If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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My friend and I went to see WWZ ( EEEEEK, so good) and he busted out his phone to text. I gave him my dirtiest look. Then this guy told my friend to put it away and my friend of course refused. The guy got up and left the theatre and left his girl watching the movie. I was So embarrassed. It reminded me of this thread. After the movie, I was like why you have to be so disrespectful and hes like that dude doesnt pay my phone bills I dont care what he says.

I was this close to coming out on CNN. Girl in movie theatre strangles man with cell phone.
My friend and I went to see WWZ ( EEEEEK, so good) and he busted out his phone to text. I gave him my dirtiest look. Then this guy told my friend to put it away and my friend of course refused. The guy got up and left the theatre and left his girl watching the movie. I was So embarrassed. It reminded me of this thread. After the movie, I was like why you have to be so disrespectful and hes like that dude doesnt pay my phone bills I dont care what he says.

I was this close to coming out on CNN. Girl in movie theatre strangles man with cell phone.

I'd re-think your choice in friends.

You know what?

You can think whatever you want to about it, I really don't care.

Your repeated misinformed comments in this thread show you don't know what you're talking about anyway.

It's a fact that theaters disapprove of the selfish, rude, and ignorant behavior.

If you can't clearly see that it's in appropriate and disrespectful to others, that's on you.

Come to my theater and act like a jerk, see where it gets you.

Just don't plan on seeing the end of the movie.
You know what?

You can think whatever you want to about it, I really don't care.

Your repeated misinformed comments in this thread show you don't know what you're talking about anyway.

It's a fact that theaters disapprove of the selfish, rude, and ignorant behavior.

If you can't clearly see that it's in appropriate and disrespectful to others, that's on you.

Come to my theater and act like a jerk, see where it gets you.

Just don't plan on seeing the end of the movie.

Rude is rude. Interrupting people who are paying for entertainment, especially after being asked (repeatedly, usually) not to, is bad behavior any way you slice it.

It's not the end of the world, but it's thoughtless and grounds for being asked to leave. It doesn't matter who's paying the cell phone bill. What matters is who's interfering with everybody else's enjoyment.
Rude is rude. Interrupting people who are paying for entertainment, especially after being asked (repeatedly, usually) not to, is bad behavior any way you slice it.

It's not the end of the world, but it's thoughtless and grounds for being asked to leave. It doesn't matter who's paying the cell phone bill. What matters is who's interfering with everybody else's enjoyment.

Exactly right.

Everyone in this world is equal, with the equal right to enjoy the movie they paid for, free from distractions.

Nobody has the right to more than anyone else.
Think I'm gonna go to the movies tomorrow... Gonna see something G-rated. I'll post observations in the Movie thread

~whistling through the thread~
Went to see Lone Ranger today. Was pretty good until the women in the back of the theater kept checking her phone every 30 mins.
I stopped going to Movie Theaters because of people like WG. Tired of fighting. Now I rent the movies or play them on demand.
If you're in a movie threater.........take off all your clothes.
This is where the corrective power of the free market comes into play. There are theaters that are more lax with cell phone usage and theaters that take a hardline no cell phone stance, such as Alamo Drafthouse. You have a choice. I no longer see movies at the Tinseltown in Pflugerville, Texas for this very reason. Too many people waving their cell phones around after the movie has started to signal their friends. If Tinseltown sees a significant reduction in sales due to people like me, they will adopt a stricter stance. If they don't, that's fine as well because cell phone users now have a 'safe' place and I know which theater to avoid.
I stopped going to Movie Theaters because of people like WG. Tired of fighting. Now I rent the movies or play them on demand.

I too stopped going to movie theaters and started watching movies at home for this very reason. I got tired of fighting with annoying people at movie theaters. Now I just stay home and beat my kids.
Ya know, y'all should really stop lumping folks into a single group as if all cell phone use in a theater is equal. It's not...and while I still maintain that it's not really worth a debate, because I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do. I refuse to let folks call me out as if I'm some teeny bopper who can't put their phone away for 5 mins. It's not accurate and it doesn't apply to me not even a little bit.
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