If you were interviewing to be the HC of the Cowboys, what would be your demands?


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No demands. With only 32 nfl head coaching jobs, I would bet there are only about 5 coaches in the league who could ask for demands, and still get the job. And most of those 5 wont be available.


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If an outsider is brought in, in fact no matter WHO is brought in, Jerry is going to insist that he picks some of the staff.

His "good reason" being so that he always has some of "his guys" on the inside of the staff, as his eyes and ears.

Any of y'all who are hoping that Jerry's fingerprints arent all over the new regime can quit that now.


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Well then he still has not learned his lesson then. As my mom use to tell my brother and I growing up, "A hard head makes for a soft a--". Meaning you continue misbehaving and I will continue tearing you butt up. Love the good old 70's but old jerrah still has not learned even though his best years came from JJ and Tuna.


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1. I have total control over staff and personnel (good luck with that right Jerry)
2. No more drafting players with a serious or chronic injury history i.e Jaylon Smith, no more drafting players with substance abuse history i.e. Randy Gregory, no more drafting players that are uncoachable i.e.Tristen Hill
Just having those two alone would be an awesome start to returning this franchise to dominance!


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If you were interviewing to be the HC of the Cowboys, what would be your demands? Mine sound like deal breakers until they are explained.

1 – Final say on the entire coaching staff. Jerry, as Owner/President/General Manager you hire and fire the head coach…I handle the rest of the staff (including trainers). I would want to discuss the various positions with you because there may be a good reason why you want someone on the staff so badly, and if the two final candidates are almost even, I would put value on that reason. However, it there is an impasse on who to hire…I get the final call.

2 – Final say on playing time. There are very few ways a head coach can basically hit a player up-side the head with a 2 x 4 to get their attention…playing time is a big one. It can impact what bonuses they earn in their contract, their endorsements and it impacts personal stats (and therefore their standing among their peers). I would explain that obviously I’m not going to sabotage the team and the season, but if a player needs to be benched for a bit, he gets benched.

3 – Significant input on players. This is the flip side of the staff coin. There may be something I see in a player that will allow me to do something I have had to table because of personnel. However, if I am doing my job as head coach correctly, I haven’t spent a lot of time scouting players on other teams and probably haven’t spent a lot of time with the scouts (yet). Since my knowledge is more limited, if we are at an impasse on who to draft/sign…Jerry gets the final call.

4 – The contract must contain a clause that if anyone in the front office attempts to overrule my decision(s) on numbers 1 and/or 2, I can exercise the exclusive option to “resign for cause” and receive a Golden Parachute of $70 million.

I would then assure Jerry that I could not care less what he tweets, if he talks to the media, players, janitorial staff, etc.. I'll be doing my best to win and get us one of those gaudy rings.
I would request Jerry Jones to commit Seppuku. But that may be to honorable for what Jones did to the Dallas Cowboys from 1994 to present.


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No demands, just coach.

If you cant coach a winner with the players this team has then you dont need to be a coach.


You Can't Fix Stupid
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If you were interviewing to be the HC of the Cowboys, what would be your demands? Mine sound like deal breakers until they are explained.

1 – Final say on the entire coaching staff. Jerry, as Owner/President/General Manager you hire and fire the head coach…I handle the rest of the staff (including trainers). I would want to discuss the various positions with you because there may be a good reason why you want someone on the staff so badly, and if the two final candidates are almost even, I would put value on that reason. However, it there is an impasse on who to hire…I get the final call.

2 – Final say on playing time. There are very few ways a head coach can basically hit a player up-side the head with a 2 x 4 to get their attention…playing time is a big one. It can impact what bonuses they earn in their contract, their endorsements and it impacts personal stats (and therefore their standing among their peers). I would explain that obviously I’m not going to sabotage the team and the season, but if a player needs to be benched for a bit, he gets benched.

3 – Significant input on players. This is the flip side of the staff coin. There may be something I see in a player that will allow me to do something I have had to table because of personnel. However, if I am doing my job as head coach correctly, I haven’t spent a lot of time scouting players on other teams and probably haven’t spent a lot of time with the scouts (yet). Since my knowledge is more limited, if we are at an impasse on who to draft/sign…Jerry gets the final call.

4 – The contract must contain a clause that if anyone in the front office attempts to overrule my decision(s) on numbers 1 and/or 2, I can exercise the exclusive option to “resign for cause” and receive a Golden Parachute of $70 million.

