Important fact about Romo to remember

A blog site? Really?

Was Huffington Post's server down when you looked this up?
I dont know your understanding of football but if you had anywhere near the knowledge of the author One.Cool.Customer I would be surprised.
the article isnt opinion its based on fact.

I dont get you reference to Huffington Post, I never read it
I know but I'm just questioning how he put that into context. He says Romo will eventually screw up. The only QB that doesn't screw up is Rogers. Wish we had Rogers rather than Romo. Get it?

No sir. What the OP said was "every quarterback, all of them except Rodgers average AT LEAST 2 bad games per year". That's not a slam of Romo (or any other QB, for that matter), it's a statement of fact based on statistical analysis.
I would expect any QB to have bad weeks. And I do believe this team will lose again this year. I just want to make the playoffs and not lose in the postseason which I'm sure everybody here wants to happen as well.

You're going to lose games and it's okay to not be perfect. What's not okay is accepting losing, losing games you should win and not learning from prior mistakes.

The author doesn't even use his real name. It is a blog. Your label - and oh my are you the author? - doesn't change anything because this may be the most nebulous of stats going.

Sell crazy someplace else.

No, I am not the author. Imo his methodology is sound and his conclusions are on point.
As long as Dallas OL can protect Romo will be just fine.
you know a important point of the articles mentioned in this thread is that some qbs like Matt Ryan who have more bad games per year than Romo, but win more of those than Romo does because of a better supporting cast like defense and running game, where if Romo has a bad game the Cowboys tend to lose because he is carrying the team more than other qbs. he rarely had a defense and just as rarely had a run game.

until now.

so really my original post I admit I didnt explain very good, Im a huge fan of Romo he is a great qb. now, now even though the defense isnt as good as it could be he finally has a strong run game to lean on. while I wondered if it might help him have even fewer poor games because he has to be less aggressive maybe I should have said if he has another bad game this season, the strong support around him can carry the team to a win like other qbs enjoy. like Roethlisberger for example.
you know a important point of the articles mentioned in this thread is that some qbs like Matt Ryan who have more bad games per year than Romo, but win more of those than Romo does because of a better supporting cast like defense and running game, where if Romo has a bad game the Cowboys tend to lose because he is carrying the team more than other qbs. he rarely had a defense and just as rarely had a run game.

until now.

so really my original post I admit I didnt explain very good, Im a huge fan of Romo he is a great qb. now, now even though the defense isnt as good as it could be he finally has a strong run game to lean on. while I wondered if it might help him have even fewer poor games because he has to be less aggressive maybe I should have said if he has another bad game this season, the strong support around him can carry the team to a win like other qbs enjoy. like Roethlisberger for example.

I agree with you, I also think this defense will continue to improve over the course of the season. Heading into the season I felt the defense would have their ups and downs especially early in the season. Frankly I'm impressed that there have been more ups than downs with this defense but I still think this unit will improve as they move forward and they get more time with each others and younger players continue to gain experience.
every quarterback, all of them except Rodgers average AT LEAST 2 bad games per y ear. The rest of the NFL except for the top few have more. Romo has had a remarkable high career rating consistently in the mid 90 range and he is well above that right now. 2011 he had a final rating above 100 for the 1st time. only twice has it dropped to a low 90.

is he due another bad game this season or has the change of run first offense put him on a higher level?

Romo got off to a rocky start with his only bad game of the season in the opener vs SF. Anytime Romo has multiple turnovers it usually leads to a bad game and a Cowboys loss. Murray had 118 yards vs SF but his fumble along with Romo's 3 turnovers did the Cowboys in. Highly unlikely Romo goes the rest of the season without another bad game we just have to hope it doesn't come in a game that really matters. Being able to run the ball has taken a lot of the burden off his shoulders and it's led to a great year for him so far and for the team. At some point this season the Cowboys are going to have some games where they're going to struggle to run the ball and those games will hinge on Romo's performance.

The true test for Romo will be when it gets down to do or die time can he play efficiently and avoid mistakes when it matters most. The only elimination game win he has the Cowboys were able to run the ball enabling Romo to play within himself and avoid turnovers. Opponents are going to be gearing up to stop Murray and as the season progresses Romo may have to do a little more. The Cowboys are winning because of ball control and the defense not having to be on the field as much. Two weeks ago a stat was given that the Cowboys defense was averaging 12 fewer plays per game than last season.

The Cowboys can go a long way this season if they can continue to control the ball but if Murray goes down or the running game begins to sputter games will start falling on Romo's shoulders again. For the Cowboys to get over the hump and start winning the crunch games late in the season they need to continue controlling the ball on the ground and not put these games on Romo's shoulders. Romo has gotten away with a few errant throws this season one vs Seattle that could have been 100 yard pick-six. For Romo to continue to play well and avoid critical turnovers he can't be put in a position where he has to carry the team especially when it gets down to make or break time.
read the article dude. I even quoted part of it here for you if you cant understand maybe someone else can explain.

take a qb rating on average to identify what is good and what is bad. this is a yearly average.
Rodgers has only 1 game per year below that average.
4 other qbs have 2 games below that average including Romo.
couple more have 2+
bad qbs like Sanchez have 3 or 4+ I dont remember what those exact figures were but it wasnt a guess, you see.
its fact

Thanks for the article. It was kinda excruciating to read. Maybe its my ADD that kicked in and in the final part it mentioned Rogers.

Just don't think its going to such an issue moving forward. The dynamics of the team have changed to the point that they don't need to rely on Romo anymore.
One needs a supercomputer to calculate Jay Cutler's bad games. :muttley:
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Week 1 ring a bell.. Bad days will happen, injury or not

A bad according to you he may have 1 1/2 bad games to go.
Maybe the pick 6 from the Rams game will count as a bad 1 game to go.....break into quarters, bad snap, though not on Romo, but past history, people do.

