If You Were Born After 1975 - You Should Check This Out

DandyDon1722;3169683 said:
NFL Network Presents

On Christmas Eve, Thursday, Dec. 24 at 8 p.m. ET, NFL Network will televise, for the first time since the original airing, one of the most historic playoff games in league history, as NFL Classic Games encores the 1981 NFC Championship Game between the Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers.

For those too young who never experienced it, this game will give you a sense of how much the 90's meant to those who did. A brutal and devastating loss but a great game.

Be sure to watch when the Cowboys get the ball back after The Catch. With about a minute left, Drew Pearson runs a slant and is gone 80 yards for an historic touchdown except for a finger tip grab on the back of his jersey.
THAT would forever have been "The Catch"

Also, I've seen footage of this game where Jack Buck, (Joe's father) broadcast the game and I remember him throughout the telecast saying "Look Out Joe" whenever Montana dropped back to pass and was being chased. Not sure if it was radio or he did the national broadcast.

Yes they hated us back then too.

oh you said born after 1975, because I have seen it, and it still makes my stomach turn. My brother and I call that catch The Beginning Of The End...that is of the Tom Landry Era.
CrazyCowboy;3169832 said:
ah.....we lost that game.

Why would I want to watch it?

Give me just one good reason? ;-)

Butters from "South Park" explains all:

Goth Kid: I guess you can join up with us if you want.

Goth Kid 2: Yeah. We're gonna go to the graveyard and write poems about death and how pointless life is.

Butters: Uh, uhm no thanks. I love life.

Stan: Huh? But you just got dumped.

Butters: Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid.
bbgun;3170362 said:
It bugs me that some people still hang this loss on White. He wasn't playing defense on the drive that led to Clark's TD, and it wasn't his fault that Drew was brought down by two fingers. OK, he fumbled on the next play, but he was blindsided. Hell, Montana threw three picks that day and lost a fumble of his own.

If not for the disastrous start in the '94 NFC champ game, Steve Young would been to the niners what Danny White is to the Cowboys and Dallas would have another ring. Danny was a really good QB who was never able to take the team to the promise land like the great Roger Staubach.
In fact, come to think of it, I really don't think the young 'uns know just how great Roger dodger was in those days. We Cowboy fans learned to NEVER give up with Staubach in the game, he was Captain comeback so many times and none more memorable than the '74 NFC champ, the original 'hail mary' to Pearson in Minnesota. Honestly, to this day, that may be THE most excited I have ever been during a game, never forget it. It was absolutely surreal, a moment frozen in time(no pun intended), forever etched in the memory banks of those who watched it live. I think my hair hit the ceiling jumping up and down in my Grandma's living room. Man 'oh man, I love them Cowboys!!!!!!!!!
I've seen the game. It wasn't fun to watch even years after it happened. I can't imagine what it would have been to watch that live and know just how close the Boys were to winning that.
No interest in watching this again. I cried my eyes out as a ten year old no need to do it again.
Watched the first half of the game and then had to leave to drive back to college. I listened to the 2nd half on the radio.

I still remember the stretch of road where I was driving when Clark caught the TD. One of the coldest, dreariest nights of my life. Just sick to my stomach. Truly a gut wrenching loss.

Unfortunately "The Catch" overshadowed a great game by Everson Walls up until that play.
Never saw the game, never will. Was in Army boot camp, mopping floors during the play. Half the barracks were Dallas fans, most of the other half were "anybody but Dallas" fans, with a couple of 49er faithful mixed in. Just a miserable afternoon and evening.

Didn't see the actual play for years, after leaving the Army. Just remember looking down a bucket of soapy, dirty water, with a DI screaming in my ear "don't even think about messing up my floor, maggot." If not for the primal fear, I would have punted that bucket through a window.
That was the first season of Cowboys football where I was old enough to really watch and appreciate what I was seeing. This was my team. My guys. I just knew they were gonna win it all that year.

And they almost did.

Even after all this time, I watch White throw to Pearson on the game replays and I start getting excited that all we need is another few yards and we win. Yeah, I know this doesn't happen obviously, but I still get fired up watching it.

And I still get disappointed and hurt by what happens next.

Years later going back to the mud and muck of Candlestick and achieving redemption was SO satisfying. I was more excited about beating San Francisco than I was beating Buffalo in the super bowl. This was the moment I had waited for so very long to happen. I still savor it, just as I still feel disappointment over what happend to the 81 team.
This was the first football game I ever watched, and strangely enough, the day I became a Cowboy fan. I was 8 years old and in 2nd grade. I remember it like it was yesterday.

My family immigrated from India a few years earlier, and I had heard that the Cowboys were a great team, but never paid any attention to football until this game.

Becoming a fan in the first quarter, and having your heart ripped out in the 4th quarter of the same game was a lot for a kid my age. I was pretty shaken up after the game, and actually cried.
bbgun;3170362 said:
It bugs me that some people still hang this loss on White. He wasn't playing defense on the drive that led to Clark's TD, and it wasn't his fault that Drew was brought down by two fingers. OK, he fumbled on the next play, but he was blindsided. Hell, Montana threw three picks that day and lost a fumble of his own.

Alot of things were wrongly hung on Danny White in his career. All because he wasn't Roger Staubach.

Cowboys fans, at the time, didn't know how good we had it with DW taking snaps. He took over an aging team that was in their last years of domination, but because of the many, many, many bad drafts that came after 1977, and some questionable personel decisions, he wasn't exactly playing with a full deck after 1983. The front office got too arrogant when it came to the draft, thinking that their way will always work.

Some fans might not want to admit this, but from 1978 through, basically, 1988, the Cowboys had horrendous drafts. The only top players I can think of from those years were Larry Bethea, Jim Jeffcoat, Michael Irvin, Ken Norton, Kelvin Martin, Eugene " the hittin' machine " Lockhart, Kevin Gogan, Hershel Walker and Chad Hennings.. Granted, some of them where circumstances beyond their control: Mike Sherrard and Robert Shaw, but others were sheer whiffs.
bbgun;3170398 said:
Butters from "South Park" explains all:

Goth Kid: I guess you can join up with us if you want.

Goth Kid 2: Yeah. We're gonna go to the graveyard and write poems about death and how pointless life is.

Butters: Uh, uhm no thanks. I love life.

Stan: Huh? But you just got dumped.

Butters: Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid.

You left out the best part of Butters' monologue...

"Besides, I'd rather be a crying little p__ than a faggy goth kid." :lmao2:
Am i the only one who didnt think it was really all that great of a catch? Maybe they had to call it something? But i see better catches every sunday.

Or maybe i'm being bitter after watching the game last night.
As a little kid, watching that game brought me to tears!! And foverever sealed the notion for me that Roger would have won that game!!!:bang2:

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