I want Romo to return. The Tom Brady clone can stay hurt.


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I do agree that I want to see less of the Brady clone and more of the Romo that got him the starting position in the first place.


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joseephuss;2395113 said:
Romo has not tried to be a Tom Brady clone. He just studied one little aspect of what Brady does in the pocket. That is not to drift in the pocket which can lead the QB right into a sack or pressure. He never intended not to scramble when needed. It has worked. He was sacked once every 29 passes last year. This year Romo has been sacked once every 22 passes. He has scrambled when pressured, but stands still when there is a good pocket instead of drifting forward.

Bull!!!! Stats are stats but do not tell the story.
The issue is not how many times he has gotten sacked, the issue is he now stays in the pocket longer trying to let things develop. BAD, BAD move!

Romo has been throwing the ball with people at his feet, in his face, and defenders coming from behind.

The result is because Romo is trying to stay in the pocket longer he is not breaking the pocket early enough to free himself up and see down field.

This is when he buys more time and makes BIG plays, makes the defense pay. As Strahan said earlier this year Romo is the best QB he has seen throwing on the run. It gave defenses HECK.

Anyone can see Romo is trying to stay in the pocket longer and is not using that Romo magic we are used to seeing.

He has been over coached and his best attribute has been taken away from him.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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BraveHeartFan;2395279 said:
I do agree that I want to see less of the Brady clone and more of the Romo that got him the starting position in the first place.

Going back to the Washington and Arizona games, the O-line has played like garbage for 5 weeks now. I don't want to hear about Flozell being hurt. If he is, Wade needs to sit him down. The back-up could not play any worse that what Adams is. What is the excuse for the rest of the line?

Why should we believe that Romo will be any safer behind that revolving door of a line than he was when he got hurt :mad:
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DallasEast;2392903 said:
I've almost lost all faith in this offensive line. Obviously, some, Adams in particular, are playing hurt, but playing hurt in the NFL is an excuse for not playing well enough to win.

Like it or not, this is the offensive line which Romo has to play behind. He will need his mobility of seasons past to get this offense back on track. However, if he comes back from his injury expecting that he should not scramble when the opportunity presents itself, he's going to be back on the sidelines nursing another injury, and this offense will tank again.

Come back Romo, but leave Tom behind. Please.

Romo could only wish he was the clone of a 3 time Superbowl champ, proven winner/leader, with a laser rocket arm.


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DWhite Fan;2395499 said:
Going back to the Washington and Arizona games, the O-line has played like garbage for 5 weeks now. I don't want to hear about Flozell being hurt. If he is, Wade needs to sit him down. The back-up could not play any worse that what Adams is. What is the excuse for the rest of the line?

Why should we believe that Romo will be any safer behind that revolving door of a line than he was when he got hurt :mad:

You don't have to believe. You can spend your time getting ready for next year, or jumping off the bandwagon, or running to become a fan of another team. Whatever formula works for you and the fans that like to quit in the middle of a season.

The fact that we scored more, moved the ball better, and just played better in general on offense, while he was in there, tells me that he'll do better and he'll help this offense.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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BraveHeartFan;2395518 said:
You don't have to believe. You can spend your time getting ready for next year, or jumping off the bandwagon, or running to become a fan of another team. Whatever formula works for you and the fans that like to quit in the middle of a season.

The fact that we scored more, moved the ball better, and just played better in general on offense, while he was in there, tells me that he'll do better and he'll help this offense.

Let me assure you one thing, I haven't "jumped off of the bandwagon." I have been a Cowboys fans longer than you and will be one longer than you.

The question I asked is legitimate. The o-line has done nothing to make anyone believe they can protect Romo. I want him back playing, but untill someone gets some control over this line's play , Romo will be running for his life. Not exactly a formula for success.

Think before you post next time, it would help :starspin


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DWhite Fan;2395547 said:
Let me assure you one thing, I haven't "jumped off of the bandwagon." I have been a Cowboys fans longer than you and will be one longer than you.

The question I asked is legitimate. The o-line has done nothing to make anyone believe they can protect Romo. I want him back playing, but untill someone gets some control over this line's play , Romo will be running for his life. Not exactly a formula for success.

