Idaho's Rules of the Road

Reverend Conehead

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I used to live in America's armpit, also known as Idaho. In case anyone ever visits there, I'm posting their rules of the road. You can add some rules if you know any.

Idaho's Rules of the Road
1. The left lane is the "road is road" lane. Drive slow in it if you want -- or drive like the Indy 500 and tailgait some slowpoke, and then weave in and out of traffic, flipping everyone off, as if everyone else was responsible for the one slow poke.
2. The right shoulder of the freeway = passing lane
3. If there's snow and ice on the road, SPEED UP!
4. If you're stuck in traffic, honk your horn! Honking clears up accidents and road construction.
5. If you need to exit the freeway, always wait until the last possible instant, and then abruptly, without signaling, cut across 4 lanes to just barely make it.
6. Remove your muffler, especially if you have some huge truck, and then race through residential neighborhoods as fast as possible, preferably when kids are present. Hold drag races there at 3 AM.
7. Same as above, except do that in school zones.
8. If you own some gaudy, souped-up car with way too much chrome, that entitles you to two parking spaces. Don't worry if a parking lot is mostly full. If you find two spaces together, park diagonally, taking up them both.
9. The way to tell if you're too close to the car in front of you is if you hit its bumper.
10. Motorcycles have no right to share the road with you. Cut them off.
11. Apparently the best state to find like-minded neighbors if you’re doomsday prepping.

I was reading a recent article about the separatist and doomsday movements that live in that area of the country. I’ve known about it for a long time, but it was interesting reading some of those stories. One by one, people just buying up tracts of land from East Washington through Idaho to Montana and making their own doomsday household as appropriate for their particular conspiracy or doomsday prophecy. One guy builds his home on a hill because he believes the world will end through flooding, one family builds an underground bunker because they believe it will be through nuclear war, and one area only allows Christians because the leader thinks they are the only people who will still have morales about life, and living by the Ten Commandments, when all hell breaks loose. I played that shoot ‘em up video game Far Cry 5 about the religious doomsday cult in the NW USA (a lot of fun BTW if you haven’t) and not sure it’s very far from the truth up in some areas of the country.
I would love to fund a trip for Conehead to go to Los Angeles to enjoy the 405, 101 and the I5. That write-up would be hilarious! :laugh:
I would love to fund a trip for Conehead to go to Los Angeles to enjoy the 405, 101 and the I5. That write-up would be hilarious! :laugh:
Oh, I've been there. It's so bad in California that they might as well confiscate all cars and build train tracks where all the major highways are now, and just replace driving with a local train system. California is the wild west of incompetent drivers. Almost everyone on the road has no business even having a license. Maybe it makes the job of California cop simple. They could legitimately pull over any driver they encounter. Problem is, every driver is so bad that they deserve to be arrested, and I don't think they have enough jail space for that. If you find yourself upset at a stadium full of 49er fans, just feel bad for them. Every person there has about a fifty percent chance of getting killed on their drive home. Californians are definitely the worst drivers in the country. They should just section off a huge area of land to turn into a massive tent prison, and then just arrest every driver and send them there. It would have to be run by people from other states because you have to arrest and imprison every single Californian who drives. Then you would have to send them all through a drivers ed course run by sane people from other states, and you could release people one-by-one as they graduate. Did I just say we should arrest every California driver? YES! They're that bad, and they deserve to be arrested anyway for rooting for the 49ers.
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I used to live in America's armpit, also known as Idaho. In case anyone ever visits there, I'm posting their rules of the road. You can add some rules if you know any.

Idaho's Rules of the Road
1. The left lane is the "road is road" lane. Drive slow in it if you want -- or drive like the Indy 500 and tailgait some slowpoke, and then weave in and out of traffic, flipping everyone off, as if everyone else was responsible for the one slow poke.
2. The right shoulder of the freeway = passing lane
3. If there's snow and ice on the road, SPEED UP!
4. If you're stuck in traffic, honk your horn! Honking clears up accidents and road construction.
5. If you need to exit the freeway, always wait until the last possible instant, and then abruptly, without signaling, cut across 4 lanes to just barely make it.
6. Remove your muffler, especially if you have some huge truck, and then race through residential neighborhoods as fast as possible, preferably when kids are present. Hold drag races there at 3 AM.
7. Same as above, except do that in school zones.
8. If you own some gaudy, souped-up car with way too much chrome, that entitles you to two parking spaces. Don't worry if a parking lot is mostly full. If you find two spaces together, park diagonally, taking up them both.
9. The way to tell if you're too close to the car in front of you is if you hit its bumper.
10. Motorcycles have no right to share the road with you. Cut them off.
Then you have never lived in Newark, or San Francisco, or about 100 other places in the US.
Frankly looking at so many of your posts I would be more likely to do the exact opposite of what you have recommended.
Then you have never lived in Newark, or San Francisco, or about 100 other places in the US.
Frankly looking at so many of your posts I would be more likely to do the exact opposite of what you have recommended.
I used to live in northern California and drove through San Francisco all the time. It's pretty bad, but not as bad as Idaho. In SF, you have to be prepared to slow down from 75 MPH or faster to 5 MPH in about half a second. They're lucky they don't have snow and ice there. That would never work in a lot of cities, and sometimes it doesn't work there. They get collisions even without the ice. I don't think they're quite as stupid about weaving in and out of traffic as in Boise though. The shoulders are used like extra lanes for passing there.
Idahoan here. Not sure having this kind of geography in your back yard would be considered an armpit of America.

