Idea for how to keep Dak, but also fix this defence


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Our defence is absolutely pathetic. I know, I know, that is obvious. However, we saw last night another problem. We need Dak. I know, those of you that don't like Dak will probably never come to terms with this. However, I think last night's showing provided a great example as to why we need Dak. He's the heart and soul of this team. The offense was completely heartless and looked obviously like they were without their pack leader. If you plan to have any success in the NFL, you must have a QB. We have that in Dak. Furthermore, let's face it. We lucked into Romo and Dak. Aside from those two, our track record since Aikman has been pitiful! Leaf, Storner, Hutchinson, Carter, Testeverde, Bledsoe, and all the QBs we've had backing up Romo and Dak. None of them have been good. If you still want Dak gone, do you trust that Jerry will select a great QB? Mind you, our only 1st round QB that we've taken since Jerry became the owner was Aikman. Plus, with a 1st, we have MUCH more pressing needs than QB if we keep Dak. If you let Dak walk, you open an even BIGGER problem for the team. So, with all of that, I think it is imperative that we keep Dak. However, in doing that, I think we have some difficult decisions to make. Additionally, we MUST fix this atrocious defence AND try to rebuild our oline if possible.

There is good news however. I think this team is heading for a high pick IF we don't win the division. I hate the thought of surrendering. However, I think last night became clear that we're probably not going anywhere without Dak. Let's say we finish 2nd in the NFC East and miss the playoffs at 5-11 (because this division is that bad). That should give us, say, perhaps the 8th pick. I think the first thing we should do is see who we can trade down with to get a few extra picks. We will need a lot of picks to fix this defence.

Here are a few other moves that we should make to help with the cap and/or give us extra draft picks:

1, Cutting Tyron Crawford saves us cap space, and it's not like he's been helping us at all. In fact, he had an idiotic taunting penalty against him last night despite getting torched by Kyler Murray. So, no real loss there if we cut him.

2. Try to trade Cedric Wilson. This is one of those tough decisions I was talking about. I like Cedric a lot, and I vouched heavily for him to be picked by us. However, he's a tradeable. Now, before anyone lambasts me about trading him, we need to start making some moves to fix this defence, and we're probably not going anywhere this year. I'd sell high on Wilson soon. There are teams that need WRs, and we can probably get a good pick for him. We got him in the 6th round. I think we realistically could get him for a 3rd depending on how badly a team might need a slot WR (which I think Wilson has proven to be capable of being). For example, the Titans look great and may need a a slot WR to help take their offense to the next level. I think we could get a 3 from them for Cedric Wilson.

3. I'd also look to try to trade Blake Jarwin in the offseason. I think we can get a good pick for him, and Schultz has proven to be a solid TE for us. This makes Jarwin tradeable for us. So, maybe we can see what we get for him too. I think a 2nd round pick for Jarwin is feasible, but, given his ACL, a 3rd may be more reasonable. So, for discussion sake, let's call it a 3rd round pick. This gives us at least 4 3rd round picks at least between likely 1 comp 3rd round pick, the 3rd we'd have anyway, and 2 more 3rd rounders. That is some serious firepower if we want to try and get another first round pick, or stand pat and see what falls to us.

4. This is another tough decision, but we may also need to look into trading Gallup. I hate the thought of this. I really hate this thought. However, I think we have to if we're going to fix our defence. Again, we are not likely going anywhere this season. Even if we make the playoffs, we will get embarrassed in the first round if we do make it. So, trading Gallup may help us get a nice pick. Say, perhaps a 2nd, maybe a 1st if we hit the trade right. Especially if it is a team that is battling for a playoff spot and/or is in a tough spot within the division and needing an edge to get a top spot in their division. Perhaps Chicago or Seattle? Chicago has been surprisingly good, and I could see them wagering a first for Gallup. Seattle, on the other hand, could use Gallup as a compliment to Metcalf and Lockett. So, I think one of those may view Gallup as worth giving us a first for Gallup.