Think before you post next time, it would help :starspin

Unless you out live me by some large margin, no you won't be a fan longer than I will.

And, again, by watching what he was able to do behind this same O-Line before he got hurt I feel that he's got plenty of ability to make plenty of plays to help us win games.

I don't know, call me crazy, but he seemed to do pretty well at it before getting hurt and I don't have any reason to believe that he won't be able to again.

And nice attempt at being witty and clever with the think before you post. That's especially hilarious coming from a person who hasn't got a clue how long someone has been a fan or how long they will be one.

Nice try though. Keep your chin up. You might actually come off as witty at some point in your life.


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I think being 6'2" he sees the field better moving around in the pocket. I think , while his stats are very good, he does not get rid of the ball nearly as quick as he used to. When he moves around he sees the field and gets rid of the ball quicker.

Could be wrong but that is the main difference I see in his game this year - the time he holds the ball!


Zone Scribe
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The issue is not how many times he has gotten sacked, the issue is he now stays in the pocket longer trying to let things develop. BAD, BAD move!

Except when waiting for things to develop leads to big play ... which it had, considering we were averaging 28 points per game with Romo ... then I bet you have no problem with it.

Typical fan nonsense.. wants all reward, but no risk. Let's blitz all the time, but let's not give up the big play. Let's have an attacking offense that throws the ball a lot, but let's not throw any interceptions. Let's make a lot of plays down the field, but let's not ask our QB to hold the ball waiting while the WR's have to run 20-30 yard routes. Let's go for it on 4th down, but if we don't convert it's a stupid decision. Let's do some trick plays to keep the defense off balance, but if it doesn't work then you're just being too cute.

To think he's getting criticized when he's putting up nearly 30 points a game ... Dallas fans don't deserve Romo. They're too stupid to enjoy what they have.


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InmanRoshi;2395588 said:
Except when waiting for things to develop leads to big play ... which it had, considering we were averaging 28 points per game with Romo ... then I bet you have no problem with it.

Typical fan nonsense.. wants all reward, but no risk. Let's blitz all the time, but let's not give up the big play. Let's have an attacking offense with a lot of low percentage passes, but let's not throw any interceptions. To think he's getting criticized when he's putting up nearly 30 points a game ... Dallas fans don't deserve Romo. They're too stupid to enjoy what they have.

Hey, hey, hey now. Let's not get crazy here. There are only a small percentage of Dallas fans that don't deserve him.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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BraveHeartFan;2395564 said:
Unless you out live me by some large margin, no you won't be a fan longer than I will.

And, again, by watching what he was able to do behind this same O-Line before he got hurt I feel that he's got plenty of ability to make plenty of plays to help us win games.

I don't know, call me crazy, but he seemed to do pretty well at it before getting hurt and I don't have any reason to believe that he won't be able to again.

And nice attempt at being witty and clever with the think before you post. That's especially hilarious coming from a person who hasn't got a clue how long someone has been a fan or how long they will be one.

Nice try though. Keep your chin up. You might actually come off as witty at some point in your life.

Poor clueless sole.....

Where, in what I have said, do you find me putting down Romo's play?

Why is Romo hurt?
Oh right, in your world, the O-line had nothing to do with it. Romo just wanted a 4 week vacation.

The o-line has played like crap, you know it and I know it. The difference is you believe that if you ignore reality, it will go away.

I want Romo to play. I just want to know why, if the o-line continues to perform the way it has, we should believe the results will change? Romo will not make the stupid mistakes of a Johnson or Bollinger, but he still needs his team to play up to their abilities. He can't win games by himself.

Thanks for playing, better luck next time......:lmao2:


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DWhite Fan;2395631 said:
Poor clueless sole.....

Where, in what I have said, do you find me putting down Romo's play?

Why is Romo hurt?
Oh right, in your world, the O-line had nothing to do with it. Romo just wanted a 4 week vacation.

The o-line has played like crap, you know it and I know it. The difference is you believe that if you ignore reality, it will go away.

I want Romo to play. I just want to know why, if the o-line continues to perform the way it has, we should believe the results will change? Romo will not make the stupid mistakes of a Johnson or Bollinger, but he still needs his team to play up to their abilities. He can't win games by himself.

