Improving our offense- Simple advice from Warren Sharp


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Why the chip on your shoulder to a fellow Cowboys fan with a sense of humor? I appreciate what you add to the discussions. You’re a great poster and great fan. So why the rude comments? I don’t get it.

I guess I'm burning out from too many trolls.

Look at my thread about the Cowboys LB vs Pollard. All 90% of posters can focus on is that Dak over-threw Pollard on 1 of the 2 videos. It's even more comical that Dak make an awesome high-degree of difficultly throw in the other video but they only comment on the over-throw.

Now some chump is bashing Kellen Moore as the OC before we've even seen how he calls a game in the regular season.


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I guess I'm burning out from too many trolls.

Look at my thread about the Cowboys LB vs Pollard. All 90% of posters can focus on is that Dak over-threw Pollard on 1 of the 2 videos. It's even more comical that Dak make an awesome high-degree of difficultly throw in the other video but they only comment on the over-throw.

Now some chump is bashing Kellen Moore as the OC before we've even seen how he calls a game in the regular season.
Don’t let anyone take away your fun as a fan.


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I guess I'm burning out from too many trolls.

Look at my thread about the Cowboys LB vs Pollard. All 90% of posters can focus on is that Dak over-threw Pollard on 1 of the 2 videos. It's even more comical that Dak make an awesome high-degree of difficultly throw in the other video but they only comment on the over-throw.

Now some chump is bashing Kellen Moore as the OC before we've even seen how he calls a game in the regular season.

I complain a lot cause I'm sick of losing but I've been a fan since '63! Take care.


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Why the chip on your shoulder to a fellow Cowboys fan with a sense of humor? I appreciate what you add to the discussions. You’re a great poster and great fan. So why the rude comments? I don’t get it.

I blocked that guy a long time ago. Always smarter and better than everyone else. Smart poster? He is not.


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This afternoon I heard Warren Sharp, one of the most respected offensive minds in the NFL on Dallas radio station “The Ticket” being interviewed by Bob Storm. It was very insightful to say the least (Here’s a link to Sharp’s website-

Sharp is often a consultant to NFL teams using stats and trends to improve offensive performance. He had some fascinating points and ideas on how the Cowboys can improve their performance on offense. Here were some of his major points describing some of the Cowboys offensive problems and how to fix them:
  • The Cowboys became way too conservative in the 3rd qtr, especially when they had the lead. They ran the ball on first down nearly 60% of the time, and were usually facing 2nd down and long way too often. He recommends passing more on 1st down, especially in the second half to keep defenses honest. He also said throwing a pass to Zeke on first down was a statistical strong play that Linehan rarely called last year.
  • Improving FIRST DOWN playcalling. The Cowboys had THE most predictable offense on first down in the NFL, especially when they had the lead. Sitting on a lead, especially a less than two score lead can kill your momentum and it gives the opponent the edge on being aggressive. The days of being conservative with the lead have become old fashioned. (A real sad trademark of Garrett coached teams)
  • Be more aggressive. Throw deep more, especially on first down. Defenses against us typically stack the box and don’t respect any kind of deep threat. Even if you don’t convert a deep ball, two positives can happen- a PI call or if nothing else, the defense now knows you might try to go over the top and may back off a little on the run.
  • Red zone improvement? Utilize Dak more as a runner. Dak has been the second best red zone runner in the NFL the past two seasons. Because Zeke is expected to run the ball inside the 10, Sharp said running Dak way more than they have in the red zone keeps defenses more in their heels, especially if Dak is a frequent runner.
  • Give defenses more wrinkles in their standard formations. The Cowboys have been extremely conservative in the type of plays they run in certain formations. For example, when running 4 wide and 1 back, they almost always throw, which is fairly predictable. How about running the ball there more? Or with the empty backfield 5 wide sets, how about running a QB draw?
In short:
1. Be more aggressive, especially in the 3rd qtr. (Don’t get so conservative with a lead)
2. Throw deep more.
3. Let Dak run more, especially in red zone.
4. Throw to Zeke more on 1st down.
5. Run less predictable plays from standard formations.

I hope Garrett lets Kellen Moore have the freedom to do these changes. Otherwise, expect another frustrating year on offense.
None of this is a shock to me...I think it highlights the fact that this team does not need a 35m/year QB. Nor should it keep the architect of this offense around for 12+ years!


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In short:
1. Be more aggressive, especially in the 3rd qtr. (Don’t get so conservative with a lead)
2. Throw deep more.
3. Let Dak run more, especially in red zone.
4. Throw to Zeke more on 1st down.
5. Run less predictable plays from standard formations.

So its:

1.- Playcalling
2.- Playcalling
3.- Playbook
4.- Playcalling
5.- Playcalling

Well, thats got to do with Garrett (as you clearly stated) ; and that won't change . No sir . Hasn't changed in over 10 years.

Garrett aint the type .


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Funny because Garrett went from blowing 23 point leads with Romo by NOT being conservative enough to blowing leads by being too conservative. Ive never seen a guy that has absolutely NO feel for the flow of a game like Garrett. He belongs absolutely nowhere near game day management or game planning.

Garrett is like a robot that claps, makes motivational speeches, chew gum and butt slaps players. Other than that he is completely useless.


