If a hunter's gotta go, what's wrong with the woods?

StanleySpadowski;3407931 said:
If someone, we'll call him PaintBrain, sued me for defamation, would the fact that what I said was true shield me?

I mean the last thing I want to see is my K-car up on blocks in his yard.

Settle out of court, with this....
Viper;3408014 said:
Settle out of court, with this....

I refuse to settle. I'm thinking of filing a countersuit. The PaintBrain person told a scatological story about himself that gave me nightmares.......

He's got a washing machine I've got my eye on. It'd look great in front of my trailer filled with daffodils.
StanleySpadowski;3408408 said:
I refuse to settle. I'm thinking of filing a countersuit. The PaintBrain person told a scatological story about himself that gave me nightmares.......

He's got a washing machine I've got my eye on. It'd look great in front of my trailer filled with daffodils.

You'll never get my deluxe washboard washer you dirty city slicker!1!!!
BrAinPaiNt;3408416 said:
You'll never get my deluxe washboard washer you dirty city slicker!1!!!

It's either that or your burn barrel. I know that's your pride and joy being barely rusted through and all.
StanleySpadowski;3408420 said:
It's either that or your burn barrel. I know that's your pride and joy being barely rusted through and all.

Burn Barrel is for wimps. We just throw things in a pile and burn it...that's what real men do.
BrAinPaiNt;3408416 said:
You'll never get my deluxe washboard washer you dirty city slicker!1!!!

I'm sure that washboard doubles as your instrument of choice too. :laugh2:
StanleySpadowski;3408442 said:
Nah, Brain plays the jug.

No that was a rival musician and his band. Emmitt Otter.

I played in the riverbottom nightmare band.
BrAinPaiNt;3408460 said:
No that was a rival musician and his band. Emmitt Otter.

I played in the riverbottom nightmare band.

That's right, my bad. I remember your big hit Tobacca's a vegtibull
StanleySpadowski;3408473 said:
That's right, my bad. I remember your big hit Tobacca's a vegtibull

Never even heard of that song so it must have been a different band you are thinking of.

Our first hit was about a band mates first making love encounter.

The song was called...Move your tail lil moo cow.
BrAinPaiNt;3408488 said:
Never even heard of that song so it must have been a different band you are thinking of.

Our first hit was about a band mates first making love encounter.

The song was called...Move your tail lil moo cow.

Thats how you refer to a sister in WV? :laugh2:
nyc;3408517 said:
Thats how you refer to a sister in WV? :laugh2:

Watch your mouth city slicker before I break out the banjo!1!11!

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