Interesting Camp battles shaping up


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I have quite a few I’m curious about. Please feel free to add any others.

Tony Romo vs. Drew Henson. From the Cowboys standpoint, its fish or cut bait this year for Henson. He’s shown progress in Europe, now he has to show he’s ready to move past Romo. If he can’t, this will be his last year in Dallas.

AL Johnson vs. Andre Gurode. I think the Cowboys would love to see both players improve significantly on their weaknesses and IMO the preference would be for Al to start and Andre to backup both center and RG. But Al will not be handed the job. He’s supposedly working out hard and has put on some weight. I’m excited to see how he performs.

Stephen Peterman vs. EJ Whitley. Yeah I know, EJ who? But when you get down to it, Peterman’s roster spot is anything but secure. I think he has to step WAY up, maybe even start to guarantee himself a spot if Whitley shows significant promise. The simple reason is Peterman only can play LG and Whitley can play any position on the line. I know Whitley’s a 7th rounder but he will be given a good chance of making this team IMO. If Peterman does step up, Whitley is headed for the practice squad.

Rob Petitti vs. Marc Columbo. Nothing is ever set in stone but assuming good health I have penciled Jason Fabini in as the starter at RT. Fabini will also be the first backup to Flozell Adams. So in the event of an injury to either Adams or Fabini, we will see a new face at RT. Petitti has the inside track because he was the starter last year and he’s only a 2nd year guy, but I believe Marc Columbo will give Rob a run for the primary backup slot at RT. The loser will still likely make the team but won’t dress unless a tackle is injured.

Greg Ellis vs. Chris Canty. Ellis is a good and proud player and he wasn’t happy at all last year to see his playing time reduced substantially near the end of last year. But Canty is a better fit for the 3-4 and is an emerging talent. This situation has the potential of being divisive. I’m interested to see how BP handles it because we’re a better team with Ellis on it. But if he can’t make it work we could be forced to trade Ellis.

Terrence Copper vs. Miles Austin. Copper has shown he’s worth a roster spot by being a strong special team’s player but that won’t be enough to keep his slot this year. With Terry Glenn getting older and TO being TO, we need to have WR’s that are capable of starting down the road. Copper has yet to do that, although he has speed to burn. Miles Austin is an intriguing prospect with good size and speed. If Austin shows he’s a good ST player I would not be surprised to see him beat Copper out.

Kai Parham vs. Oliver Hoyte. If you look at their profiles these two are almost the same player- excellent run stuffers that lack speed to cover the pass or to go sideline to sideline. The 3-4 minimizes that issue, but both are likely two down players. Both can’t make the roster but one probably will. I think this battle will be very close.

Pat Watkins vs. Marcus Coleman. I think both guys should make the team, Watkins for his potential and Coleman for his experience. But all of Cowboy nation is praying that the physical freak that is pat Watkins can be quickly coached up to start. If Watkins shows he’s willing to work hard and can minimize the mental mistakes in camp he’s got a real shot to start this year, no matter what the reporters might think.

Keith Davis vs. Justin Beriault. Davis is the heavy favorite in this match up because of his experience but I admit to rooting for Beriault. Justin showed he’s a hitter in TC last year and he has better speed than Davis. If he’s healthy Beriault could make it very tough for BP to cut him, but he’s going to have to show his knee problems are behind him. If he’s draining fluid from his knee every day in camp he’ll be an early cut.


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i dont see how beiault has better speed then davis.alot of people on this site seem to overrate the hell out of him.


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stilltheguru said:
i dont see how beiault has better speed then davis.alot of people on this site seem to overrate the hell out of him.

Agreed. Davis' problems are his head not his legs. He really is better suited for SS.

Berry-O seemed to have a better knack for finding the ball, but that was just a couple of flashes in preseason so who knows at this point.


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I am not against Romo at all, I like him, but I believe Henson's perf. in Europe has moved him into the 2nd string position as of right now.

That is just my opinion, but he has played well enough over there to earn the 2nd spot. Romo has to perform very well in TC and preseason to gain it back.


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stilltheguru said:
i dont see how beiault has better speed then davis.alot of people on this site seem to overrate the hell out of him.

If you say so. Beriault was at least drafted. I don't have access to premium draft material but I'd be willing to wager Davis would not have been an UDFA if he had run a 4.56 40 like Beriault or been one of the top performers in the agility drills like JB was. Beriault came from a small school but he had great college production, good size and the frame to put on weight. That's why he's interesting to a lot of us. He was well on his way to securing a roster spot last year before his knee starting acting up.


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stilltheguru said:
i dont see how beiault has better speed then davis.alot of people on this site seem to overrate the hell out of him.

Lynn Scott 2.0,a couple of big hits in training camp and pre season and a new cult hero is born.


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aikemirv said:
I am not against Romo at all, I like him, but I believe Henson's perf. in Europe has moved him into the 2nd string position as of right now.

That is just my opinion, but he has played well enough over there to earn the 2nd spot. Romo has to perform very well in TC and preseason to gain it back.

I think they'll both get equal opportunity. But I see a few variables:

- How Henson carries his NFLE experience into training camp is important...for example, whether he looks tired from playing 10 games or uses it as positive momentum.
- Which of the two Parcells would prefer to get scout team repititions. Both could use the reps.
- Romo is in his last year of his contract, so a decision has to be made on him by seasons end.


