I wonder if all bears' fans are this stupid...

Some more from that same moronic Bears fan:

Reason why I say that about the Cowboys, and why I hate them:

1) SELF PROCLAIMED "America's Team" - That just pisses me off to every extent.

2) Those Super Bowls were pretty much bought. All those players on one team, give me a break. You have no right to be COCKY about such a thing. Only reason the Cowboys were a "dynasty" was because they tossed money to any player with a lot of talent. And they kept their players which they drafted who had a lot of talent already. Did they do a good job drafting, yes. I won't deny that. However, to pay for that kind of talent, and pay for your own "home grown" talent becomes quite expensive. They more than likely would have won one or two Super Bowls in the 90's with a cap. However, today that wouldn't happen (Exactly why it hasn't happened in this century for the Cowboys).

3) Cocky Cowboys fans who don't know when to quit.

And another...

... Don't insult my intelligance by calling what I say moronic. If you do that, it will lead to issues. Don't start, I didn't insult you. I called you a cocky Cowboys fan. Which you are. I didn't insult you or your intelligance. Unless being called a "Cocky Cowboys" fan affends you. Which it really shouldn't. Every fan is cocky, but in my expierences, Cowboys fans are more cocky than 99% of 49ers fans, who rocked the Cowboys. They are even more cocky than MOST Packer Fans. The only fans worse than Cocky Cowboys fans are Cocky Cubs fans. (Don't even get me started.)

I understood football then, and I do now. I knew that they "bought" their team. However, Understand what I am saying. I'm not saying Bought as in how the Yankee's bought their team. No. I'm saying with a Salary cap, they wouldn't be able to pay for that team over that period of time. People would hold out, demand more money.

I'm saying you guys drafted well. But in today's Free Agency, that wouldn't work. All those good players would demand lots of money after the 2nd Super Bowl win. They would hold out, and the Cowboys would be forced to get rid of many of them. I'm sorry, they weren't the "non-greedy" NE Patriots (for the most part.) Ex: Michael Irvin

For Example: The Bears Drafted most of their players for the 2001 team, except the QBs. That team is almost completely gone now, because of the Salary Cap. Its just a fact.

And...even if you still call what I said the dumbest thing ever heard, remember this. John Madden talks a lot.

Think that over.

I didn't think it was possible for a human being to be that completely moronic.
Ashwynn said:
If your opne piece away, you trade for that piece, have you not just bought the last piece of your team. He was not on your team before. regardless of how you got him, you went out and got him didn't you. If your talking a stereo or TV, you buy it, you cant buy a person, perse, but you can consumate the act of buying a person via FAy or trade.

Haley was bought and paid for.

Your right, most teams do buy thiers, look at Pats, buying a disgruntled Corey Dillon only to straighten him out and win another SB, that was bought. No issues here, thats the way business is done in the NFL.

You're not even fooling yourself with that argument. Every team in the history of the NFL that has ever won a Superbowl had a player that was traded for or "resigned". We're not debating that. We're debating over the fact that the Bears fan is making accusations that we just overspent on alot of Free Agents to stock up on talent, which is how we found success. This is 100% bs and not true. Give it up. Seriously.
Rack said:
I wonder if all Bears fans are this stupid...

YES!!!! Next question:laugh2: :laugh2:

Seriously I got into a few arguments this past season with a Bears' fan up at work. He was another Cowboys hater. Every time I mentioned the 5 Lombardi trophies we have, he'd go straight to... The Bulls!??!?!?!?! He was like, yeah what have the Mavs done? It never failed. I always considered that a win for the argument.
Ashwynn said:
I know that, but we still had to pay the man, We bought him. In one way or another. Call it what you like, Jones bought those 90's trophies. Only pple that cant see things for what they are would say otherwise.

Oh brother. We pay everyone on the team, whether they're drafted, traded for, or signed onto the team aftering being a (un)restricted free agent.

What does that have to do with "buying" a team? The latter is a reference used for having considerable pieces of your team through FA, which didn't exist until the last SB that Jones won and we got only Deion.

This argument can't be applied to the 90s Cowboys. It can be applied now, but still there is a difference between "buying" a team, and developing your own talent as well as adding components through FA, which I wouldn't consider buying. Just how it works now because of FA.

And yes, I think the Chicago wind blew this guys' brains out of his ear.
Spoken by a man who's team bought them some Super Bowls. (He was replying to a cowboys fan)

And before you say they were all "Drafted" (At least the big 3 on offense), I would like to see them keep all those great players with a salary cap. It wouldn't happen. They still could have won, but probably not as many.

Especially with that offensive line they had. No way that happens today. Thats why the Cowboys are in their rightful place.


"The Dallas Cowboys greatness is merely a figment of the NFL's collective imagination. They do not, nor have they ever done anything without the aid of cheating. The Chicago Bears are easily the greatest sports franchise in the history of forever, and though we only have 1 title, we clearly are the face of the NFL.

Also, Soldier Field is most cetainly not the crappiest stadium in the NFL.

That is all."
Ashwynn said:
I know that, but we still had to pay the man, We bought him. In one way or another. Call it what you like, Jones bought those 90's trophies. Only pple that cant see things for what they are would say otherwise.

he did? the fact that guys like Nate Newton, Mark Tuinei, Michael irvin and Ken Norton were here before he bought the team, and drafting Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Darryl Johnston, Alvin Harper, Erik Williams, Mark Stepnoski, Larry Allen, Kevin Williams, Tony Tolbert, Russell Maryland, Leon Lett, Jimmie Jones, Robert Jones, Dixon Edwards, Darrin Smith, Godfrey Myles, Kevin Smith, Larry Brown, Darren Woodson, Brock Marion & Kenny Gant, then acquiring via trade guys like Thomas Everett, Tony Casillas and Charles Haley...along with using Plan B free agency to get Jay Novecek is an example of someone "buying" a championship?

yeah...I guess "*** are you talking about?" would be pretty approriate

It sounds like some people don't realize that the salary cap and free agency started in 1993, just a few months after our first Super Bowl win of the 1990s, or that Deion Sanders was signed a full three years into the salary-cap era. During those first three seasons of the salary cap, we signed a grand total of FIVE free agents and LOST 21 free agents. Despite that, we still won the Super Bowl after two of those three seasons (then promptly lost six more players in the next year free agency, including five starters). Over the first five seasons of free agency, we signed six players and lost 33 players. Yeah, we bought those Super Bowls alright.
AdamJT13 said:
It sounds like some people don't realize that the salary cap and free agency started in 1993, just a few months after our first Super Bowl win of the 1990s, or that Deion Sanders was signed a full three years into the salary-cap era. During those first three seasons of the salary cap, we signed a grand total of FIVE free agents and LOST 21 free agents. Despite that, we still won the Super Bowl after two of those three seasons (then promptly lost six more players in the next year free agency, including five starters). Over the first five seasons of free agency, we signed six players and lost 33 players. Yeah, we bought those Super Bowls alright.


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