Impact of Union Decertification On Cap?

No, I don't think so. If it goes to arbitration, they can't do that. All parties agree that the arbitration is the last word under antitrust agreements. I think that it's a done deal, once a ruling comes down, once it goes that far.

I don't know. I'm kinda talking out of the other side of my mouth here because I'm no authority on this. I'm only repeating what I thought I heard somewhere down the line. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable then I can speak to this. Where is the Barrister when you need him?


I hear ya, my head hurts just thinking about the CBA.

JeffInDC said:
Riggo, I don't completely know the answer. However, I do know that the actual decertifying of the NFL Player's Union probably won't occur until after the 2007 season. The current CBA ends after the '07 season. What is happening now is an attempt to extend the CBA (with some amendments, of course) so that FA and rookie contracts can be less tricky to complete.
But the union is threatening to decertify this year if they do nto reach an extension agreement. Thats where all the questions are coming from. I have asked the same question without an answer.