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One thing I've seen - when we load up power sets, it's always a run play. We put in our #2 and #3 TEs, even though they are both terrible blockers; we put in our FB, even though he is a terrible blocker; we bring our 220 pound H back Noah Brown in motion, and we just pound it straight at a defense expecting run all the way. Great job Linehan, now it's 2nd and 8. There's a time and place for power runs, but don't run them when all your "heavy" personnel suck at their jobs.
One thing I wish we'd do is what the Patriots do - when we run for a first down, rush up to the LOS and quick-snap another run play before the defense gets set. It's EZ low-risk yardage if you can catch the defense fast enough, and it's a good way to wear them down. Imagine Travis Frederick punching you off the ball, then you run to get reset, and before you can even get down in a 3 point stance Frederick is punching you again. But nope - we prefer to go back to the huddle and run the play clock down to 0.

What's worst is we run the same exact play in the huddle after a first down run. Garrett's style of coaching totally baffles me.


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This afternoon I heard Warren Sharp, one of the most respected offensive minds in the NFL on Dallas radio station “The Ticket” being interviewed by Bob Storm. It was very insightful to say the least (Here’s a link to Sharp’s website-

Sharp is often a consultant to NFL teams using stats and trends to improve offensive performance. He had some fascinating points and ideas on how the Cowboys can improve their performance on offense. Here were some of his major points describing some of the Cowboys offensive problems and how to fix them:
  • The Cowboys became way too conservative in the 3rd qtr, especially when they had the lead. They ran the ball on first down nearly 60% of the time, and were usually facing 2nd down and long way too often. He recommends passing more on 1st down, especially in the second half to keep defenses honest. He also said throwing a pass to Zeke on first down was a statistical strong play that Linehan rarely called last year.
  • Improving FIRST DOWN playcalling. The Cowboys had THE most predictable offense on first down in the NFL, especially when they had the lead. Sitting on a lead, especially a less than two score lead can kill your momentum and it gives the opponent the edge on being aggressive. The days of being conservative with the lead have become old fashioned. (A real sad trademark of Garrett coached teams)
  • Be more aggressive. Throw deep more, especially on first down. Defenses against us typically stack the box and don’t respect any kind of deep threat. Even if you don’t convert a deep ball, two positives can happen- a PI call or if nothing else, the defense now knows you might try to go over the top and may back off a little on the run.
  • Red zone improvement? Utilize Dak more as a runner. Dak has been the second best red zone runner in the NFL the past two seasons. Because Zeke is expected to run the ball inside the 10, Sharp said running Dak way more than they have in the red zone keeps defenses more in their heels, especially if Dak is a frequent runner.
  • Give defenses more wrinkles in their standard formations. The Cowboys have been extremely conservative in the type of plays they run in certain formations. For example, when running 4 wide and 1 back, they almost always throw, which is fairly predictable. How about running the ball there more? Or with the empty backfield 5 wide sets, how about running a QB draw?
In short:
1. Be more aggressive, especially in the 3rd qtr. (Don’t get so conservative with a lead)
2. Throw deep more.
3. Let Dak run more, especially in red zone.
4. Throw to Zeke more on 1st down.
5. Run less predictable plays from standard formations.

I hope Garrett lets Kellen Moore have the freedom to do these changes. Otherwise, expect another frustrating year on offense.
Simple stuff but really the heart of improving the offense


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4. Throw to Zeke more on 1st down.

nope, go deep more on 1st and Zeke is only a possibility at this point.

Moreover, the greatest teams ever didn't spend much time on being less predictable. They did what they did best.

If you think about the great NFL dynasties, dating back to the Brown's in the 50s to Brady's short passing game, everyone knew what they would run, just couldn't be stopped.

I know there are many who disagree and even some who imagine better play calling would win every game. To them every OC who comes up with a hot combo for a season ... becomes the one to imitate, Petersen and McVay most recently. Shanahan not many years ago.Remember Paul Hackett? They come and they go.

"More run pass options" ... "more pre-snap motion" ... as if these are new ideas :)

This is a play action deep timing system, with decent OL, decent RBs, a mobile QB, and blazing speed outside. It ain't complicated, and shouldn't be. Just execute.


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Funny because Garrett went from blowing 23 point leads with Romo by NOT being conservative enough to blowing leads by being too conservative. Ive never seen a guy that has absolutely NO feel for the flow of a game like Garrett. He belongs absolutely nowhere near game day management or game planning.
Pretty much exactly what I was going to say!!! Well stated, and blatantly true. He simply doesn't get it.


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nope, go deep more on 1st and Zeke is only a possibility at this point.

Moreover, the greatest teams ever didn't spend much time on being less predictable. They did what they did best.

If you think about the great NFL dynasties, dating back to the Brown's in the 50s to Brady's short passing game, everyone knew what they would run, just couldn't be stopped.

I know there are many who disagree and even some who imagine better play calling would win every game. To them every OC who comes up with a hot combo for a season ... becomes the one to imitate, Petersen and McVay most recently. Shanahan not many years ago.Remember Paul Hackett? They come and they go.

"More run pass options" ... "more pre-snap motion" ... as if these are new ideas :)

This is a play action deep timing system, with decent OL, decent RBs, a mobile QB, and blazing speed outside. It ain't complicated, and shouldn't be. Just execute.
Some good points here. I agree with you about play action.

But I disagree about “just doing what you do best” and “just execute” those plays. That worked in the 90s when the NFL didn’t have parity or a salary cap. In the 90s we could have the defense stand in our huddle and they still couldn’t stop us. But those days are gone. The talent differences between teams now are razor thin. You have to be better at scheme and play calling. Just lining up and dominating an opponent physically is mostly a thing of the past.

I don’t disagree with you about better execution. But before we even get to better play execution, we have to have better, more creative game planning.