Thanks for playing, better luck next time......:lmao2:

Where did I say that they'd fix all their problems? I said they'd play better because he'll make them better, as he always does.

Also having Kyle back at LG will help tremendously to this O-Line. Also having Romo back there, instead of useless QBs, pushes the safeties back away from the line, cause he can go deep, and that helps our running game which, yes, also helps the pass blocking cause they don't have to do it as often cause we won't be playing from behind on the score board, or on the chains, on every single down.

The O-Line definately got him hurt but with Romo in there he also had us in those games with chances to win where as Johnson and Brooks gave us almost no chance to ever win outside of the Tampa Bay game.

If you honestly don't see a difference between this offense with Romo in there with them and this offense without him then I don't know what to say. They're scoring, what, 14 points a game without Romo and they were scoring 28 a game with him.

They will be better with him because everything will have a better shot (Passing game and running game) with him in there and his ability to slide around, and move around, will help keep this O-Line from giving up so many poor sacks and bad plays.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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BraveHeartFan;2395649 said:
Where did I say that they'd fix all their problems? I said they'd play better because he'll make them better, as he always does.

Also having Kyle back at LG will help tremendously to this O-Line. Also having Romo back there, instead of useless QBs, pushes the safeties back away from the line, cause he can go deep, and that helps our running game which, yes, also helps the pass blocking cause they don't have to do it as often cause we won't be playing from behind on the score board, or on the chains, on every single down.

The O-Line definately got him hurt but with Romo in there he also had us in those games with chances to win where as Johnson and Brooks gave us almost no chance to ever win outside of the Tampa Bay game.

If you honestly don't see a difference between this offense with Romo in there with them and this offense without him then I don't know what to say. They're scoring, what, 14 points a game without Romo and they were scoring 28 a game with him.

They will be better with him because everything will have a better shot (Passing game and running game) with him in there and his ability to slide around, and move around, will help keep this O-Line from giving up so many poor sacks and bad plays.

I am totally in agreement with you about the fact the Romo makes the o-line better. And from what I saw yesterday from the back-up QBs, I want Romo back playing. I will say that, maybe if Wade had given Brooks the reps this week, Bollinger would have played better. He showed enough to move him Romo's back up. Johnson has played his last down in the NFL (unless you count holding for field goals)

What I am frustrated about is the play of the o-line because we (Cowboy fans) expect more from them. You are correct to say that Romo makes them better because he can move. What I worry is that Romo is going to get hurt again and be gone for the year. Even Roger Staubach got injured scrambling.

I understand Flozell is hurt and maybe the bye week will help him, it sure could not hurt. I think the team will be greatly improved after the bye. I just hope they can put a run together. I believe they will and from what I have read, you believe it too. In my book, that makes us both true Cowboys fans, Lord knows there are enough people out there writing Dallas' obituary.

If I offended you with my initial post, I apologize. I should have been more specific about my concerns.
I have all the faith in Tony Romo, I just want him to have the help he needs to accomplish what you and I know this team is capable of.

Bring on the Commanders......:starspin


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DWhite Fan;2395721 said:
I am totally in agreement with you about the fact the Romo makes the o-line better. And from what I saw yesterday from the back-up QBs, I want Romo back playing. I will say that, maybe if Wade had given Brooks the reps this week, Bollinger would have played better. He showed enough to move him Romo's back up. Johnson has played his last down in the NFL (unless you count holding for field goals)

What I am frustrated about is the play of the o-line because we (Cowboy fans) expect more from them. You are correct to say that Romo makes them better because he can move. What I worry is that Romo is going to get hurt again and be gone for the year. Even Roger Staubach got injured scrambling.

I understand Flozell is hurt and maybe the bye week will help him, it sure could not hurt. I think the team will be greatly improved after the bye. I just hope they can put a run together. I believe they will and from what I have read, you believe it too. In my book, that makes us both true Cowboys fans, Lord knows there are enough people out there writing Dallas' obituary.

