Initial Game Review

So Hayden's job is to not make any plays and hold the point of attack...

Well at least he is doing half his job because he certainly is not making any plays, as for holding the point of attack. He is not doing that either. I watched Hayden and he was on roller skates throughout the game, the opposing offensive line is moving him around, on the touchdown at the goaline Richberg literally swallowed Hayden, and the running back ran right behind Richberg for the TD. That was just one example there are multiple throughout the game.

I just don't understand. I like Hayden, I understand that he is going to get a certain amount of double teams, but when he was blocked one-on-one he didn't do anything either, why have a player he does not make any plays and who can't hold the point of attack?
So now you are instructing another member on this board on how to dispute, argue, form an opinion, and respond to other posts made by other members? And you are determining what is weak and what is not?

Have I entered some weird cult, where if I dont reply and act and beleive the same things as the other cult members I will be ousted? Sort of like Stepford Wives or something??

No, the Stepford wives were hot. Most posters here, not so much.
I think there was a INT returned for a TD in the past when Witten made that same move. Batting it down might be a good idea instead up batting it up.

Yes, it has happened before and thus my note of it being one thing he probbaly should work on.
Even all world players can have bad habits.

Demarco fumbled, Dez used to struggle for extra yardage every play and fumble as well.
sometimes you have to just make the safe play and take that and move on.
We will be ok without Dez if we can eliminate the turnovers. Our running backs were way more productive than that overpaid mess in Philly.

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