IMHO - The real reason we are upset at cutting Petitti

summerisfunner said:

even though I hate most things you say, you're good for a line or 2 ;)

Backhanded compliment of the day. I'll take what I can get.
A nickel says that if Pettitti wasn't forced into the starting line up because there were no viable options at the tackle position last year, he'd still be on the team and he'd develop into a solid guy for years.

Many of you might not have had the pleasure of watching Fabini play for the Jets.

I live in NY.

I'd rather see Pettitti.
Personally, I haven't been this distraught since the release of Javier Collins.
I just want to make sure that I point out that I didn't take any swipes at the guy. I simply stated my opinion that I believed that his dad posting here made (at least me) 'us' bond with the guy. I don't think he was awlful or anything like that. I would have loved to see him stay with the team and become one heck of a great player. This cut has been harder for me because I felt like I knew the player more than the others based on postings on here. I am a reader that has been around for a long time (on the old board as well) and I just don't post as often as many others. But I'm on here everyday reading all of the opinions of you guys. I didn't mean to cause such a negative response!
WoodysGirl said:
I have to disagree. Because you aren't here on a daily basis, you don't see it. "

I read here as much, if not more than the board I admin for. I know the content of the threads here and the prevalent thinking.

I'm sorry to disagree, but were it not for his dad, his on-field play would have been his undoing here.

This isn't about boards. It's about the choice made by his father - if that really was his father - to post here.

Thus he becomes a fan favorite, because of a connection.

And humans have issues with being real about people they are conncted with who are in the limelight.

That isn't slinging mud.

As Ray Charles would say, "It is what it is, baby."

Rob is a semi-talented player who will remain on the fringe of this league. He will make a living, and if her watches his money, and parlays his fifteen minutes of fame into an after sports gig, he will do well.

But this is not a "Rudy" story because the hero of this tale doesn't pack the gear.

I see no difference betwen Pettiti and any other player cut by this team. I can only deal with the ones on the roster.
That is why I am a fan of the team.

Seinfeld was right. It is about laundry.

And more to the point, when Emmitt became a Cardinal, he was the enemy to me.

I celebrate him now that he is retired. But Roy Dub popping him in that game was our guys whipping their guys.

So Pettiti is a footnote in a Cowboy trivia book and no more to me.

Therefore I see little reason to celebrate his departure with anything but, "Oh well."
I would have liked to see Rob get his full three years before we made a decision on his ability. I think this could be Parcells doing for Payton what Jimmy did for Dave when he traded him Barry Minter and Vinson Smith for John Roper. Saints are second in line on waiver claims.
As a well known alcohol fan once stated in another parallel universe.......

Where are the tears for Torrin Tucker?

It simply is the brush with fame that causes the genuflecting around here.
Riddle me this....

We're all Cowboys fans, right?....I mean, you're not as much of a fan as I am, but we all root for the team first and foremost, no?

Okay....then why would any Cowboys fan want to see a player we just released, in an area where our roster needs players, do well with another team?

Wouldn't that mean you are hoping the Cowboys made a personnel mistake and have ******** their success in the process?

Wouldn't you hope that Cowboys made the right decision and this move will benefit, not hurt, the team?

What's the priority here? Is it about the Cowboys or individual players?

Personally, I never bashed Petitti last year. I gave him the free pass he deserved considering his circumstance. I also gave him a chance this pre-season. Had we kept him around, I'd have hoped he would develop into something serviceable down the road.

Because, in that circumstance, he was a Cowboy.

But now that he's no longer with us, not only do I hope he never plays another game in the National Football League, but I also wouldn't be against him getting Lyme Disease.

I can't fathom any Cowboys fan feeling differently.

Yet I see an alleged Cowboys fan forum, three times the size of this one, collectively crossing their fingers that the Cowboys made a personnel mistake.

Cowboys fans....wishing the Cowboys harm.

Somebody splain that to me.

From an anonymous poster at a nationally recognized site.

I got to say this guy knows what he is talking about...:bow:
2233boys said:
From an anonymous poster at a nationally recognized site.

I got to say this guy knows what he is talking about...:bow:
This dude really knows what it's all about.
Juke99 said:
A nickel says that if Pettitti wasn't forced into the starting line up because there were no viable options at the tackle position last year, he'd still be on the team and he'd develop into a solid guy for years.

