If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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I, too, believe our stance is similar. Im not as concerned with what everyone else is offended by, as again, im not one to text or talk during a movie. Im simply stating that if someone pulls out their silenced phone around me during a movie for a second or two to check the time or check a text they just received.. im not offended by it, nor do i consider it disrespect towards me. That is all, and that's why i believe that the people here giving WG such a hard time are being a bit ridiculous.

That's fine that you're not offended as you have the right to decide for yourself, as does everyone else.

But keep in mind that society as a group dictates acceptable behavior, not individuals.

Majority rules.

And in this case, the majority find it offensive, including those who ultimately make the rules.
That's fine that you're not offended as you have the right to decide for yourself, as does everyone else.

But keep in mind that society as a group dictates acceptable behavior, not individuals.

Majority rules.

And in this case, the majority find it offensive, including those who ultimately make the rules.

Which is one of the reasons im perfectly happy reasoning for myself what is acceptable and what is not. Society, in general, today sure has some hypocricical and highly questionable views of what is acceptable and what is not.

In this case, im still wondering what the "rules" are. Again, in my theater, the announcement before the movie states "Please silence your cell phones", not "Please turn your cell phones off completely and don't take them out or look at them or touch them until the final credit has rolled or i'll hunt you down and beat your arse." Seems there are different "rules" for different theaters, stash. (Again, i only quote the word rules because rules are enforced and i believe these pre movie announcements to be more along the lines of a request, as i have yet to see anyone removed from my theater for their phone going off.)

Also, "majority rules" is such an asinine way of justifying any kind of behavior or belief i won't even get into that right now. If that was always the case, this country would be alot different than it is today.
Which is one of the reasons im perfectly happy reasoning for myself what is acceptable and what is not. Society, in general, today sure has some hypocricical and highly questionable views of what is acceptable and what is not.

In this case, im still wondering what the "rules" are. Again, in my theater, the announcement before the movie states "Please silence your cell phones", not "Please turn your cell phones off completely and don't take them out or look at them or touch them until the final credit has rolled or i'll hunt you down and beat your arse." Seems there are different "rules" for different theaters, stash. (Again, i only quote the word rules because rules are enforced and i believe these pre movie announcements to be more along the lines of a request, as i have yet to see anyone removed from my theater for their phone going off.)

Also, "majority rules" is such an asinine way of justifying any kind of behavior or belief i won't even get into that right now. If that was always the case, this country would be alot different than it is today.

yes it says please silence your phones.......but at regal cinemas before it shows that message, it shows 3 images that are of a negative nature.....texting, talking, or using the video recorder function.
Which is one of the reasons im perfectly happy reasoning for myself what is acceptable and what is not. Society, in general, today sure has some hypocricical and highly questionable views of what is acceptable and what is not.

In this case, im still wondering what the "rules" are. Again, in my theater, the announcement before the movie states "Please silence your cell phones", not "Please turn your cell phones off completely and don't take them out or look at them or touch them until the final credit has rolled or i'll hunt you down and beat your arse." Seems there are different "rules" for different theaters, stash. (Again, i only quote the word rules because rules are enforced and i believe these pre movie announcements to be more along the lines of a request, as i have yet to see anyone removed from my theater for their phone going off.)

Also, "majority rules" is such an asinine way of justifying any kind of behavior or belief i won't even get into that right now. If that was always the case, this country would be alot different than it is today.

What's asinine is thinking everyone else should think as you do.

It's great that it doesn't bother you and you've never seen it as an issue. A great many others have. And people have rightfully been removed from theaters.

It's also been said the practice is hurting business by stopping folks from going to the movies. Yet another negative impact.

When large groups of people get together in one place, consideration and respect toward others needs to be applied. When it doesn't happen, problems result.

We need to share this world.

And that's not anything new.
At least you can no longer feign ignorance that the behavior is acceptable, so mission accomplished there.

Did I feign ignorance? Reality is, I don't CARE. Period. I never have cared and I never will care. I doubt I posted anywhere in this thread that I was ignorant of anything as it related to cell phone use. I freely admitted what I do on those rare occasions I check my phone, but that doesn't mean I was ignorant of theater's "suggestion" as it pertains to turning phones off or putting phones on silent. However, I maintain that at least I try to minimize any lighting distraction by placing my phone at a level where the light isn't shining directly on anything.