If it plays out like this. before any trade downs, we'd have 2 first round picks, a second round pick, 4 3rd round picks, and several other picks including comp picks. That's a lot of solid picks for our draft. If we draft properly, I think we will be able to turn this team around next season while also keeping Dak. Also, unless COVID gets really bad again next year, we should have a proper offseason next year. So, the players will be able to understand their roles and how to fit into this team while also starting a good rebuild.

These are a few ideas that I have that I think can fix this team. It will be difficult, but I think this is the best way to do it.


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I watched the Georgia Tech Clemson game when GT gave up 73 points and 52 came before halftime

the coach told the Team he loved them

maybe just maybe the defense needs to be told the same

im desperate


Well-Known Member
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Our defence is absolutely pathetic. I know, I know, that is obvious. However, we saw last night another problem. We need Dak. I know, those of you that don't like Dak will probably never come to terms with this. However, I think last night's showing provided a great example as to why we need Dak. He's the heart and soul of this team. The offense was completely heartless and looked obviously like they were without their pack leader. If you plan to have any success in the NFL, you must have a QB. We have that in Dak. Furthermore, let's face it. We lucked into Romo and Dak. Aside from those two, our track record since Aikman has been pitiful! Leaf, Storner, Hutchinson, Carter, Testeverde, Bledsoe, and all the QBs we've had backing up Romo and Dak. None of them have been good. If you still want Dak gone, do you trust that Jerry will select a great QB? Mind you, our only 1st round QB that we've taken since Jerry became the owner was Aikman. Plus, with a 1st, we have MUCH more pressing needs than QB if we keep Dak. If you let Dak walk, you open an even BIGGER problem for the team. So, with all of that, I think it is imperative that we keep Dak. However, in doing that, I think we have some difficult decisions to make. Additionally, we MUST fix this atrocious defence AND try to rebuild our oline if possible.

There is good news however. I think this team is heading for a high pick IF we don't win the division. I hate the thought of surrendering. However, I think last night became clear that we're probably not going anywhere without Dak. Let's say we finish 2nd in the NFC East and miss the playoffs at 5-11 (because this division is that bad). That should give us, say, perhaps the 8th pick. I think the first thing we should do is see who we can trade down with to get a few extra picks. We will need a lot of picks to fix this defence.

Here are a few other moves that we should make to help with the cap and/or give us extra draft picks:

1, Cutting Tyron Crawford saves us cap space, and it's not like he's been helping us at all. In fact, he had an idiotic taunting penalty against him last night despite getting torched by Kyler Murray. So, no real loss there if we cut him.

2. Try to trade Cedric Wilson. This is one of those tough decisions I was talking about. I like Cedric a lot, and I vouched heavily for him to be picked by us. However, he's a tradeable. Now, before anyone lambasts me about trading him, we need to start making some moves to fix this defence, and we're probably not going anywhere this year. I'd sell high on Wilson soon. There are teams that need WRs, and we can probably get a good pick for him. We got him in the 6th round. I think we realistically could get him for a 3rd depending on how badly a team might need a slot WR (which I think Wilson has proven to be capable of being). For example, the Titans look great and may need a a slot WR to help take their offense to the next level. I think we could get a 3 from them for Cedric Wilson.

3. I'd also look to try to trade Blake Jarwin in the offseason. I think we can get a good pick for him, and Schultz has proven to be a solid TE for us. This makes Jarwin tradeable for us. So, maybe we can see what we get for him too. I think a 2nd round pick for Jarwin is feasible, but, given his ACL, a 3rd may be more reasonable. So, for discussion sake, let's call it a 3rd round pick. This gives us at least 4 3rd round picks at least between likely 1 comp 3rd round pick, the 3rd we'd have anyway, and 2 more 3rd rounders. That is some serious firepower if we want to try and get another first round pick, or stand pat and see what falls to us.