Many of you might not have had the pleasure of watching Fabini play for the Jets.

I live in NY.

I'd rather see Pettitti.

No, but I had the pleasure of watching Rob give up the most sacks in the league last year.

I understand all the reasons why, but I also understand that despite the offseason work he was still letting 3rd teamers get to Romo the other night.

I like Rob and his work ethic and I wish him well, and even moreso respect Pittdawg for exposing himself to the savage criticism that the anonymous internet brings, but bottom line I didn't see or hear anything in this preseason that clearly pointed to Rob improving from last year, other than his conditioning.

I gather that is what Bill was thinking when he pushed for his release.

Fabini isn't bound for Hawaii, but what he has done in this league to date is probably a pipe dream for what Rob will ever do.

If we were a 5-11 still rebuilding team maybe you hold on to ROb and pray for further development. BUt as a team which just signed TO in an obvious "do it now" push, you have to keep the proven vet.

I will say I agree whoeheartedly with the OP, for better or worse. If Rob's dad had never posted here Pettitti would be just as villfied as Tucker. I don't see how anyone can deny that.
Petitte sucks and that is why he got cut! If he had gotten any better, the Boys would have kept him as a long term project. McQuistian is just a better option and has yet to be totally used and abused like Petitte was in 16 games last season. Now with Petitte and Torrin Tucker off this roster, the Boys coaches and management will sleep better at night!:star:
Speak for yourself pal. Cutting Petitti bothers me a lot because I do believe he has talent and will be an outstanding OT someday, only now it will be for some other team.

I have been a Rob Petitti fan since the day we drafted him and it had nothing to do with his dad posting on this forum (which didn't start for quite some time afterwards).

The first time I saw Petitti's highlight clips I knew this kid could be a very good OT. He had excellent balance, footwork, and leverage as well as a mean streak. I saw some of that same thing last season and believe it was a mistake to let him go in favor of Fabini.

It also bothers me that we cut Junior Glymph.

Saved me some typing. Thanks!
I think Pettiti would still be here if he just showed some sign improvement. Yes, he was thrown to the wolves way too early. Still, he showed no sign of improvement as the season went on. If anything he got worse. Significantly worse. The final game of the season against Leonard Little was maybe one of the worst displays of offensive line play I've seen in a long time, and that's saying something for this franchise lately. Then he comes into camp this year with a lot of momentum behind him after a strong offseason. He was Mister July. People are drinking the Kool Aid by the pitcher. The Cowboys gave him every opportunity to claim the starting RT spot. He started off camp working with the 1st string unit at that position. Four weeks later he's worked himself down to 3rd string left tackle, and he's getting beaten badly by Minnesota's scrubs.

A key part of being a developmental project is showing some development. The biggest jump in player's development should be between his first and second year. A developmental player's arrow shouldn't be pointed down in his second training camp. Stagnant maybe, but not down. That's showing that maybe you just don't have that much to work with. Maybe if you're Robert Gallery you get the benefit of the doubt, but guys drafted with the 209th pick need to show something. If Jay Ratliff would have had a stinker camp, he probably would have found himself on the outs too. Its just business.
Juke99 said:
A nickel says that if Pettitti wasn't forced into the starting line up because there were no viable options at the tackle position last year, he'd still be on the team and he'd develop into a solid guy for years.

Many of you might not have had the pleasure of watching Fabini play for the Jets.

I live in NY.

I'd rather see Pettitti.

I saw Fabini quite a bit in NY as well, and a little this preseason and I didn't see much difference between the two.

I'm glad there's a few of you that see the same thing, I was starting to wonder if I missed something with this guy (not really).

65% (maybe more) of this board is in for a major disappointment if Fabini has to start 16 games.

I'm a Cowboys fan, I'll root for Fabini every play he's in, but my expectations for him won't be much more than they were for a lower 6th round rookie starting last year.

"He won't give up 10 sacks playing backwards."

Maybe he's real good playing backwards but playing frontwards he ain't worth a flip anymore.
In 8 years in the league Fabini has never allowed double digit sacks. He also has never committed double digit penalties in a season.

Petitti did BOTH in the same year.

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