SaltwaterServr;3406401 said:
Anyone who's hunted on an old lease with an older outhouse knows them things grow a special breed of hairy ornery spider that like to crawl up in the crotch of your pants before you pull them back on.,2933,592893,00.html
Man, 22, Suffers Poisonous Spider Bite to the Genitals
A tourist is lucky to be alive after a deadly spider bit him on the *****.
The Canadian backpacker was attacked after skinny-dipping in New Zealand.
While he was swimming, a rare katipo spider crawled into the shorts he had left on the beach. When the man returned, he put them back on and fell asleep — but the trapped spider then nipped him on his manhood.
Within minutes, the spider's venom was causing him to have agonizing chest pains, a racing heart, high blood pressure and severe swelling to his *****.
Dr. Nigel Harrison, who treated the 22-year-old at Dargaville Hospital, revealed the case in a report for the New Zealand Medical Journal.
"It was a rather nasty, ill-placed bite,” Harrison said. “The man woke to find his ***** swollen and painful with a red mark on the shaft suggestive of a bite. He rapidly developed generalized muscle pains, fever, headache, photophobia (light sensitivity) and vomiting."
The unidentified man's condition "improved rapidly" after treatment with an anti-venom, but he was kept in the hospital for 16 days before being allowed to return to Canada.
The katipo, a Maori word meaning "night-stinger,” is an endangered species in New Zealand.
The pea-sized spiders are related to the American Black Widow. Bites to humans are rare, but two fatalities were recorded in the 1800s.