If Jerry had hired BB or Harbaugh, would you be excited about next season?


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I'm not as sold on Harbaugh as some. Bill, how could you not be interested to see how that would go?

I'm guessing the fundamentals of defense would at least get addressed with BB.

I'm not sure even Bill would excite me though unless the Jones stopped all participation in football operations or speaking about it. Still wouldn't be excited if Dak remains. No, he's not the only issue but he is the only one that plays the most important position.
Here's the reason Bill isn't coming here. Aside from Jerry, of course.

Players we need:

3 LBs
DT(possibly 2)

That's 9 players needed. No, don't need superstars, but need solid players. Where we going to get them? Bill would easily see this w/ a quick perusal of the roster. It's really not hard to see, but you can't see it through the eyes of someone like Jerry.


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I would have taken literally ANYONE over Fat Mike. Jerry just sent the worst message he could possibly send to the team, and the fans. He had the audacity to act like there would be consequence if we lost in the playoffs...then we lost in a historic blowout, a true pathetic effort, and he rewards the coach. And he's not done disappointing, not by a long shot.
Hey, there's still that dang water boy that caused this loss!!!!! You wait, he's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I would have taken literally ANYONE over Fat Mike. Jerry just sent the worst message he could possibly send to the team, and the fans. He had the audacity to act like there would be consequence if we lost in the playoffs...then we lost in a historic blowout, a true pathetic effort, and he rewards the coach. And he's not done disappointing, not by a long shot.
Post of the nite


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Not really. This team has had coach after coach since Jimmy, including a hall of famer, and the results don't change.

Belichick would've been interesting. I'd have actively rooted against Jim Harbaugh.
Well to be fair, JJ couldn't work with the HOF coach any more than he could with the 2 time SB winning coach.
JJ can't work with strong demanding coaches, they see him for what he is, a terrible GM... the "yes men" can work with anyone as long as they get paid and don't lose there jobs... thus we get Garrett and MM... and mediocrity.


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Belichick would have had me excited for big games and the playoffs for sure. There would be no doubt that the team would be prepared and that the best player on the other team would be taken away (forcing the other team to beat you some other way).

Big Mike has Dallas as a perennial playoff team. Not playoff contender, a lock. There is something to be said for that. I've said it before and will say it again, I like Big Mike, flaws and all. But, he isn't enough to overcome the Jones'. I will have the same doubt in big games that I have had since Jimmy.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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If Jerry had hired BB or Harbaugh, would you be excited about next season? Or does keeping Mike more exciting to you ??

I would have been shocked but elated at hiring either of those two.
But now even though I dont care about cowboys that much currently, Mike coming back makes for a boring season in 24.
Nothing to get excited about.

I dont care what they do with dak lol, extend him for 10 years at 70 mil a year, I dont care, it isnt going to be exciting or fun with mike back.

I will find other teams to root for in the playoffs, I have almost 30 years experience in that now.

I think we all can assume more of he same, since all the same people and players are coming back next year with the same guy leading them.
Would have been.....


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Yes and I’d be excited for any change. Harbaugh would have been a grand slam. BB a short term upgrade. Vrabel a stable, longterm upgrade.


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If Jerry had hired BB or Harbaugh, would you be excited about next season? Or does keeping Mike more exciting to you ??

I would have been shocked but elated at hiring either of those two.
But now even though I dont care about cowboys that much currently, Mike coming back makes for a boring season in 24.
Nothing to get excited about.

I dont care what they do with dak lol, extend him for 10 years at 70 mil a year, I dont care, it isnt going to be exciting or fun with mike back.

I will find other teams to root for in the playoffs, I have almost 30 years experience in that now.

I think we all can assume more of he same, since all the same people and players are coming back next year with the same guy leading them.
I wouldn't have batted an eye if McCarthy got fired, but I don't mind him coming back honestly. My biggest issue is that if he continues to come up short, we'll look back at the opportunity of this coaching cycle with a ton of regret at the names available.


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Harbaugh is on record a few years backs saying that Jerry Jones is what is wrong with football.
He is never coming here.


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I would for either coach. I forgot what it’s like to watch a team that cares about having D tackles that stop the run.


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With Bill the off season would have been very entertaining

Did not like the idea of Jim at all.


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I don't get excited about the Cowboys; nor do I get upset. All the Cowboys loss on Sunday means is the NFL season is over, and the offseason has begun. I've already shifted into roster building mode in my mind. The only usefulness looking back to 2023 has is understanding what the team needs to improve.

Complaining about the coaches, players, and front office doesn't interest me. It is completely pointless. Complaining about under-performing rookies just makes you sound stupid - because rookies develop at different rates, and it takes time to fully understand if a draft/rookie class is any good. Attacking other fans for remaining supportive of the Cowboys angers me, and will get you blocked - because I don't have the patience or energy to invest any anger in others.

Also, there is a difference in complaining, and evaluating. It's easy to figure out from the whiny tone of those who complain vs. the intelligent tone of those who simply evaluate. Also, it's okay to disagree with evaluations, and come up with multiple options for getting better. For example: How do the Cowboys get better by trading Dak vs. how do the Cowboys get better by keeping Dak? Nothing is off the table, as long as it's discussed rationally. Even disagreements can be enjoyable discussions if there aren't personal attacks or whining about things none of us can change.

One other thing. Questioning the motives of players, coaches, front office personnel and fans really bothers me. Claiming the Jones family doesn't care, or players only care about money, etc. bothers me.

I don't believe anyone wants to win more than Jerry Jones; he just doesn't know how to do it. It's like watching someone 5' tall trying to dunk a basketball. He really, really wants to do it. He just can't get there with the tools he has. That's not a lack of desire; it's a lack of ability. I feel sorry for the man, and his futility. But I'm still pulling for him to do it. That doesn't make me a fan of Jerry. But he's not going anywhere, and the only option is abandoning the Cowboys, or keep rooting for Jerry to finally get it right. I choose the latter.

But my annual expectations for the Cowboys is for them to fall short. I will be pleasantly surprised and delighted if and when they finally win another Super Bowl - if it happens while I'm still alive. If it doesn't, it won't hurt me to keep rooting for the team, and keep hoping every year that they find the solution they are so desperately looking for.
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For him to have hired either of those alpha personalities would have meant that Jerry conceded portions, if not most control regarding football team decisions.

So with that being the case, the answer to your OP question would have been a resounding YES!