My logic makes as much sense as any other.

Thing is, when Romo starts out with a bad day, he usually fights back to get the team to a chance of still winning the game, more often than not. Most good QB's do.
Whether Tony Romo, walkon from Eastern Illinois, has another bad game or many others, depend on Father Time.

Romo is on the cuspidor of middle age and no one can turn the hands of time backward. Once the aging thing kicks in, it only get worse.

It happen to all: Favre, Staubach, Starr.

So any other year before this year I'd say he might have 3 bad games but with Father Time knocking at the door, you just never no.
the idea that Romo has 3 or 4 games a year that are bad is just a myth, the facts show he is in fact one of the best in the league every year. when the rest of the team performs badly it may make him look bad but we know thats the angle people like to use against him for some reason.
A bad according to you he may have 1 1/2 bad games to go.
Maybe the pick 6 from the Rams game will count as a bad 1 game to go.....break into quarters, bad snap, though not on Romo, but past history, people do.

My logic makes as much sense as any other.

Thing is, when Romo starts out with a bad day, he usually fights back to get the team to a chance of still winning the game, more often than not. Most good QB's do.
yes but his rating was far below average so it would be considered a bad game. to me, that game meant little evaluating Romos season because he was rusty both mentally and physically. this idea is supported by looking at his ratings since as they gradually climbed to a very high average over the 1st 3 games and have remained there.
I dont know your understanding of football but if you had anywhere near the knowledge of the author One.Cool.Customer I would be surprised.
the article isnt opinion its based on fact.

I dont get you reference to Huffington Post, I never read it

The Huff Po is a blog site. Blogs are like documentaries where the outcome of the blog is ultimately the opinion of the blooger, or documentariest.

Whether I have any football knowledge or not, the idea you can quantify a subject that quarterbacks have two bad games a year ignores the white elephant in the room. Which is the 21 other players on the field for his team and the 22 for the other team.

Even in interceptions, what did you learn this last game against the New Yorks?

Romo threw one. Oh no, bad Romo.

However, that pesky truth says Dez slipped and fell down and was not where the ball was. So how does that translate to numbers on a page unless Mr. Blogger looks at every pl;ay from every quarterback during his sample size to determine if it truly was a bad day for the QB, or something out of his control?

Simply put:
There are liars
Damn liars
and people who use stats

I think that is how that old shoe goes.
The Huff Po is a blog site. Blogs are like documentaries where the outcome of the blog is ultimately the opinion of the blooger, or documentariest.

Whether I have any football knowledge or not, the idea you can quantify a subject that quarterbacks have two bad games a year ignores the white elephant in the room. Which is the 21 other players on the field for his team and the 22 for the other team.

Even in interceptions, what did you learn this last game against the New Yorks?

Romo threw one. Oh no, bad Romo.

no my friend that is not it at all. yes Romo threw 1 interception (because Dez tripped right) but otherwise he was very accurate and his rating reflected that. that wasnt a bad game for him at all. the only bad game hes had this year was against the 49ers.
no my friend that is not it at all. yes Romo threw 1 interception (because Dez tripped right) but otherwise he was very accurate and his rating reflected that. that wasnt a bad game for him at all. the only bad game hes had this year was against the 49ers.

Stat sheets don't tell the whole story. Ever. Three passes are deflected by a receiver having a poor day turn into picks when the QB was dead on and an OC goes in the tank and calls running plays and the QB doesn't have the numbers to overcome the bad play of others.

Your guy looks at a QB rating and determines this is a bad day for the QB.

Or, you have a QB that throws fifty times a game and has a defense like a sieve and no running game because the team is always behind, and he tosses a critical pick to lose a game, is that on the stats sheet. He might have scored...let's say 49 points in that game but his one pick cost the team the game.

You see, the statisticians that travel here look at that sheet and it is the end all be all. But there are gradients of good and bad that are not reflected. The author of that piece may have the wherewithal to see every game., Surely you can have the equipment and record each after buying enough stuff to get that job done. Then watch each game and report those gradients in a solid, statistical chart.

If that were the case then I might buy that. I think Batman has the funds and time to sit and watch all the games and make those determinations. If One Cool Customer eats and has a house or apartment payment, then that website must throw off a bunch of lucre so he can do those things.

And yet there is still room for subjective analysis. The scenario of the guy scoring 49 points was Romo and the pick cost them the Denver game. I maintain - to the pain in the butt of most here - he lost that game. Your guy could see him as a hero that was robbed because of the defense. I might add the other team in that contest also gave up 49 points but stole that ill-advised pass into double coverage when Murray was open to the left. That team - Denver - went to the Super Bowl.

So which is it? Ready to take the Pepsi challenge? Was it live or Memorex?

Anything short of an unbiased look at each play and assigning a number, then making a determination is relying on a page to tell me what my eyes didn't actually see if I did not watch the game.

I bet I stirred the pot again with my "Romo Hate."

These types of things are bandied about here frequently.

Oh well..

I am not a real believer in raw numbers tell the whole tale. If that offends someone, then take a number. I have offended most people on this board at one time or another.

I would suggest currently there are at least six people who are angry with me at any moment.

I am not sold on what the article professed.
The game has four quarters.

In the past Garrett has looked good in three of those. When he had to make a game time decision which involved the clock or some such, he has shown he can make the wrong call. But it is usually late in the game.

This season is like a game. The team is in the second quarter.

Too much time left on the clock for Garrett to make a great call, or one where you wonder if he rides the short bus.

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