I think it's over

That’s the disconnect….the jones don’t think this is over at all. They think and know this will brush right over like everything else does. Jerry isn’t phased by this in the slightest and that’s really the issue
Are you serious?

Belichick is on a different level to other 'retread coaches'. His attention to detail has been missing since the Parcells years.

If the players don't relate to him, the players need to go.
I agree with you - but that doesn't play here - and hasn't since Jimmy walked.
Jerry makes big money whether the teams wins or not.
No pressure to sell a money making losing team!!
Only thing is that - for all his insanity, in years past, JJ always at least wanted to win. He'd spend the money to think he could win. He often spent too much on the wrong people (fill in your favorite ;)), but his kid is another animal altogether. I've never got the impression that Stephen is the accountant who doesn't have a clue of what it takes to get the job done but, as long as his desk is tidy, it all good. JJ has never been "cheap." Stephen is.
Nfc is no longer a pushover and dak and the jones will fine that out sooner then later
the answer has jerry become al davis he's been that moron for the last 29 years it's just now on parade for every one to see
Im a mets fan i thought the same thing about the Wilpons and Steve Cohen saved the day. Any chance we can get jerry involved in a pyramid scheme?
Those two are very different.
Jerry has the most famous franchise in the world and is an attention *****. Fred Wilpon could walk damn near anywhere in NYC and not be noticed.
He saw a good deal and took it. Beautiful.
Jerry can't imagine not having the spotlight anymore. smh

I'm a Yankees fan (Born and raised in Brooklyn) and the Steinbrenner family is just like the Jones family. And barring some major scandal, the team is literally who they are....forever.
(Good luck against L.A. *Hoping for a subway series.*)
That’s the disconnect….the jones don’t think this is over at all. They think and know this will brush right over like everything else does. Jerry isn’t phased by this in the slightest and that’s really the issue
What if I was to tell you that I think the Dallas teams the past 10 years have been fun and very hopeful?

Not about some rigid, hardcore, kill or be killed absurdness...and SB or youre a loser

That the teams being 'middle of the road' and full of hope, have been more fun than early 90's, no salary cap greediness that lead to Super Bowls.

I think being a 'candidate' every year is more interesting than "3 year window, 3 year non-window"

Call me a non-fan or whatever...but I think the current philosophy, which undoubtedly favors the Owner, is actually the more interesting model to me, a casual fan.
What if I was to tell you that I think the Dallas teams the past 10 years have been fun and very hopeful?

Not about some rigid, hardcore, kill or be killed absurdness...and SB or youre a loser

That the teams being 'middle of the road' and full of hope, have been more fun than early 90's, no salary cap greediness that lead to Super Bowls.

I think being a 'candidate' every year is more interesting than "3 year window, 3 year non-window"

Call me a non-fan or whatever...but I think the current philosophy, which undoubtedly favors the Owner, is actually the more interesting model to me, a casual fan.
I’d say good for you…there’s no wrong way to fan and that I always root for the team to win and follow them regardless of how disappointed I am in them.
I do not understand how the OP can make threads like this when he has stated many times that the NFL is scripted.
If you want to not understand more ask him to explain the contradictions.
I’d say good for you…there’s no wrong way to fan and that I always root for the team to win and follow them regardless of how disappointed I am in them.
I’m losing that ability. Maybe I was in too deep. Maybe I can get to your level, but I’m afraid I’m an all or none type.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Forget it, he's on a roll....
What if I was to tell you that I think the Dallas teams the past 10 years have been fun and very hopeful?

Not about some rigid, hardcore, kill or be killed absurdness...and SB or youre a loser

That the teams being 'middle of the road' and full of hope, have been more fun than early 90's, no salary cap greediness that lead to Super Bowls.

I think being a 'candidate' every year is more interesting than "3 year window, 3 year non-window"

Call me a non-fan or whatever...but I think the current philosophy, which undoubtedly favors the Owner, is actually the more interesting model to me, a casual fan.
29 years of no hope / false hope

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