Interesting Camp battles shaping up


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DLCassidy said:
If you say so. Beriault was at least drafted. I don't have access to premium draft material but I'd be willing to wager Davis would not have been an UDFA if he had run a 4.56 40 like Beriault or been one of the top performers in the agility drills like JB was. Beriault came from a small school but he had great college production, good size and the frame to put on weight. That's why he's interesting to a lot of us. He was well on his way to securing a roster spot last year before his knee starting acting up.

totally agree, i going out on a limb here and saying that Beriault will make the team and that davis gets put on the PS. :cool:


The Boognish
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felix360 said:
totally agree, i going out on a limb here and saying that Beriault will make the team and that davis gets put on the PS. :cool:

I think youre joking but you never can tell over a monitor. He cant go on the PS brah.


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FuzzyLumpkins said:
I think youre joking but you never can tell over a monitor. He cant go on the PS brah.
my bad , then just let him go

Bob Sacamano

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CaptainAmerica said:
It's a common fan misperception, that it's fish or cut bait for Henson this year. It's not as long as Jerry is the owner.

Try to go out and find a 3rd string QB with the skill set Henson possesses.

Dallas' scout said Henson was looked at last year as a player just leaving college, due to his time out of the game.

As long as Jerry Jones is the owner, Henson will be given plenty of time to make his mark. Jerry has said it repeatedly! Look at Henson's contract. He signed Henson to a 6 year deal, (no years have been voided).

What is so hard to understand about that?


just wasting your breath though

Bob Sacamano

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Doomsday101 said:
8 guys fighting for 4 to 5 spots.

that's not right, the 3-4 requires you to carry 4 LBs at least, but last year we were complaining about lack of depth, we'll be keeping 6-7 LBs


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summerisfunner said:
that's not right, the 3-4 requires you to carry 4 LBs at least, but last year we were complaining about lack of depth, we'll be keeping 6-7 LBs

What I was talking about is VA listed 12 LB on the roster after determining that guys like Carpenter,Ware, James and Ayodele are pretty much assured of a roster spot that leaves 8 players trying to claim 4 to 5 spots on the roster should Dallas keep 8 to 9 players at the LB'ing spot


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FuzzyLumpkins said:
I dont see how after three years, Henson is on his last leg while after four, Romo is some entrenched incumbent. Fact is that I have yet to ever see Romo play well in preseason or anywhere else. i see a lot of mediocre production from him. Toss in the fact that the coach who was all over his jock, Peyton, is gone and this is final year of his contract and it makes sense that this is Romo's last shot to do something with the Cowboys.

Romo has to do something meriting him deserving another contract.

Henson is still under contract for a few more yearsand at the very least put together a good half against Baltimore and is playing well in NFLE.

That all being said this will be a matchup to watch.

I understand what you're saying but I think you're misunderstanding my point. Bledsoe may be here a few more years but the Cowboys have to assume this is his last year in terms of planning. What I mean is the guy that's dubbed #2 this year is Bledsoe's heir apparent, assuming at least one of them shows they can do it. And the loser, whoever that is, knows that clipboard holding time continues, maybe forever. I can't see either guy, but particularly Henson being cool with that. Yeah he's under contract. But if he's #3 he'll want out and I think he'll be moved. I'm really pretty neutral at this point on the battle itself.

At the same time, fans around here remind me of the media speculating on Parcells when it comes to Peterman. Parcells says the guy is only playing at LG and all of a sudden its interpreted as he sucks.

It's hard to know much of anything about Peterman- we haven't seen much of him on the field. But I do know this- our roster is going to require some VERY tough cuts. An OL guy that isn't a starter and plays only one position is not in a strong position.

Now I can think of several alternate scenarios as to why he would only get reps at LG that dont involve him sucking which begins with the fact that last year was his first season that he actually got practice reps after being hurt his rookie year. Bottomline is that if Peterman pllays well hell be competing with Kosier and not the 7th rounder.

I agree but I got the sense from BP at his PC when asked why Peterman wasn't being considered for the RG slot when Rivera got hurt that Peterman was somehow in the coaches minds limited to LG. He didn't really explain why. Mybe it was because of lack of reps but it didn't sound that way. My point is if Peterman isn't the starter he could have a problem.

If Ellis wants to be a jackass i say trade him. Jim Jeffcoat excelled in a role that Ellis would have to if Canty won out and thus extended his career. Ellis is solid but will never be the allpro that it appears he thinks he is.
Sadly I have to agree. I don't think he'll be disruptive though.

UDFA vs. established and developing WR. Excuse me if Im not buying into this 'battle.'

BP sure sounded in his call to Austin like the kid has a real chance. And Copper in a UDFA himself and has done nothing as a WR in games to justify being called established or developing.

Shanle and Fowler and Burnett and Singleton and Boimn all say hello. Its going to take a miracle for these UDFA to make the squad.

Singleton and Boiman are not inside backers so they're not relevant to Parham and Hoyte's chances. Our run D was only average the 2nd half of last year. Both Parham and Hoyte are run stuffers. One of them has a great shot at making the team IMO.

