I really, really thought this was the year....


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Ok lets evaluate this team from today,
special teams killed the cowboys today, 2 touchdowns scored on them because of that,

Offensive line play, on one particular play that romo had miles austin open in the end zone, proctor turns his guy lose after about 3 seconds, if proctor kept his block, would have been a touchdown

another play at end of game T O was open but romo again had to run for his life and missed the throw,

on running plays basically just alittle better running than the washington game but not much;

defense played pretty good to me, but special teams, offensive line, didnt play up to par

again, this team lacks heart, urgency, just like right before the half ended in first half, poor management by coaches and offense to manage the game, on a key play, if the cowboys had called a time out and got a critical third down, the cowboys had time and time outs, but didnt use them,

again poor play calling,

now im not saying its all the cowboys fault, the cardinals staff knows the cowboys, , one of their secodary coaches, pendecrast, todd haley, they knew us and game planned us good;

and they just said on theticket.com that flozell has a shoulder problem, and norm said, dont the cowboys have another OT, thats the point, their seems to be no accountablity on this team for special teams, offensive play, play calling at the end of the first half,

folk whiffing on the first touchdown kickoff, either curtis or rogers or carpenter turning loose players that roughed up mcbrair

just no sharp playing or urgency to this team,

time for excuses are over with, time to put up or shut up

just like felix jones, he hurt his hamstring possibly again, are the trainers working with him to keep him from straining his hamstring

even larry brown all pro cb said, this team isnt a disciplined football team, and when wade says over the air that the team went over twice on special teams, but again poor special teams play,