You know to be honest I am on the same page as you on some of the things you said.
Being of the age in an enviroment as he is in, drugs may be a factor, by his own avatar, name and posts it would appear he likes to drink a good that does not say that he is a raging alcoholic...maybe he is just an occasional social drinker that plays it up some for the forum here....I don't know.
However your other takes about ADD and other things with people going to shrinks is getting way to easy this days...and I am of the belief that if 20 people went to a shink, at least 15 would be diagnosed with something even if they don't have anything wrong other then having a short temper, bad attitude, just lazy or just have problems with authority.
All or any of those things does not mean one has ADD, Depression, Bi-Polar desease and too many times, IMO, these days that is just what is said as not only a way to get more patients and money, but as a way for a person to have an excuse.
Please nobody get the impression that I think none of those conditions are real, as they are indeed very real....just not as many people really suffer from those conditions as some of these doctors would like us to believe IMO.
So a kid is hyper...most kids are hyper at a young age, does not automatically mean he has problems, just that he is hyper.
So a kid is lazy at an age, does not mean he has ADD or depression.
So a kid struggles some in does not mean he has add, depression or some other problem other then maybe not being as smart as the parents would like the kid to be.
Some of these tags put on young people or adult people by doctors and the medication they put them on when it is not needed for many cases, actually takes away from the serious cases they do get, from people who are indeed bad off and need the help, furthermore it hurts those that do not need the treatment but are put on it just because it seems the norm now days.
So once again, make no mistake for anyone reading this post, there ARE indeed serious cases that need attention, but it is of my opinion that many that are said to have ADD, Depression or other labels....are just kids or people that need to learn some motivation, learn not to sit back and expect it to happen for them but instead to have to work hard, for some just to actually take responsibility, that although you may not like something you may still have to complete the task at hand and so on.