I Want To Wish All Of The DFW Media Luck

DallasCowpoke;1889660 said:
Umm, yea. :confused:

The point of this is apparently lost on me. 'Cus you reading and/or replying to that thread has about as much relevance as you equating the Romo/Simpson media firestorm to one outlet et al.
Yeah, you're lost and have been from the get go.

One last time for clarity. I didn't equate it to one outlet. I called out one outlet for participating in it when the most important game in 11 years is on the horizon.

I have repeatedly told you that I do not care about the National media reporting on it. I told you I don't care about people replying to it. This is now the third time I am telling you that the DFW media being hip deep in it is what bothers me. I don't care who started it. They are party to it. I don't know what's so hard to grasp about that.
Hostile;1889741 said:
I have repeatedly told you that I do not care about the National media reporting on it. I told you I don't care about people replying to it. This is now the third time I am telling you that the DFW media being hip deep in it is what bothers me. I don't care who started it. They are party to it. I don't know what's so hard to grasp about that.

Probably, mostly, why what by all appears to be an educated person, is so blindly ignorant to an incredibly common and simplistic, reoccurring scenario.

Honestly Hos, it reminds me of the "hook-line-sinker" post from earlier this week.
Woods;1888350 said:

I think A Breer actually does a good job, but he probably hasn't been here long enough to get ruined . . . . Hopefully, he'll continue to do his homework and present articles with facts, stats, and insight.

I think Breer does a great job. His statistical analysis is right on.

On the other hand, Reeves from the Star Telegram is a gossip columnist.
Hostile;1889390 said:
If you want to do something fun, go to the front page of the Fan Zone and find that thread. It's near the bottom of the page. Towards the right hand side you see a link for "Replies" and you can click on this link.

When you do this it will give you a list of everyone who has posted in that thread.

Do you see my name in the list of replies?

When you come to the inevitable conclusion that you do not, I have an experiment for you to try. Fill a bucket with water and stick your hand in the bucket. Pull your hand out and look back at the water. The hole you see left in the water is how much I care about that thread or any of the others that caused me to post a gripe thread.

Not only have I not responded in that thread, I have not read a single reply in it. I flat out do NOT care if she is at the game or not and never have. I don't think it has one thing to do with how Tony Romo plays and never have.

I don't care if the material gets posted on the site or not. I can exercise my right not to read it and I do. As I said earlier, I do not care if the national media wants to wallow in this. I don't care if posters want to. That's their business. The point of this thread is, and always has been, that we have a meaningful playoff game for the first time in forever and the DFW sportswriters are tripping over themselves to get right in the middle of a non-sports story. I should applaud them instead?

Not going to happen.

:hammer: Tell it to them Hos!

It is absolutely ridiculous to blame Tony for not "asking permission" from the mediots to live his life. I give Romo props for refusing to bow to these knucleheads' wishes.
superpunk;1888316 said:
This is the only place I get sports news from, basically. Nowhere else is worth the trouble. Thanks for all the hard work, from everyone who supplies this place with great articles, talking points and discussion.

I wholeheartedly agree! I quit reading that rag known as the DMN many years ago and don't miss it a bit. I don't live in Texas so I don't get a lot of the "home town" but that's fine by me as they seem to be more interested in digging up dirt than on reporting on the team. Nothing but tabloid journalists as I have said for years.

This is the place I come for news and opinions about the Dallas Cowboys. It is far and away the best place on the web for information on the team I love.

My thanks to all who contribute here, you folks are the best. :starspin
DallasCowpoke;1889660 said:
Umm, yea. :confused:

The point of this is apparently lost on me. 'Cus you reading and/or replying to that thread has about as much relevance as you equating the Romo/Simpson media firestorm to one outlet et al.

