I still miss John Madden

The tribute they did for John Madden made me tear up. He was my favorite announcer ever. He made the game interesting and fun. RIP, John Madden. You are missed.
Me too. And Howard, Dandy Don and Frank too for that matter! And Summerall! Hell,....even Keith WHOOOOOOOOOOOAA NELLIE Jackson as well from the College game!
The tribute they did for John Madden made me tear up. He was my favorite announcer ever. He made the game interesting and fun. RIP, John Madden. You are missed.
Agreed. Great announcer and elevated the viewing of games. Also shout out to the great Pat Summeral. His game calls were superb and the way he guided and setup Madden made them the best duo ever.
I think the show was "This Week in Pro Football", Pat and Brookshier hosted it. The two were probably the most popular football announcers in the 70s, and most of their broadcasts were Cowboys games. Summerall once described their style as "two guys in a saloon having a conversation..."
Im an older fan, and the first memory I have of them, they were CBS field reporters at the Ice Bowl (1968). It may have been Brookshier who said during the game, "I need a bite of coffee to warm up."
Yeah, that's the one. I went back and watched a bunch of those on Youtube.
What I loved about listening to Madden call a game was that he wasn’t just a football guru but also a historian of the game. I learned something new , a fact , or football tidbit, every time I listened to a game.
Heard a story once from one of those Glazer/Schefter types about when they started the video game.

I’m not positive on all the specifics but it was something like they wanted to give Madden a percentage with no guarantee or anything up front. His people didn’t like that and he took a flat 50k fee with no percentage.

Ended up costing him hundreds of millions.

Again, specifics are based on memory and I’m not sure how true it was to begin with…but it was something along those lines.
The tribute they did for John Madden made me tear up. He was my favorite announcer ever. He made the game interesting and fun. RIP, John Madden. You are missed.
Me too RC. I loved football when he was announcing and now I feel like I didn’t appreciate him enough then, while he was still with us. I think he is a key part to my emotional attachment to the NFL early on.
It's been so long, I don't. I also forgot some of his Thanksgiving traditions. It was nice to see Dak bring some of that back. RIP
Madden had one of the greatest football voices, and when he wasn't mumbling and babbling he had a lot of insight
Madden was good, although his "BOOM!" and "ONE KNEE EQUALS TWO FEET" schtick was getting old IMO.
I miss Dick Enberg and Merlin Olsen duo more.
They didn't do cowboys game very often, but when they did I liked it.
Always loved when he would talk about nate and the rest of the guys on the cowboy's offensive line... cracked me up. Always though Madden made it more fun!
My Monday night football memories go back to Frank Gifford, Howard Cosell and Don Meredith...turn out the lights the party's over.
But, John Madden is the best to whomever did it. He is the epitome to that all standards are set.
Madden,Pat and john Facenda made me love the NFL
it is not the same without them
Now THERE's a name to shake the origins of our NFL. John Facenda, the Voice of Doom. If any of you have not watched one of the older game videos Facenda narrates, you haven't lived. The guy quoted Kipling and Tennyson, and may be the first one to use the term "frozen tundra" as a dramatic metaphor for a cold NFL surface. (Lamboooooow Feeeeld).
Great stuff, folks.

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