Boise is consistently in every top 10 best list there is and is one of the fastest growing metros in the nation.

Where do you live now? Omaha? What kind of things does Nebraska have to offer? Go ahead, I'll wait..........................
Idahoan here. Not sure having this kind of geography in your back yard would be considered an armpit of America.

Boise is consistently in every top 10 best list there is and is one of the fastest growing metros in the nation.

Where do you live now? Omaha? What kind of things does Nebraska have to offer? Go ahead, I'll wait..........................
I apologize. There's plenty of great stuff about Idaho, and I met some cool people while I was there. I just had a bad experience there overall because we had a neighbor there who hated Jews and kept sending me hate mail, vandalized our house with swastikas, and poisoned my roommate's dog, nearly killing it. She was careful so that it would be hard to prove it was her. The irony is, I'm not even Jewish. I just have a last name that can be mistaken for that, not that that really makes a difference. I suspended my hobby of shooting a rifle at the gun range because one of her pieces of hate mail implied that I would have an "accident" there. There's plenty of things that make Idaho a great place. My cousin lives in McCall, which is beautiful. My experience got tainted by a sick loser, and I guess I let my frustration show. Apologies for that. I didn't set out to put down your home turf.
I apologize. There's plenty of great stuff about Idaho, and I met some cool people while I was there. I just had a bad experience there overall because we had a neighbor there who hated Jews and kept sending me hate mail, vandalized our house with swastikas, and poisoned my roommate's dog, nearly killing it. She was careful so that it would be hard to prove it was her. The irony is, I'm not even Jewish. I just have a last name that can be mistaken for that, not that that really makes a difference. I suspended my hobby of shooting a rifle at the gun range because one of her pieces of hate mail implied that I would have an "accident" there. There's plenty of things that make Idaho a great place. My cousin lives in McCall, which is beautiful. My experience got tainted by a sick loser, and I guess I let my frustration show. Apologies for that. I didn't set out to put down your home turf.
You will find garbage like that everywhere. That kind is the worst because they are slick enough to not get nailed by the police.
You will find garbage like that everywhere. That kind is the worst because they are slick enough to not get nailed by the police.
True. I encountered some of the worst humanity has to offer. They made further attempts to poison the dog as well. We had a back yard with a good quality fence that the dog could not get out of, so it was legal in that area to let it run off-leash as long as it stayed in the yard, which it did. Coincidentally, either someone else had a similar-looking dog, or there was a stray like it, that would run freely through the neighborhood, and my roommate got blamed for letting his dog run free, when he actually didn't do that. So these sickos soaked some lunch meat in antifreeze and threw it in the back yard. Of course, the dog didn't know any better than to eat it. So then the dog started throwing up over and over, and my roommate wasn't home, and I couldn't reach him on his cell. I rushed the dog to the vet, and they saved his life. My roommate had to quit letting the dog into his own yard unsupervised because anti-freeze meat kept showing up there. They tried numerous times to kill that dog, which was not even the same dog that kept running through the neighborhood off leash. I don't know how anyone could hurt an innocent dog. That was really messed up.
But you're right. There are sick loons like that all over.
True. I encountered some of the worst humanity has to offer. They made further attempts to poison the dog as well. We had a back yard with a good quality fence that the dog could not get out of, so it was legal in that area to let it run off-leash as long as it stayed in the yard, which it did. Coincidentally, either someone else had a similar-looking dog, or there was a stray like it, that would run freely through the neighborhood, and my roommate got blamed for letting his dog run free, when he actually didn't do that. So these sickos soaked some lunch meat in antifreeze and threw it in the back yard. Of course, the dog didn't know any better than to eat it. So then the dog started throwing up over and over, and my roommate wasn't home, and I couldn't reach him on his cell. I rushed the dog to the vet, and they saved his life. My roommate had to quit letting the dog into his own yard unsupervised because anti-freeze meat kept showing up there. They tried numerous times to kill that dog, which was not even the same dog that kept running through the neighborhood off leash. I don't know how anyone could hurt an innocent dog. That was really messed up.
But you're right. There are sick loons like that all over.
Did you guys ever think about looking around and talking to some of the other neighbors? Might have been able to get some people together and look for ways to traps these POS's.