Regrettably, media demonization is nothing new in these parts. Psychologists call it "displacement." Rather than concede that Tony made an error in judgment (duh), it's much easier to vilify people for simply doing their jobs. Any sports editor in the DFW area who didn't pursue this angle would be fired, because like it it not, it's big ****ing news. Furthermore, it's not the media's job to help this team over the finish line or bury bad/inconvenient news. If you want mindless boosterism, check out Steve Serby's columns in the NY Post. The media didn't make Tony take a vacation with a starlet who's stalked by paparazzi 24/7. Either he thought he could keep the trip secret (a longshot when you're dating Simpson), or he just didn't care how it would look. His only "sin" is lack of discretion.

Tony's pretty unflappable, so I don't expect this brouhaha to affect him on Sunday. If he's a media "victim," it's of his own making.
bbgun;1889795 said:
Regrettably, media demonization is nothing new in these parts. Psychologists call it "displacement." Rather than concede that Tony made an error in judgment (duh), it's much easier to vilify people for simply doing their jobs. Any sports editor in the DFW area who didn't pursue this angle would be fired, because like it it not, it's big ****ing news. Furthermore, it's not the media's job to help this team over the finish line or bury bad/inconvenient news. If you want mindless boosterism, check out Steve Serby's columns in the NY Post. The media didn't make Tony take a vacation with a starlet who's stalked by paparazzi 24/7. Either he thought he could keep the trip secret (a longshot when you're dating Simpson), or he just didn't care how it would look. His only "sin" is lack of discretion.

Tony's pretty unflappable, so I don't expect this brouhaha to affect him on Sunday. If he's a media "victim," it's of his own making.

It's not news. He went on a 90 minute plane trip with his girlfriend to a private hotel when the team was given a few days off during their bye week. Somehow the media wants to believe that Romo is the only whacko that would do this in the entire league. I know it doesn't happen as living in Atlanta over the years I've seen several high profile players who come to Atlanta because they have family here during their days off during a bye week (and they are up late as well).

What's sad is that the media themselves will actually acknowledge this, but they lay behind the "it doesn't matter, the perception is there and perception is stronger than reality" excuse. The only sin Romo made was that his girlfriend is extremely famous. But what do you expect from the same crowd that ate up the "Camp Cupcake" storyline hook, line and sinker?

thinks its obvious that Albert Breer is instantly a fan favorite hear for his straight forward analysis
Rack;1889593 said:
Spags is probably the worst of them all.

Spags really hurt himself with the entire Quincy agenda. That and he writes like a 7th grader.

I can't believe anybody would say Spags is worse than Galloway or JFE. Galloway is just out of the loop and we know his agenda (i.e. Jerry sucks) which has been going on for eons. JFE is horrendous. Probably one of the worst writers I've ever had the displeasure reading. Very uninspiring.

Yakuza Rich;1889808 said:
It's not news. He went on a 90 minute plane trip with his girlfriend to a private hotel when the team was given a few days off during their bye week. Somehow the media wants to believe that Romo is the only whacko that would do this in the entire league. I know it doesn't happen as living in Atlanta over the years I've seen several high profile players who come to Atlanta because they have family here during their days off during a bye week (and they are up late as well).

What's sad is that the media themselves will actually acknowledge this, but they lay behind the "it doesn't matter, the perception is there and perception is stronger than reality" excuse. The only sin Romo made was that his girlfriend is extremely famous. But what do you expect from the same crowd that ate up the "Camp Cupcake" storyline hook, line and sinker?

thinks its obvious that Albert Breer is instantly a fan favorite hear for his straight forward analysis

I see you are getting tired of hearing that lame logic as well.
Hostile;1889390 said:
If you want to do something fun, go to the front page of the Fan Zone and find that thread. It's near the bottom of the page. Towards the right hand side you see a link for "Replies" and you can click on this link.

When you do this it will give you a list of everyone who has posted in that thread.

Do you see my name in the list of replies?

When you come to the inevitable conclusion that you do not, I have an experiment for you to try. Fill a bucket with water and stick your hand in the bucket. Pull your hand out and look back at the water. The hole you see left in the water is how much I care about that thread or any of the others that caused me to post a gripe thread.