If I offended you with my initial post, I apologize. I should have been more specific about my concerns.
I have all the faith in Tony Romo, I just want him to have the help he needs to accomplish what you and I know this team is capable of.

Bring on the Commanders......:starspin

Mad? Nah. We're all good man. Everyone just gets a little testy after a loss and especially after it seems like so many fans are ready to throw in the towel. We're on the same page. The O-Line needs to step up and while Romo makes them better, cause he can move, they still have to step it up cause you don't want him running for his life.

I just think we're going to be better in more than just one phase of the game on offense with him back. That might be just wishful thinking on my part, it very well could be, I just believe that we'll be better and it's not just because of Romo (though I think he's the biggest part of it) it's the other injuried guys we'll be getting back.


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I don't care which Romo comes back, as long as he comes back for the next game and plays every snap the rest of the season.


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InmanRoshi;2395588 said:
Except when waiting for things to develop leads to big play ... which it had, considering we were averaging 28 points per game with Romo ... then I bet you have no problem with it.

Typical fan nonsense.. wants all reward, but no risk. Let's blitz all the time, but let's not give up the big play. Let's have an attacking offense that throws the ball a lot, but let's not throw any interceptions. Let's make a lot of plays down the field, but let's not ask our QB to hold the ball waiting while the WR's have to run 20-30 yard routes. Let's go for it on 4th down, but if we don't convert it's a stupid decision. Let's do some trick plays to keep the defense off balance, but if it doesn't work then you're just being too cute.

To think he's getting criticized when he's putting up nearly 30 points a game ... Dallas fans don't deserve Romo. They're too stupid to enjoy what they have.

Dude this post is just stupid! Just absurd. First yes I did have a problem with it, I have said it all year. I have not liked it since I heard it. If you do not agree that is fine, your right. I believe it is a huge issue and we have seen the results since the Washington game. Nothing wrong letting things develop, but Romo is better when pressure comes to get out of the pocket and make things happen. My opinion, my right.

Second, your point 2,3,4,5,6 has nothing to do with what I said, is putting words into my mouth and is completly inaccurate. This is the dribble of a desperate man speaking off emotion and thinks he is MRS CLEO.

And 3rd your last paragraph is also wrong and putting more words in my mouth. I am not critizing Romo at all, not one bit, he is doing what he is asked to do. I AM CRITIZING THE COACHES, because I believe he has been coached this way.

InmanRoshi. I expect more from you than to speak so foolishly. If you do not know what you are talking about you would be much smarter to say nothing.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Tidbit from the 103.3 postgame show last night... Was going to start a thread on it, but this is a good place for it...

Remember when Romo was so blah on the bench in Arizona when we kicked the FG to tie it up and we were all wondering why? Wally Lynn said he was hearing from people on the team that the reason for the glum look was that Garrett and Wilson had been trying to get him to be more robotic and less spontaneous in his play, and that he was sort of rebelling and pouting because of it.

Don't know if that's true, but it was the first time I'd heard that and it would make some sense.

DWhite Fan

It ain't over 'til it's over
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percyhoward;2395749 said:
I don't care which Romo comes back, as long as he comes back for the next game and plays every snap the rest of the season.
What I am waiting to see is Romo working with Roy Williams(11). I think that combination is gonna be sweet:D


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McCordsville Cowboy;2395517 said:
Romo could only wish he was the clone of a 3 time Superbowl champ, proven winner/leader, with a laser rocket arm.
That's not the issue. Don't be a hater (just kidding).


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Chocolate Lab;2395767 said:
Tidbit from the 103.3 postgame show last night... Was going to start a thread on it, but this is a good place for it...

Remember when Romo was so blah on the bench in Arizona when we kicked the FG to tie it up and we were all wondering why? Wally Lynn said he was hearing from people on the team that the reason for the glum look was that Garrett and Wilson had been trying to get him to be more robotic and less spontaneous in his play, and that he was sort of rebelling and pouting because of it.

Don't know if that's true, but it was the first time I'd heard that and it would make some sense.

Wilson and Garrett...two average to below average QB coaches, and one somehow got himself promoted to OC. What skins do they have on their wall as far as developing QBs go? Wilson probably has one of the saddest track records as far as previous QBs go.