4. This is another tough decision, but we may also need to look into trading Gallup. I hate the thought of this. I really hate this thought. However, I think we have to if we're going to fix our defence. Again, we are not likely going anywhere this season. Even if we make the playoffs, we will get embarrassed in the first round if we do make it. So, trading Gallup may help us get a nice pick. Say, perhaps a 2nd, maybe a 1st if we hit the trade right. Especially if it is a team that is battling for a playoff spot and/or is in a tough spot within the division and needing an edge to get a top spot in their division. Perhaps Chicago or Seattle? Chicago has been surprisingly good, and I could see them wagering a first for Gallup. Seattle, on the other hand, could use Gallup as a compliment to Metcalf and Lockett. So, I think one of those may view Gallup as worth giving us a first for Gallup.

If it plays out like this. before any trade downs, we'd have 2 first round picks, a second round pick, 4 3rd round picks, and several other picks including comp picks. That's a lot of solid picks for our draft. If we draft properly, I think we will be able to turn this team around next season while also keeping Dak. Also, unless COVID gets really bad again next year, we should have a proper offseason next year. So, the players will be able to understand their roles and how to fit into this team while also starting a good rebuild.

These are a few ideas that I have that I think can fix this team. It will be difficult, but I think this is the best way to do it.

Lets be honest here...........Dak and his salary have nothing to do with the defense.

Its the GM's inability to draft defensive talent that has been the problem. Along with overpaying for guys like Lawrence, Zeke, Jaylon.

We have also had a 2nd round of Olineman drafted. Williams, McGovern, Biadasz. How has that worked out? Again, nothing to do with Dak.

Dak is the best player on the team by far and deserves every penny he gets.


Well-Known Member
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I watched the Georgia Tech Clemson game when GT gave up 73 points and 52 came before halftime

the coach told the Team he loved them

maybe just maybe the defense needs to be told the same

im desperate

I say we take their PS4 away until they learn to tackle!


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Lets be honest here...........Dak and his salary have nothing to do with the defense.

Its the GM's inability to draft defensive talent that has been the problem. Along with overpaying for guys like Lawrence, Zeke, Jaylon.

We have also had a 2nd round of Olineman drafted. Williams, McGovern, Biadasz. How has that worked out? Again, nothing to do with Dak.

Dak is the best player on the team by far and deserves every penny he gets.

I agree that Dak is the best player on this team. He deserves all the money he would be paid. However, we have to improve our ability to draft defence, and having a bit of extra firepower in the draft to fix it would help.


Well-Known Member
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I watched the Georgia Tech Clemson game when GT gave up 73 points and 52 came before halftime

the coach told the Team he loved them

maybe just maybe the defense needs to be told the same

im desperate

Can't hurt


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There is a lot of ground to be plowed and seeds to be sown yet to make this team a viable contender for a SB. I’m just going to ignore the Jerry factor because we have no choice.

The one thing we need is a competent, productive QB. We have one in Dak with the caveat that I’m personally mildly concerned about the injury affecting his game but the team has plenty of wiggle room to determine his recovery status and whether or not he can make a full 100% transition back to his level of play prior to the injury.

The Dak Haters have all stated that you can’t pay one player $35 million and win in this league. This is a premise without any evidence to support it as there have been plenty of high paid QBs that have won in this league. This is fear mongering bull****.

Most of these guys fret about paying anyone and it’s funny because once a player gets paid, these same fans become instant haters. Well you have to pay someone and QB is the most important single position in football and the hardest to find competent productive players to fill.

We have it filled.

Build around that.

And we can...


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I agree with trading Jarwin. I'm not seeing much of a dropoff with Schultz, and then we have Bell too.

I'd keep Gallup because selfishly I just want him to remain a Cowboy.

Crawford is obviously gone. As is Poe. And possibly Griffen.

Another guy I might trade is Vander Esch. Doesn't look like he can play 6 games without getting injured. We can maybe get a 4th or 5th for him? And draft a middle LB.


