In his introductory press conference, Schottenheimer mentioned a time in training camp when Prescott threw an interception. The rule is that after throwing a pick in practice, the quarterback has to come out, but Prescott didn't want to, and the two had a tough conversation but ended up coming to a conclusion.
So, that tough conversation and conclusion probably went something like this:
"Dak, what the h... were you thinking!? You know the rules. Red - your up, get in there!"
" Scru you little man - this is my show. Red - get back in line! There's only one dude in this organization above my pay grade that can tell me what to do. Go back to your clipboard and stare at the water girl over there".
"Sorry. Just testing you bro".
I wish Shotty all the best and hope I'm wrong, but I'm not convinced yet that he has the experience to actually be the authoritarian that this current squad needs. He's been just one of them. It may be hard to command respect that this situation needs.