Indianapolis Colts...cheaters?

Rack;1746804 said:
Thanks, IR. I did not know that.

Still not as bad as stealing signals, but pretty bad. They're in a dome, they shouldn't need help with crowd noise.

The National Football League fined the Washington Commanders $20,000 for breaking league crowd-noise control rules by using their public address system for cheerleading during the team's victory over Tampa Bay on Oct. 1.

Notice how none of the allegations have anything to do with the public address system, which is where the Commanders clearly violated written rules. Here are the rules on crowd-noise...

You can speculate all you want like profootballtalk, but we all know the reasons for this article, as if this is on any way, shape or form, the same level as what teh Patriots did.

How one can find a correlation between the two, especially when the ridiculous article admits that one has no idea if the noise could be heard from the field or not? It is all speculation, and speculation based upon something subjective like noise, and which is further made more subjective by what fans do. Than you talk about Guitar Hero...
khiladi;1746816 said:
Notice how none of the allegations have anything to do with the public address system, which is where the Commanders clearly violated written rules..

BTW, here are the rules on crowd-noise... You can speculate all you want like profootballtalk, but we all know the reasons for this article...

I think your conspiracy theories are eating away at your gray matter. Actually, the allegations on the Colts have to do with the public address system. No one is suggesting Bill Polian was holding a boom box over his head like John Cusack in Say Anything.

Anyway, I'm not saying they did or didn't. Just saying I wouldn't be surprised, as I think a lot of teams do it (especially Dome teams), AND I've personally heard Jerry Jones comment on how big of a problem it is and how the NFL Competition Committee is looking into it.
I heard that noise as well but just thought it was some audio trouble with the broadcast.

I suppose in todays world thats not possible though, it had to be cheating.
InmanRoshi;1746825 said:
I think your conspiracy theories are eating away at your gray matter. Actually, the allegations on the Colts do have to do with the public address system. I'm sure the Bill Polian wasn't holding a boom box over his head like John Cusack in Say Anything.

It's obvious your argument lacks a single ounce worth of credibility. Not only have you resorted to ad hominemum, but clearly resorted to exxaggeration coupled with speculation..
JustSayNotoTO;1746841 said:
This has been going on with them for quite a while.

Ah, so it's just a regurgitated opinion without any evidence whatsoever... Exxagerated opinion I might ad... Convenient, how it raises it's head at such an 'oppurtune time'...

The NFL said that this all began with an ESPN reporter. The league doesn't believe there's anything to the allegations.

They're not investigating the allegations because they haven't received an official complaint.

So pretty much, the argument is based upon a subjective perception of noise by a Steeler's insider, and no official has complained about it... that is exactly what I thought..

a disgruntled Patriots fan who is mad that their SB victories have no credibility to them...
khiladi;1746862 said:
Ah, so it's just a regurgitated opinion without any evidence whatsoever... Exxagerated opinion I might ad... Convenient, how it raises it's head at such an 'oppurtune time'...

So pretty much, the argument is based upon a subjective perception of noise by a Steeler's insider, and no official has complained about it... that is exactly what I thought..

a disgruntled Patriots fan who is mad that their SB victories have no credibility to them...

What are you, King Colts fan? Give me a break with that BS.

I posted the Steeler article to show that the Colts have been suspected of this kind of cheating for quite some time.

The clip I posted in the first thread clearly has something undeniably weird going on in it. It could be an audio glitch with CBS, or it could be the smoking gun. PFT is saying that the NFL is looking into it, so we will likely know an answer soon.
JustSayNotoTO;1746896 said:
What are you, King Colts fan? Give me a break with that BS.

I posted the Steeler article to show that the Colts have been suspected of this kind of cheating for quite some time.

The clip I posted in the first thread clearly has something undeniably weird going on in it. It could be an audio glitch with CBS, or it could be the smoking gun. PFT is saying that the NFL is looking into it, so we will likely know an answer soon.

Colts fan??? LOL... PFT??? LOL...

A Steeler article from a non-Steeler player, who asserts that microphones were placed all over the stadium and than fed into the PA system... as if these microphones didn't need wires? Did they run underground cables throughout the stadium for these microphones to feed into the PA system? Did anybody else notice microphones with dangling wires throughout the stadium?

Actually, your just grabbing for straws, because your a Patriots fan... no matter the Colts, your team still has a huge question of credibility as it relates to their SB 'victories'...
I am lost. How the heck is posting an article about the Colts and possible artificial crowd noise related to the cheating the Patriots got caught doing?

I have heard these allegations before and that was before the Pats got caught. Don't know if they are true or not, but I have heard them. If they are true, then it is wrong. Jerry Jones and the NFL should look into it. If it is not illegal, it should be. If it is illegal, they may be looking into to it to see if they can prove the Colts or any team is actually doing it and breaking a rule.

I think if the Colts are doing it they are cheating. That has no bearing on what I think of the Pats, which by the way I think they were cheating as well.
POSTED 2:08 p.m. EST, November 5, 2007


Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports reports that Patriots president Jonathan Kraft, the son of owner Bob Kraft, has accused the Colts of pumping artificial crowd noise into the RCA Dome during Sunday's game between the Patriots and the Colts.

Per Cole, the younger Kraft approached NFL V.P. of Security Milt Ahlerich after Kraft and his parents emerged from the team's locker room after the game. Jonathan Kraft reportedly was angry, and he told Ahlerich that the matter needs to be explored.

Coincidentally, Ahlerich confiscated the videotape of defensive signals made by the Patriots during a Week One win over the Jets.

Earlier on Monday, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello told us that the league is looking into the matter. He reiterated the comments to Cole, adding that "t may just be the TV feed from CBS, but we're checking it out."

