If Your Pet Cat Was Cut, Blame Jerry

The Cowboys kept Tony Romo for three seasons without throwing a single regular season pass. How many pet cats did that cost? Who cares? Would you rather keep some different bubble player each year or the most prolific passer in Dallas Cowboys history?

Tony Romo's accomplishments were the direct result of the time spent on his development. Not many franchises understand the concept of such an investment. Only the most confident coaches and their franchises will make such long term decisions.

The best thing that could happen for the Cowboys is if Trey Lance doesn't throw a single pass over the next two seasons. The beautiful thing is, he doesn't have to. The Cowboys have their starter and their backup for now. Trey can be the backup for 2025, Dak's tenth season.

After Dak's tenth season in 2026 then Trey could possibly emerge as the starter. He will be 26, the same age Tony Romo was when he first became a starter.
By trading for Lance because he takes up a roster spot. One less young talent going to another team.
Right bro you know pet cats are just usually low hanging fruit that weren't gonna make the active game day roster anytime soon so how about blame Jerry for everything... Did you go to a special school for blaming ownership and blaming other people because some lower end talent didn't make the team... You realize the only pet cat that Lance actually affected was will Greer will Greer would have been on this team in the same capacity regardless... So everyone is upset about Trey Lance taking someone spot or very wrong he took will Greer spot that's it we need an emergency third quarterback and he'll be in that same capacity as will grier would have been that's it that's the only effect this train had is we swapped out our number 3 QB..

Anything else I can help you with and by the way just about every cut they made there was no big surprises... Lots of people's pet cats made the team I promise you that..
If you were emotionally invested in the 53rd guy on the team, I question your sanity.
Right that's what I'm saying there's some overreaction some crazy stuff to simply swapping our number three emergency quarterback out that's it that's the only thing this trade affected.. Will Greer would have had to take up the same spot.. So I guess if your pet cat was the number three quarterback I feel bad for you but hey I'm not crying you guys need to stop the whining right....
I have a pet cat that started a cat fight and got cut during the brawl.

I blamed Jerry.

True Story. Well, I did not blame Jones about my pet cat getting cut.
Is it shocking that everyone on here blames Jerry or the quarterback for everything.. I'm not sure who's pet cat got left off that roster but those cuts most of them weren't a surprise I don't see any of them going Oh my God I can't believe they cut him..
FTR both my pet cats made onto the initial 53. Luepke and Bass. I was sorry to see Quinton "Big Bo" Bohanna leave though. He had a helluva name!
He will be able to circle back around on his team to the practice squad I believe so we didn't technically lose all these people there's gonna be some coming back.. The overreactions are priceless when they don't realize this team is deeper than any team we've had in a decade and that we were gonna lose some players with some talent.. We're choosing youth in future payoff for the people we chose over the people we did not...
That's the problem for the Church of Dak. He is young and talented - two things that Dak isn't.
My comment had nothing to do with that. I was just responding to the remark about not being able to keep a young talent because they acquired Lance.

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