Not only have I not responded in that thread, I have not read a single reply in it. I flat out do NOT care if she is at the game or not and never have. I don't think it has one thing to do with how Tony Romo plays and never have.

I don't care if the material gets posted on the site or not. I can exercise my right not to read it and I do. As I said earlier, I do not care if the national media wants to wallow in this. I don't care if posters want to. That's their business. The point of this thread is, and always has been, that we have a meaningful playoff game for the first time in forever and the DFW sportswriters are tripping over themselves to get right in the middle of a non-sports story. I should applaud them instead?

Not going to happen.

Hos my brother, you are the man! You and Big Dog Cowboy can speak for me anytime because you guys think and feel a lot like I do.

It is a pleasure to be a fan with guy like you two. :bow:
DallasCowpoke;1889758 said:
Probably, mostly, why what by all appears to be an educated person, is so blindly ignorant to an incredibly common and simplistic, reoccurring scenario.

Honestly Hos, it reminds me of the "hook-line-sinker" post from earlier this week.
You're very protective of the DFW metro area DC. I know that. You're reading way too much into what I am saying and you're not really grasping the point. You're so focused on protecting the integrity of the DFW media because it is your media that you're letting everything else do a fly by.

I know the scenario is recurring. I know other outlets report on it. I know it is common. I don't care.

There is no hook, line, and sinker because the DFW media has not suckered me into anything. If anything they have been suckered into writing crap by the national media. It's like they think they will get criticized if the Mexico angle is not covered. But by all means go right on with not grasping the point. If you keep stretching you might actually reach something eventually.
THUMPER;1889847 said:
Hos my brother, you are the man! You and Big Dog Cowboy can speak for me anytime because you guys think and feel a lot like I do.

It is a pleasure to be a fan with guy like you two. :bow:
Thank you.
bbgun;1889795 said:
Regrettably, media demonization is nothing new in these parts. Psychologists call it "displacement." Rather than concede that Tony made an error in judgment (duh), it's much easier to vilify people for simply doing their jobs. Any sports editor in the DFW area who didn't pursue this angle would be fired, because like it it not, it's big ****ing news. Furthermore, it's not the media's job to help this team over the finish line or bury bad/inconvenient news. If you want mindless boosterism, check out Steve Serby's columns in the NY Post. The media didn't make Tony take a vacation with a starlet who's stalked by paparazzi 24/7. Either he thought he could keep the trip secret (a longshot when you're dating Simpson), or he just didn't care how it would look. His only "sin" is lack of discretion.

Tony's pretty unflappable, so I don't expect this brouhaha to affect him on Sunday. If he's a media "victim," it's of his own making.

Not that I disagree with you, but out of curiousity, how did Tony Romo make an error in judgement?
mickgreen58;1890117 said:
Not that I disagree with you, but out of curiousity, how did Tony Romo make an error in judgement?

He didn't invite you and me along on the trip. We could have taken out the photogs. Wouldn't you take a bullet for Tony? I would.
Hostile;1889888 said:
Thank you.

Second the motion...Second the motion...Second the motion!!!
Thanks,Hos. This **** is getting soooo old.

I'm proud to say we got you on our board....After all,look what the Stinks got on their board....ART!!!!
mickgreen58;1888305 said:
To be honest, alot of major newspapers in others cities do the same thing.

Regardless, I have never really been a huge fan of most of the writers in Dallas/Ft. Worth anyway.

Major Newspapers adopted the "tabloid" philosophy years ago.
Gotta sell the papers.

Newspapers are a dying culture. They have been busted a few times by adding ghostreaders to their sales tally.
Hostile;1888469 said:
If someone wants to, by all means, be my guest. Should I bold the part about we can't hear from Tony Romo because of their stupidity?


I can't. Too slimy. Must be from their drool.

If I said what I really think about this paparazzi crap I'd get banned. But I guarantee you it would be an enjoyable read.


PM it to me Hos, "Enquiring mind want to know!" :bow:

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