POSTED 1:32 p.m. EST, November 5, 2007


In a stunning admission that could make it even harder for former Vikings and Cardinals head coach Dennis Green to ever return to the NFL, Green's son said during an chat on Monday that the Vikings used to pump in crowd noise in the 1990s.

Jeremy Green, a former scout who has been with for several years, was asked, "[D]o you believe the allegations about pumping in crowd noise? Have you heard the "skip"?

Green's answer? "I don't doubt it. The Vikings used to do it in the 90's when they had very good foootball [sic] teams."

It is, without question, cheating. It impairs the opposing offense on every play -- and makes key plays with plenty of genuine crowd noise even more challenging.

Nearly two years ago, Commissioner Paul Tagliabue issued a warning that any such shenanigans could result in the forfeiture of draft picks.

Hopefully for the Vikings, the statute of limitations is less than 10 years.

As to the Colts, three members of the current coaching staff worked for Green in Minnesota, including head coach Tony Dungy, offensive coordinator Tom Moore, and defensive line coach John Teerlinck.

As the league source who pointed out Green's comments to us said, "The Commish ain't gonna like this."
joseephuss;1747115 said:
I am lost. How the heck is posting an article about the Colts and possible artificial crowd noise related to the cheating the Patriots got caught doing?

I have heard these allegations before and that was before the Pats got caught. Don't know if they are true or not, but I have heard them. If they are true, then it is wrong. Jerry Jones and the NFL should look into it. If it is not illegal, it should be. If it is illegal, they may be looking into to it to see if they can prove the Colts or any team is actually doing it and breaking a rule.

I think if the Colts are doing it they are cheating. That has no bearing on what I think of the Pats, which by the way I think they were cheating as well.

This has everything to do with the Patriots... they were accused ot cheating, nobody is buying their SUper Bowl victories outside of Boston, fans across the country are saying they are favored by the officials, and suddenly...

Colts cheating during the 'biggest game of the season' when they are playing the Patriots, those who willfully violated the rules... out of all the game, a 'glitch' during this one... convenient... especially considering Kraft complaining 'now', when the Colts werer allegedly doing it for years...
khiladi;1747164 said:
This has everything to do with the Patriots... they were accused ot cheating, nobody is buying their SUper Bowl victories outside of Boston, fans across the country are saying they are favored by the officials, and suddenly...

Colts cheating during the 'biggest game of the season' when they are playing the Patriots, those who willfully violated the rules... out of all the game, a 'glitch' during this one... convenient... especially considering Kraft complaining 'now', when the Colts werer allegedly doing it for years...

But these allegations of the Colts have been going on for years as well. This is not the very first time that the accusation has cropped up. I have heard it for the Saints as well. I think you are trying to see too much in this. And the Colts possibly cheating would not and does not excuse the Pats, so I am not sure what the problem is in pointing out that the Colts may be doing something wrong.

Adam Schefter of NFL Network reports that CBS has taken responsibility for the bizarre sound glitch that has prompted speculation that the Colts were caught red-handed in the act of piping phony crowd noise into the RCA Dome.

Per Schefter, the vibrating sound as the Pats were driving at the start of the fourth quarter was the result of tape feedback in the CBS production truck. Schefter says that the sound could not be heard in the stadium.

We've spoken to some radio folks who also believe that the phenomenon was not the result of a glitch during the use of artificial crowd noise.

Oh well. Controversy is a lot juicier. But even when the truth isn't sexy, we've still got to respect it.
That makes more sense to me, cause the sound on TV was seemed a little too blatant and easily heard
This thread reads like several people failing to convince a paranoid schizophrenic to just calm down and be reasonable.
joseephuss;1747115 said:
I am lost. How the heck is posting an article about the Colts and possible artificial crowd noise related to the cheating the Patriots got caught doing?

Because certain people are completely obsessed with the Patriots and think about them 24 hours a day.
InmanRoshi;1747319 said:
Because certain people are completely obsessed with the Patriots and think about them 24 hours a day.

What is rather hypocritical about this is your obsession with defending the Patriots... hmmm... did you respond first on this thread? Why yes you did...
and the Tiger Woods analogy..
joseephuss;1747204 said:
But these allegations of the Colts have been going on for years as well. This is not the very first time that the accusation has cropped up. I have heard it for the Saints as well. I think you are trying to see too much in this. And the Colts possibly cheating would not and does not excuse the Pats, so I am not sure what the problem is in pointing out that the Colts may be doing something wrong.

If you noticed, I stated the same thing, i.e. if the Colts cheated, that does not absolve the Patriots for what they did... The problem is when our local Patriots fan posted this thread, he ended it with the following:

Lets see some outrage....

It is quite clear he posted this in the context of the Patriots... Then you have the next post:

When spygate went down, Norm interviewed Jerry if the competition committee had put a lot of emphasis on play stealing, and Jerry said it wasn't a big deal. He had three different coaches tell him that teams in the 90's figured out our playcalls and differentiate our running calls from our passing calls, and could almost tell which side we were running to, and they still couldn't stop it. It all comes down to who has the talent and who can execute the best. However, he said the competition has had numerous complaints about piped in crowd noise, and they are going to start looking at that, because it's a very unfair advantage when a team can't even run their offense because of artificial sound noise. I expect it to become an issue in the offseason.

So what the Patriots did is not a big deal, but what the Colts did is a very unfair advantage...
These are not new accusations. I was listening closely for it and sure seems artificially enhanced crowd noise.

Going to be interesting if NFL can prove it though. If nailed - expect big fines and loss of draft pick for Colts.
Nors;1747660 said:
These are not new accusations. I was listening closely for it and sure seems artificially enhanced crowd noise.

Going to be interesting if NFL can prove it though. If nailed - expect big fines and loss of draft pick for Colts.

just wondering how you could even discriminate between the two?

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