So you still haven't accomplished anything other than getting worked up over what you perceive to be my "disrespectful behavior," the fact that I refuse to acknowledge your opinion in that regard, and my refusal to change my stance in the face of your disapproval.
Did I feign ignorance? Reality is, I don't CARE. Period. I never have cared and I never will care. I doubt I posted anywhere in this thread that I was ignorant of anything as it related to cell phone use. I freely admitted what I do on those rare occasions I check my phone, but that doesn't mean I was ignorant of theater's "suggestion" as it pertains to turning phones off or putting phones on silent. However, I maintain that at least I try to minimize any lighting distraction by placing my phone at a level where the light isn't shining directly on anything.

So you still haven't accomplished anything other than getting worked up over what you perceive to be my "disrespectful behavior," the fact that I refuse to acknowledge your opinion in that regard, and my refusal to change my stance in the face of your disapproval.

You obviously don't care. 20 posts obviously show your complete disinterest in this topic...

Don't change anything. Stay as rude and inconsiderant as you want. Make the world a worse place by your actions. That's your choice until someone makes it otherwise.

I'm not worked up about it as I don't have to tolerate you in my theatre.

Nor would I.

I just hoped to make you more aware of you taking away from others enjoyment.

What you chose to do with that information is up to you.
Don't change anything. Stay as rude and inconsiderant as you want. Make the world a worse place by your actions. That's your choice until someone makes it otherwise.

I'm not worked up about it as I don't have to tolerate you in my theatre.

Nor would I.

I just hoped to make you more aware of you taking away from others enjoyment.

What you chose to do with that information is up to you.
Okey doke... Glad you got that off your chest.
Okey doke... Glad you got that off your chest.

Me too.

If there's one thing I don't like its people putting themselves and their needs and wants above other people's.

Anything I can do to try to change ignorant behavior like that is well worth it.
yes it says please silence your phones.......but at regal cinemas before it shows that message, it shows 3 images that are of a negative nature.....texting, talking, or using the video recorder function.

Well, i would agree.. you shouldn't be texting, talking, or bootlegging the movie.
Me too.

If there's one thing I don't like its people putting themselves and their needs and wants above other people's.

Anything I can do to try to change ignorant behavior like that is well worth it.
Well, messageboards are for sharing information, even if some are more pushy about it than others and feels like their way is the only way.

Fortunately, I don't feel the need to change those individuals behavior. My opinions are what they are and I don't feel obligated to push those opinions on other people.

But keep fighting the good fight, stash. One day somebody somewhere on the internet will appreciate that about you.
What's asinine is thinking everyone else should think as you do.

When large groups of people get together in one place, consideration and respect toward others needs to be applied.

lol wut, stash?

I never said people should think like i do.. you said that. You JUST SAID "majority rules" right? Basically saying, whatever everyone else thinks, that's how i should think. I think that's horse dooey.

I agree with your last statement though, when you're in a public place, consideration and respect towards others should be applied. Fully agree, my man.

The problem here is your version of someone disrespecting you is alot more sensitive than my version. I don't let little things bother me, because life's to short to go around looking for every little thing to be offended by. I agree this society has a long way to go as far as showing love, compassion, and care for their fellow man (and woman), but in the overall picture of what we need to work on as a culture, this "epidemic" you continue to argue against, isn't even an afterthought. On the contrary, i would argue that people that get so offended by such little petty things as this are closer to being part of the problem than they are part of the solution.
Well, messageboards are for sharing information, even if some are more pushy about it than others and feels like their way is the only way.

Fortunately, I don't feel the need to change those individuals behavior. My opinions are what they are and I don't feel obligated to push those opinions on other people.

But keep fighting the good fight, stash. One day somebody somewhere on the internet will appreciate that about you.

It's not subject to opinion when there are messages about it. That takes opinion out of it.

Despite what you might like, it's not subject to your personal interpretation.

And despite your repeated statements of 'not caring' you're up to about 25 posts on a topic you state means so little. Seems more than a bit hypocritical

And don't accuse anyone else of being pushy when you're the one lighting up the movie theater because you can't bear to be away from checking your phone for nonsense for two hours.

We can clearly see who's being pushy.
It's not subject to opinion when there are messages about it. That takes opinion out of it.

Despite what you might like, it's not subject to your personal interpretation.

And despite your repeated statements of 'not caring' you're up to about 25 posts on a topic you state means so little. Seems more than a bit hypocritical

And don't accuse anyone else of being pushy when you're the one lighting up the movie theater because you can't bear to be away from checking your phone for nonsense for two hours.

