The auditions for People Magazine, Us Magazine, TMZ, E!, and The National Enquirer must be fierce. I hope they all get their wishes to write about Soap Operas and get hired away soon so that DMN and FWST can wish them goodbye and we can get some sportswriters to write about sports in the sports pages.
Have the stupid fools even realized that the reason Tony Romo is not talking to them is because they have abandoned the purpose of their entire employment? Meanwhile, we the fans who want to hear from Tony, are paying for their stupidity.
I know that many of you will join me in wishing them luck. It will be nice for those of you wrapped up in the paparazzi that you will have familiar voices and faces for the gossip columns. Nothing like comfortable shoes is there?
If you want Dallas Cowboys news these days you're not likely to find it at the two major news sources in the DFW area. They're too worried that Tony Romo lost his virginity and will have no legs because he violated one of Bill Parcells commandments for QBs.
Speaking of Bill Parcells, where the hell is the DFW media as it pertains to him (and Jeff Ireland

) hiring a QB Coach before naming a Head Coach? Last January and February that was all the rage in every article, with speculation that the Head Coach was merely a Jerry Puppet and he was back to his meddling ways. No equal treatment? Why am I not surprised?
I wonder if it hurts? You know, them talking out of both sides of their mouths that way? It has to hurt. Probably not as bad as the window in their stomachs though. You know the window, the one they have to open so they can see where they are going because their heads are so far up their...
Strange but true fact. The Dallas Cowboys have never played on eight days in the month of January. One of those eight days gets erased forever this Sunday when we meet the Giants in a Divisional Playoff game. If they advance to the NFC Championship they will reduce the number to six days in January that they have never played a game on that date.
I wonder which Soap Operas are the favorites of the DFW media? With luck, we'll soon know because the articles they're writing now as auditions will surely lead to their hirings and they'll finally get to talk about stuff they know about.
For football news about the Dallas Cowboys, stick to this forum and the Daily Zone. We'll find it somewhere and bring it to you. It's just harder to find these days than it used to be because the DFW media are no longer a source of this news.