You really need to combine these two into one big battle and add Pile. I doubt more than three of the five make the team. Williams and Davis are guaranteed spots but I cant help but feel that if Pile Beriault or Watkins show something that Coleman is going to get the Izell Reese treatment. Coleman was downright horrible last season and apparently has been boozing it up lately.

Unless BP changes his mind Beriault is working at SS. I think Davis will be moved to SS also because that's a better fit for him so one of them has to go. Watkins, Coleman and Pile are competing for 2 slots. Coleman's experience gives him a leg up going in. Coleman has been a much better player than Izell Reese and Parcells knows him. But you're right he's not a shoe in for a slot.


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AsthmaField said:
Beriault is a terrific athlete. He has rare change of direction skills, speed, explosion... had he played at a bigger school, he would've been drafted a good bit higher.

I can't fathom why so many people have a hard time believing that Beriault is a good athlete.

He is white!


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DLCassidy said:
Unless BP changes his mind Beriault is working at SS. I think Davis will be moved to SS also because that's a better fit for him so one of them has to go. Watkins, Coleman and Pile are competing for 2 slots. Coleman's experience gives him a leg up going in. Coleman has been a much better player than Izell Reese and Parcells knows him. But you're right he's not a shoe in for a slot.

Parcells could conceivably keep Davis listed as a FS and keep both him and Berry-O if Berry shows enough to make the team. Don't forget Davis is the ST ace which means he would probably have to get himself shot again for Parcells to cut him.

I think Pile is a goner, and whether he realizes it or not Coleman is going to have to prove he has more left in the tank than he showed last year in Houston.


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wileedog said:
Parcells could conceivably keep Davis listed as a FS and keep both him and Berry-O if Berry shows enough to make the team. Don't forget Davis is the ST ace which means he would probably have to get himself shot again for Parcells to cut him.

I think Pile is a goner, and whether he realizes it or not Coleman is going to have to prove he has more left in the tank than he showed last year in Houston.

You may be right.


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Hopefully Watkins shows up enough in TC and preseason to secure the spot over Coleman. If he does that and Beriaults knee holds then I see the season starting as it ended last with RW and KD starting and Watkins taking over a FS early in the year with either KD moving back to SS and staying at FS and Beriault moving to SS.

Two of our Safetys can play either position that way and two can only do 1.

Can only keep 4 safeties IMO.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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AsthmaField said:
Beriault is a terrific athlete. He has rare change of direction skills, speed, explosion... had he played at a bigger school, he would've been drafted a good bit higher.

I can't fathom why so many people have a hard time believing that Beriault is a good athlete.

I find this baffling as well.

Beriault's shuttle and cone numbers at the combine were outstanding.

Part of the problem is that people compare him to Bill Bates. It's a lazy comparison, IMO. They see a safety. They see that he's white. Then they say he's another Bill Bates.

He has a lot more physical ability than Bill Bates, IMO, ... just more athletic in general. He's also built different. Beriault is taller with longer legs and arms. Bates was more compact.

My only concern with him is the knee.


Outta bounds
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Chief said:
I find this baffling as well.

Beriault's shuttle and cone numbers at the combine were outstanding.

Part of the problem is that people compare him to Bill Bates. It's a lazy comparison, IMO. They see a safety. They see that he's white. Then they say he's another Bill Bates.

He has a lot more physical ability than Bill Bates, IMO, ... just more athletic in general. He's also built different. Beriault is taller with longer legs and arms. Bates was more compact.

My only concern with him is the knee.

I agree Chief. His numbers don't lie, and with change of direction like that and his verical and speed, it seems like people would understand that he's a very good athlete. His shuttle and 3 cone numbers were better than almost everyone... including the WR's and CB's. His change of direction is... like I said... rare.

Unfortunatley it does seem like some stereotyping is happening (I see a little with Carpenter as well), and that's too bad. Not only does Beriault have the athletic ability but in his short time playing with the big boys... he had production to go along with his workout numbers.

I think he's going to surprise some people.


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AsthmaField said:
I agree Chief. His numbers don't lie, and with change of direction like that and his verical and speed, it seems like people would understand that he's a very good athlete. His shuttle and 3 cone numbers were better than almost everyone... including the WR's and CB's. His change of direction is... like I said... rare.

Unfortunatley it does seem like some stereotyping is happening (I see a little with Carpenter as well), and that's too bad. Not only does Beriault have the athletic ability but in his short time playing with the big boys... he had production to go along with his workout numbers.

I think he's going to surprise some people.

People can stereotype him all they want, if his knee holds up he will be on the team and I believe making plays. His numbers don't lie and with that physical ability I see no reason why he would not make a great FS. He has a nose for the ball!!!


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aikemirv said:
People can stereotype him all they want, if his knee holds up he will be on the team and I believe making plays. His numbers don't lie and with that physical ability I see no reason why he would not make a great FS. He has a nose for the ball!!!

He does. His best shot may be if we elect to keep Davis at FS. If so he would be in a good position to backup RW. But as you said he needs to be healthy. When we went to 2 a days his knee couldn't take the pounding. Hopefully the surgery worked.


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Everyone other than Roy should be competing for the FS job. Whoever is least fit for the position between Davis and Berialt should back up Roy.