Well-Known Member
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There is a lot of ground to be plowed and seeds to be sown yet to make this team a viable contender for a SB. I’m just going to ignore the Jerry factor because we have no choice.

The one thing we need is a competent, productive QB. We have one in Dak with the caveat that I’m personally mildly concerned about the injury affecting his game but the team has plenty of wiggle room to determine his recovery status and whether or not he can make a full 100% transition back to his level of play prior to the injury.

The Dak Haters have all stated that you can’t pay one player $35 million and win in this league. This is a premise without any evidence to support it as there have been plenty of high paid QBs that have won in this league. This is fear mongering bull****.

Most of these guys fret about paying anyone and it’s funny because once a player gets paid, these same fans become instant haters. Well you have to pay someone and QB is the most important single position in football and the hardest to find competent productive players to fill.

We have it filled.

Build around that.

And we can...

I'm a bit nervous about his ankle as well tbh, but I think he will make a full recovery. Amazing what they can do with medicine these days. So, we should keep Dak and build around him. Also, like I said, Jerry's not exactly good at evaluating QB talent, as I listed. Our best QBs of late have been from luck. Romo was lucky because Sean Payton managed to smooth talk him away from the Broncos. Dak fell to us in the comp spot in the 4th round. That was LUCKY. I don't trust Jerry to take the right QB in the draft, and I think Dak is the best QB we could have right now. Especially with how this team is built. So, the QB spot is fine. No need to fix what isn't destroyed.


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I agree with trading Jarwin. I'm not seeing much of a dropoff with Schultz, and then we have Bell too.

I'd keep Gallup because selfishly I just want him to remain a Cowboy.

Crawford is obviously gone.

Another guy I might trade is Vander Esch. Doesn't look like he can play 6 games without getting injured. We can maybe get a 4th or 5th for him? And draft a middle LB.

Exactly, there's not much drop off with Schultz, so Jarwin is tradeable. I could see us keeping Gallup, but he's not got long left on his contract either. I'd be okay with trading LVE as well, and seeing what we get for him.


Well-Known Member
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Lets be honest here...........Dak and his salary have nothing to do with the defense.

Its the GM's inability to draft defensive talent that has been the problem. Along with overpaying for guys like Lawrence, Zeke, Jaylon.

We have also had a 2nd round of Olineman drafted. Williams, McGovern, Biadasz. How has that worked out? Again, nothing to do with Dak.

Dak is the best player on the team by far and deserves every penny he gets.
Every player's salary affects the defense. No exceptions. Kinda obvious.


Well-Known Member
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Our defence is absolutely pathetic. I know, I know, that is obvious. However, we saw last night another problem. We need Dak. I know, those of you that don't like Dak will probably never come to terms with this. However, I think last night's showing provided a great example as to why we need Dak. He's the heart and soul of this team. The offense was completely heartless and looked obviously like they were without their pack leader. If you plan to have any success in the NFL, you must have a QB. We have that in Dak. Furthermore, let's face it. We lucked into Romo and Dak. Aside from those two, our track record since Aikman has been pitiful! Leaf, Storner, Hutchinson, Carter, Testeverde, Bledsoe, and all the QBs we've had backing up Romo and Dak. None of them have been good. If you still want Dak gone, do you trust that Jerry will select a great QB? Mind you, our only 1st round QB that we've taken since Jerry became the owner was Aikman. Plus, with a 1st, we have MUCH more pressing needs than QB if we keep Dak. If you let Dak walk, you open an even BIGGER problem for the team. So, with all of that, I think it is imperative that we keep Dak. However, in doing that, I think we have some difficult decisions to make. Additionally, we MUST fix this atrocious defence AND try to rebuild our oline if possible.