Friend of mine had the same thing happen in Kentucky; not far from Louisville. That is what he did; got enough help to have someone watching and called the County Sheriff and got them red handed. Kentucky is tough on things like that and those POS's ended up doing five years in the state pen.
Did you guys ever think about looking around and talking to some of the other neighbors? Might have been able to get some people together and look for ways to traps these POS's.

Friend of mine had the same thing happen in Kentucky; not far from Louisville. That is what he did; got enough help to have someone watching and called the County Sheriff and got them red handed. Kentucky is tough on things like that and those POS's ended up doing five years in the state pen.
That's awesome. Thanks. Your post was music to my ears. Yeah, that would have been a good idea. However, I was so focused on how I was going to escape out of there that I didn't give much else any thought.
I used to plow snow and drive various trucks for the New Jersey Turnpike until I got sick of it. I could go on for a while about roadway stupidity, but I won't. I'll tell you one thing that always gave me a chuckle. After every snow event people would call and complain that their car was hit with salt.
I used to plow snow and drive various trucks for the New Jersey Turnpike until I got sick of it. I could go on for a while about roadway stupidity, but I won't. I'll tell you one thing that always gave me a chuckle. After every snow event people would call and complain that their car was hit with salt.
Those complainers actually got their way in Denver, at least that was the case when I lived there. They didn't use salt on the roads against snow. Instead, they used sand. Sand doesn't work anywhere near as good.
Those complainers actually got their way in Denver, at least that was the case when I lived there. They didn't use salt on the roads against snow. Instead, they used sand. Sand doesn't work anywhere near as good.
Yeah, that's a city. People in cities tend to complain. I also see that Denver has a rich history of being cheap when it comes to snow removal.

Check out this complaint. A lot of people that lived near the roadway complained that it was too loud when it rained. No joke. They actually came up with something. An experimental roadway surface called quiet pave. It looks just like the rest of the blacktop, but upon closer inspection it's slightly more porous.

Luckily they chose to only put it down on a 1-2 mile stretch. While it was quieter when it rained, it's nearly impossible to de-ice. The result is many accidents every year.
Yeah, that's a city. People in cities tend to complain. I also see that Denver has a rich history of being cheap when it comes to snow removal.

Check out this complaint. A lot of people that lived near the roadway complained that it was too loud when it rained. No joke. They actually came up with something. An experimental roadway surface called quiet pave. It looks just like the rest of the blacktop, but upon closer inspection it's slightly more porous.

Luckily they chose to only put it down on a 1-2 mile stretch. While it was quieter when it rained, it's nearly impossible to de-ice. The result is many accidents every year.
Oh, brother. Yeah, some people live to complain. I follow a Youtuber named Don's Family Vacations. That guy reviews various cruises. He had one video about people who complained that a ship had to cut short its stay in a port because a storm was on its way there. So the idea was to get out of there and sail way from the storm and maybe find some unaffected port to go to. I forget whether it was a tropical storm or a hurricane. Either way, it was really bad news for a cruise ship, so their captain was smart to get away from it. Yet, some goobers moaned and whined and demanded that they stay in the port. They were sure nothing bad would happen. They thought they knew better than the meteorologists or the captain. What a bunch of bellyachers. The captain was trying to get them out of there for their own safety.
Oh, brother. Yeah, some people live to complain. I follow a Youtuber named Don's Family Vacations. That guy reviews various cruises. He had one video about people who complained that a ship had to cut short its stay in a port because a storm was on its way there. So the idea was to get out of there and sail way from the storm and maybe find some unaffected port to go to. I forget whether it was a tropical storm or a hurricane. Either way, it was really bad news for a cruise ship, so their captain was smart to get away from it. Yet, some goobers moaned and whined and demanded that they stay in the port. They were sure nothing bad would happen. They thought they knew better than the meteorologists or the captain. What a bunch of bellyachers. The captain was trying to get them out of there for their own safety.
What would be the point of staying? Was the cruise filled with storm chasers? Then I could see. Other than that, why would you want to be under a tropical storm? It's not like you can go anywhere during the storm, everything is closed.
What would be the point of staying? Was the cruise filled with storm chasers? Then I could see. Other than that, why would you want to be under a tropical storm? It's not like you can go anywhere during the storm, everything is closed.
Morons do not need an excuse to be morons.
What would be the point of staying? Was the cruise filled with storm chasers? Then I could see. Other than that, why would you want to be under a tropical storm? It's not like you can go anywhere during the storm, everything is closed.
They're just idiots who can't think that far in advance. I was in a hurricane when I lived in Hawaii, and, believe me, it totally gets rid of any beach fun you can have there. If you were ridiculous to go to the beach anyway, it could get you killed. Even if that ship didn't find some other port, it would be way, way better to just enjoy a sea day away from that storm. But, yeah, gtb1943 is right. Morons gonna just be morons.
I remember hurricane Sandy when it hit NJ. It wasn't even a hurricane by the time it hit. It was either a tropical storm or depression. I never seen anything like it. I can't imagine what a cat. 2 or 3 hurricane would look like. If I was just visiting, I'd be long gone before that hit.

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