I think it's over

Exactly, who the heck could afford to give them the value. No one is going to sell the cash cow. But they still think they can fix it. The team would need to really bottom out much worse than a few blowout games. Then maybe they’d hire a GM.
Why would they EVER sell the gift that keeps on giving? Dumb Cowboys fans...
Fixed that for ya. I know tough to keep up, I was a little young when it came out and remember it from the 80s myself.

One of the best movie lines of all time.

I posted this earlier and it got deleted because he used another word for feces in the scene. You're right classic movie line. Epic
It's been on a countdown to final destiny since Jimmy left...We are finally at ground zero... Your top to money players can't even get on the same page :muttley: :facepalm:
We know. You have been saying that for a very long time.
Yep, and I think it's coming true.
I didn't say when; something this big isn't going to just stop overnight. But it has been on a trajectory that wouldn't allow it to succeed and was destined to fail.

Shea In Irving let it rip in this NSFW rant on his YouTube Channel:

NFL WEEK 6 Reaction/Recap: Pain and Misery

The Jones family will never, I repeat, NEVER sell the team.

The best we, as fans, can hope for is that Stephen lets someone truly be a GM. But that's it.
Selling the Cowboys would be like selling the goose that lays golden eggs. The Jones will never even listen to offers. Maybe Elon Musk could money whip them but doubtful.
Selling the Cowboys would be like selling the goose that lays golden eggs. The Jones will never even listen to offers. Maybe Elon Musk could money whip them but doubtful.
Jerry makes big money whether the teams wins or not.
No pressure to sell a money making losing team!!
Seems like he is following into Al Davis’s ways as he ages flash and no substance, and we are becoming the Raiders Of the NFC.
The Jones family will never, I repeat, NEVER sell the team.

The best we, as fans, can hope for is that Stephen lets someone truly be a GM. But that's it.
I agree, but I don't think Stephen will step down. He has been running the cowboys for a few years. Jerry is a figure head with veto power.
The Jones family will never, I repeat, NEVER sell the team.

The best we, as fans, can hope for is that Stephen lets someone truly be a GM. But that's it.
Im a mets fan i thought the same thing about the Wilpons and Steve Cohen saved the day. Any chance we can get jerry involved in a pyramid scheme?

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