There is good news however. I think this team is heading for a high pick IF we don't win the division. I hate the thought of surrendering. However, I think last night became clear that we're probably not going anywhere without Dak. Let's say we finish 2nd in the NFC East and miss the playoffs at 5-11 (because this division is that bad). That should give us, say, perhaps the 8th pick. I think the first thing we should do is see who we can trade down with to get a few extra picks. We will need a lot of picks to fix this defence.

Here are a few other moves that we should make to help with the cap and/or give us extra draft picks:

1, Cutting Tyron Crawford saves us cap space, and it's not like he's been helping us at all. In fact, he had an idiotic taunting penalty against him last night despite getting torched by Kyler Murray. So, no real loss there if we cut him.

2. Try to trade Cedric Wilson. This is one of those tough decisions I was talking about. I like Cedric a lot, and I vouched heavily for him to be picked by us. However, he's a tradeable. Now, before anyone lambasts me about trading him, we need to start making some moves to fix this defence, and we're probably not going anywhere this year. I'd sell high on Wilson soon. There are teams that need WRs, and we can probably get a good pick for him. We got him in the 6th round. I think we realistically could get him for a 3rd depending on how badly a team might need a slot WR (which I think Wilson has proven to be capable of being). For example, the Titans look great and may need a a slot WR to help take their offense to the next level. I think we could get a 3 from them for Cedric Wilson.

3. I'd also look to try to trade Blake Jarwin in the offseason. I think we can get a good pick for him, and Schultz has proven to be a solid TE for us. This makes Jarwin tradeable for us. So, maybe we can see what we get for him too. I think a 2nd round pick for Jarwin is feasible, but, given his ACL, a 3rd may be more reasonable. So, for discussion sake, let's call it a 3rd round pick. This gives us at least 4 3rd round picks at least between likely 1 comp 3rd round pick, the 3rd we'd have anyway, and 2 more 3rd rounders. That is some serious firepower if we want to try and get another first round pick, or stand pat and see what falls to us.

4. This is another tough decision, but we may also need to look into trading Gallup. I hate the thought of this. I really hate this thought. However, I think we have to if we're going to fix our defence. Again, we are not likely going anywhere this season. Even if we make the playoffs, we will get embarrassed in the first round if we do make it. So, trading Gallup may help us get a nice pick. Say, perhaps a 2nd, maybe a 1st if we hit the trade right. Especially if it is a team that is battling for a playoff spot and/or is in a tough spot within the division and needing an edge to get a top spot in their division. Perhaps Chicago or Seattle? Chicago has been surprisingly good, and I could see them wagering a first for Gallup. Seattle, on the other hand, could use Gallup as a compliment to Metcalf and Lockett. So, I think one of those may view Gallup as worth giving us a first for Gallup.

If it plays out like this. before any trade downs, we'd have 2 first round picks, a second round pick, 4 3rd round picks, and several other picks including comp picks. That's a lot of solid picks for our draft. If we draft properly, I think we will be able to turn this team around next season while also keeping Dak. Also, unless COVID gets really bad again next year, we should have a proper offseason next year. So, the players will be able to understand their roles and how to fit into this team while also starting a good rebuild.

These are a few ideas that I have that I think can fix this team. It will be difficult, but I think this is the best way to do it.

No one is trading a third for a HEALTHY Jarwin. Coming off an injury you’d be lucky to get a fourth. Likely a fifth. Get real.


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I agree with trading Jarwin. I'm not seeing much of a dropoff with Schultz, and then we have Bell too.

I'd keep Gallup because selfishly I just want him to remain a Cowboy.

Crawford is obviously gone. As is Poe. And possibly Griffen.

Another guy I might trade is Vander Esch. Doesn't look like he can play 6 games without getting injured. We can maybe get a 4th or 5th for him? And draft a middle LB.
Exactly, there's not much drop off with Schultz, so Jarwin is tradeable. I could see us keeping Gallup, but he's not got long left on his contract either. I'd be okay with trading LVE as well, and seeing what we get for him.
No much dropoff? What in hades are you guys smoking? Schultz is better than Jarwin ever dreamed of being.