jterrell said:
Hey I am as arrogant and condescending as anyone.
www.linuxquestions.org. Pretty friendly there.
Windows is easier to set up much less rewardign a lot more expensive. Its also less stable once set up. There are quite a few step by step guide for linux hom theater pcs out there.
If you do want to bother with it just shoot me a PM.
Now as to keep my good name:
All you windows noobs are losers caving into THE MAN.
Fight the Power!
I'd just like to know why linux is more stable? What is "less stable"? This windows box was built almost 2 years ago now, and gets rebooted about 1 every 6 months, when I scrape together enough cash to put a new piece of hardware in it. I think I have had 1? Maybe 2 crashes in that time? And it was my own fault (Overclocking has its advantages but aint worth the expense in the end...)
You don't need a "Media Center" pc to set up a HTPC. A decent TV and reciever will do the trick with your HTPC, I had a shuttle hooked up as a HTPC for months with straight up Windows XP, the only reason I changed was because I wanted a multi disk player (Now have a 3 disk changer no need for HTPC). My digital sound is still hooked up, EQ2 has some great environment sounds

Don't get me wrong, *Nix has its place in the world. I mean if it wasn't *Nix users the pc world would be desperatly void of virus' and trojans and keyloggers, hackers, crackers, pharmers, phishers, etc...

! (j/k) Your average user is not a *Nix user. Microsoft came a long way with XP SP2, they admitted a lot by "fixing" all the things it did. Windows gets a bad rap more because of a lot of poor 3rd party programers and developers than it deserves, but its all a part of the game.

!!! However, I will say that mandrake is pretty good and easy to use for a n00b. And the mandrake community is pretty much like JTerrel is, pretty easy going and helpful.
Your only caving to the "man" if you pay the "man"...
I also agree about the apple monster

Ahem... As for playlists... yeah...