waking to smell of sulfur from the Asarco refinery... the soft haze hanging over Juarez, where I first learned what an "inversion layer" was... and the beautiful orange glow on the horizon, getting steadily bigger and bigger, as a sand storm moves in in the spring... tumbleweeds... and REAL rattlesnakes, not these wimpy timber rattlers we have around here... honest to Gawd Diamondbacks, bay-bee... :D

Seriously, I would like to drive Scenic Drive one more time at Christmas, when it looks like the folks have set out about a million luminarias... and the sunsets, never seen anything like a desert sunset going down over the mountains... I'd give anything to have another meal at the La Paloma restaurant, out by the North Gate shopping center...

I will tell you something I DO miss about El Paso.

That heat lightning. Found it fascinating how long the bolts would hang up in the sky and light up the night...really beautiful.

See...there tends to be a silver lining in every situation.:D
BrAinPaiNt;2221310 said:
I will tell you something I DO miss about El Paso.

That heat lightning. Found it fascinating how long the bolts would hang up in the sky and light up the night...really beautiful.

See...there tends to be a silver lining in every situation.:D

Now I know you never misbehaved over in Juarez, or like Bob Dylan, you'd understand more...

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