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aikemirv said:
I am not against Romo at all, I like him, but I believe Henson's perf. in Europe has moved him into the 2nd string position as of right now.

That is just my opinion, but he has played well enough over there to earn the 2nd spot. Romo has to perform very well in TC and preseason to gain it back.

I don't think Parcells puts enough stock in NFLE to warrant making any roster moves based upon it.

If anything Henson bought himself a ticket to compete this TC, nothing more. Had he not done what he is doing he would have been Hutched.


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It's a common fan misperception, that it's fish or cut bait for Henson this year. It's not as long as Jerry is the owner.

Try to go out and find a 3rd string QB with the skill set Henson possesses.

Dallas' scout said Henson was looked at last year as a player just leaving college, due to his time out of the game.

As long as Jerry Jones is the owner, Henson will be given plenty of time to make his mark. Jerry has said it repeatedly! Look at Henson's contract. He signed Henson to a 6 year deal, (no years have been voided).

What is so hard to understand about that?

Little Jr

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aikemirv said:
I am not against Romo at all, I like him, but I believe Henson's perf. in Europe has moved him into the 2nd string position as of right now.

That is just my opinion, but he has played well enough over there to earn the 2nd spot. Romo has to perform very well in TC and preseason to gain it back.

Playing WELL ENOUGH in Europe doesnt earn him the 2nd spot. He still has to do it here against NFL calibar players.


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Little Jr said:
Playing WELL ENOUGH in Europe doesnt earn him the 2nd spot. He still has to do it here against NFL calibar players.

PLaying well in Europe is a better indication of playing ability than 7 on 7 and 11 on 11 in TC IMO


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i would like to see someone emerge to battle Tyson Thompson for the 3rd RB spot.
didn't seem BP had much confidence in TT but he was an rookie URFA and hopefully he'll show that he improved in the offseason. maybe Summers will push for this spot?


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CaptainAmerica said:
It's a common fan misperception, that it's fish or cut bait for Henson this year. It's not as long as Jerry is the owner.

Try to go out and find a 3rd string QB with the skill set Henson possesses.

Dallas' scout said Henson was looked at last year as a player just leaving college, due to his time out of the game.

As long as Jerry Jones is the owner, Henson will be given plenty of time to make his mark. Jerry has said it repeatedly! Look at Henson's contract. He signed Henson to a 6 year deal, (no years have been voided).

What is so hard to understand about that?

Henson will want to move on if he's still third string this year. And if the rust isn't off after 3 training camps and a trip to Europe when is it going to be? Why was QB being discussed in this draft by the team if Henson has more than this year's camp to impress? Sorry, I don't see it. It's all well and good for Henson to beat up on scrubs in Europe but neither he nor the Cowboys are going to be satisfied unless he shows in camp he's ready to do it against NFL competition. And no, he's not #2 based on Europe. He's #3 until he beats out Romo in camp.


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DLCassidy said:
Kai Parham vs. Oliver Hoyte. If you look at their profiles these two are almost the same player- excellent run stuffers that lack speed to cover the pass or to go sideline to sideline. The 3-4 minimizes that issue, but both are likely two down players. Both can’t make the roster but one probably will. I think this battle will be very close.

Did we even sign Hoyte? I heard he went to Minnesota.


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The biggest battles, by far, will be at linebacker.


That's 12 players for, at the absolute maximum, 10 spots. We'll probably keep 8 or 9, so some guys will be battling for their lives. I think Thornton, Parham, Fowler and Hoyte are the main combatants.


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stilltheguru said:
i dont see how beiault has better speed then davis.alot of people on this site seem to overrate the hell out of him.

I just love the passion and heart Beriaut sp? brings to each play.......I am pulling for him big time!


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VACowboy said:
The biggest battles, by far, will be at linebacker.


That's 12 players for, at the absolute maximum, 10 spots. We'll probably keep 8 or 9, so some guys will be battling for their lives. I think Thornton, Parham, Fowler and Hoyte are the main combatants.

8 guys fighting for 4 to 5 spots. I think it is pretty much a given that Ware,
James, Ayodele and Carpenter will be on the final roster. Advice to those 8 guys bust your butt on special teams that will at least give you a leg up on the competition


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Doomsday101 said:
8 guys fighting for 4 to 5 spots. I think it is pretty much a given that Ware,
James, Ayodele and Carpenter will be on the final roster. Advice to those 8 guys bust your butt on special teams that will at least give you a leg up on the competition

I'd put Singleton in that group. I think one of the youngin's would really have to shine to take his spot, being that he's really the only vet of the bunch besides Ayodele.


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Kevin Burnett vs. All the other backup LBs He has been injured so much he hasn't really showed much. It seems like it is still up in the air as to which spot he is to play. He was a 2nd rounder, he is only in his second year, and has tremendous potential, but, with, Fowler, Boiman, Thornton, Shanle, and Singleton, (and add Parham and Saldi to the mix), if he gets hurt again it will be tough to justify a roster spot for him.
I guess I should have titled this: Kevin Burnett vs. his own health issues.


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wileedog said:
I'd put Singleton in that group. I think one of the youngin's would really have to shine to take his spot, being that he's really the only vet of the bunch besides Ayodele.

You could be right but I'm just leaving the door open that 1 or 2 guys out of that group I listed will shine. I like Singleton but I think he will have his work cut out for him this year. In the end I'll be pulling for all the guys and who ever shows the most will be the guys who make this team