We can clearly see who's being pushy.

Again, messages about silencing your phone.. which she does. No messages yet about "not checking your phone for the time, or checking a text quick to see if its an emergency, etc.." I'll keep a lookout for those though.

Honestly, you know what does actually "light up a movie theater" though?

The movie.. you know, those fantastic images of light and sound projecting from that gigantic 600 inch screen directly in front of you? Honestly, i don't know how some of you even notice a little cell phone screen lighting up for a second over that unless its literally right next to you.
lol wut, stash?

I never said people should think like i do.. you said that. You JUST SAID "majority rules" right? Basically saying, whatever everyone else thinks, that's how i should think. I think that's horse dooey.

I agree with your last statement though, when you're in a public place, consideration and respect towards others should be applied. Fully agree, my man.

The problem here is your version of someone disrespecting you is alot more sensitive than my version. I don't let little things bother me, because life's to short to go around looking for every little thing to be offended by. I agree this society has a long way to go as far as showing love, compassion, and care for their fellow man (and woman), but in the overall picture of what we need to work on as a culture, this "epidemic" you continue to argue against, isn't even an afterthought. On the contrary, i would argue that people that get so offended by such little petty things as this are closer to being part of the problem than they are part of the solution.

I'm not telling you how to think.

I'm telling you that the majority of people find cell use in theaters a problem.

Enough so that theaters go to great lengths to discourage and stop it.

Not opinion, fact.
Again, messages about silencing your phone.. which she does. No messages yet about "not checking your phone for the time, or checking a text quick to see if its an emergency, etc.." I'll keep a lookout for those though.

Honestly, you know what does actually "light up a movie theater" though?

The movie.. you know, those fantastic images of light and sound projecting from that gigantic 600 inch screen directly in front of you? Honestly, i don't know how some of you even notice a little cell phone screen lighting up for a second over that unless its literally right next to you.

I guess some folks need it more clearly spelled out for them.

It's not just the talking and noise, it's any use

The theater goes dark for a reason, so that all focus is on the actual screen, not some technology addicted moron typing nonsense on their phone.
Again, messages about silencing your phone.. which she does. No messages yet about "not checking your phone for the time, or checking a text quick to see if its an emergency, etc.." I'll keep a lookout for those though.

Honestly, you know what does actually "light up a movie theater" though?

The movie.. you know, those fantastic images of light and sound projecting from that gigantic 600 inch screen directly in front of you? Honestly, i don't know how some of you even notice a little cell phone screen lighting up for a second over that unless its literally right next to you.

the same way someone talking on the other side of the theater can bother you even though there's a gigantic sound system blaring all around you.
I'm not telling you how to think.

I'm telling you that the majority of people find cell use in theaters a problem.

Enough so that theaters go to great lengths to discourage and stop it.

Not opinion, fact.

Partially fact.. partially open to interpretation. Like i said, my movie theater doesn't have a message to turn off all cell phones during the movie and refrain from taking them out the entire time.

It simply requests that you please silence all cell phones. Beyond silencing my cell phones, everything else you are trying to get across is your interpretation of that message. Different rules can apply in different theaters, but that's what it is in mine.

Really though.. as far as talking about society and respecting others, i think this thread brings up a much more important issue than checking a quick text during a movie. Talking just to hear yourself talk vs talking to communicate and come to understanding with one another.

This thread is almost 10 pages long of largely just you, WG, and I debating this small issue and you still won't seem to concede that what WG does isn't intended to be disrespectful to anyone and she does seem to be aware of the moviegoers around her. She's already stated that if she has to take a call, she goes into the lobby, she puts her phone on silent at all times, does not text during a movie, only checks a text she may receive to make sure it not an emergency and then immediately puts her phone away and goes right back to watching the movie, and also sits in the last row of the thater in order to disrupt the least amount of people possible.

Clearly, she's making an effort to be considerate to her fellow moviegoers.. even though she doesn't behave exactly 100% the way you feel everyone should in order to be proper at the movie theater. So how about we give her credit for that, agree to disagree over what is respectful and disrespectful in our own opinions, and just move on with life?
Posting in this thread, from inside a movie theater, just for fun.

You can't stop me. You can't even hope to contain me! Next, I'm texting my wife and all its going to say is "sup?"
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