I would then assure Jerry that I could not care less what he tweets, if he talks to the media, players, janitorial staff, etc.. I'll be doing my best to win and get us one of those gaudy rings.
I agree but this would get you fired before you were hired.......things work kinda backwards here


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Some things you demand up front but you can always "price yourself out" of jobs and never get the opportunity. It's what you do when you get the job that really matters.

Exactly, the next HC will come here for exactly the reason Parcells did - because this is the premier franchise in the NFL.

Their two main questions are going to "How much money?" and "When do I get it?"


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That Jerry and Steven take a backseat and let me build my culture. Tear down the one they've built and failed with.

Its a problem that the focus are on them, not the coaches and players. When it comes to the media do we really hear what Garrett has to say (not that we care), or any other coach for that matter? Its always the Jones' name in almost every article. Its distracting and hard to gauge who has real control of the team. Need to tear all of it down and it starts with those two.


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Jerry can be GM, but let me pick my QB and which defensive positions to prioritize.

Also, stop drafting ‘high upside’ guys. Draft more ‘ready now’ guys.

This, heard that with Taco Bell, that he would be ready in a couple of years, now the same crap with Hill. WTH!


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2 – Final say on playing time. There are very few ways a head coach can basically hit a player up-side the head with a 2 x 4 to get their attention…playing time is a big one. It can impact what bonuses they earn in their contract, their endorsements and it impacts personal stats (and therefore their standing among their peers). I would explain that obviously I’m not going to sabotage the team and the season, but if a player needs to be benched for a bit, he gets benched.

As you described, that's the final say on playing time for behavior modification purposes. I agree that a coach has to have that. But it is totally proper for the GM to set play time for the purposes of player development. Often, you *should* play the guy you have under contract in the future over a short timer.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Read the book Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch (GE's value increased by 4000% during his tenure as CEO).

Some things you demand up front but you can always "price yourself out" of jobs and never get the opportunity. It's what you do when you get the job that really matters.

Do you think Jerry gave Parcells a contract that said "Parcells is in Charge" ?

Parcells just took control using his dominant personality which is what had made him a successful Head Coach when guys with similar X & O knowledge like Wade Phillips were not good Head Coaches.

Wade wouldn't have been good if Jerry gave him complete control over everything even if Jerry agreed to spend 10 years on his yacht and not show up until again until after they had won a Super Bowl.
Good insights as usual

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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If you were interviewing to be the HC of the Cowboys, what would be your demands? Mine sound like deal breakers until they are explained.

1 – Final say on the entire coaching staff. Jerry, as Owner/President/General Manager you hire and fire the head coach…I handle the rest of the staff (including trainers). I would want to discuss the various positions with you because there may be a good reason why you want someone on the staff so badly, and if the two final candidates are almost even, I would put value on that reason. However, it there is an impasse on who to hire…I get the final call.

2 – Final say on playing time. There are very few ways a head coach can basically hit a player up-side the head with a 2 x 4 to get their attention…playing time is a big one. It can impact what bonuses they earn in their contract, their endorsements and it impacts personal stats (and therefore their standing among their peers). I would explain that obviously I’m not going to sabotage the team and the season, but if a player needs to be benched for a bit, he gets benched.

3 – Significant input on players. This is the flip side of the staff coin. There may be something I see in a player that will allow me to do something I have had to table because of personnel. However, if I am doing my job as head coach correctly, I haven’t spent a lot of time scouting players on other teams and probably haven’t spent a lot of time with the scouts (yet). Since my knowledge is more limited, if we are at an impasse on who to draft/sign…Jerry gets the final call.

4 – The contract must contain a clause that if anyone in the front office attempts to overrule my decision(s) on numbers 1 and/or 2, I can exercise the exclusive option to “resign for cause” and receive a Golden Parachute of $70 million.

I would then assure Jerry that I could not care less what he tweets, if he talks to the media, players, janitorial staff, etc.. I'll be doing my best to win and get us one of those gaudy rings.
Don't think the defensive coaching has been good enough


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2. Stop Drafting Injured Players.

3. Meetings with Jerry will take place in Robert Kraft's favorite MASSAGE PARLOR.

4. Stop giving 100 million dollars to below average players, with ONE good season.


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You probably would not be hired by Jerry if you start making demands during the interview.