Interesting Camp battles shaping up


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VACowboy said:
The biggest battles, by far, will be at linebacker.


That's 12 players for, at the absolute maximum, 10 spots. We'll probably keep 8 or 9, so some guys will be battling for their lives. I think Thornton, Parham, Fowler and Hoyte are the main combatants.

Gotta say that is a pretty happy problem. Our LB situation is going to be solid, especially if Burnett can stay healthy.


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Doomsday101 said:
You could be right but I'm just leaving the door open that 1 or 2 guys out of that group I listed will shine. I like Singleton but I think he will have his work cut out for him this year. In the end I'll be pulling for all the guys and who ever shows the most will be the guys who make this team

Fowler, Shanle, Hoyte, Parham and James are really only inside guys. They are not really competing with Singleton on the outside.

Unless Thornton makes a quantum leap this year I don't see him as legitimate competition for Singleton.

That leaves Burnett, Ware, Carpenter and Ayodele as guys who can play the outside, and none of those guys are going anywhere. Boiman too but I think he's more of a backup/ST type.

The numbers stack up in Al's favor, plus Bill likes him. And as mentioned an older guy like that is good to have around with so many 1-3 year guys.


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wileedog said:
Fowler, Shanle, Hoyte, Parham and James are really only inside guys. They are not really competing with Singleton on the outside.

Unless Thornton makes a quantum leap this year I don't see him as legitimate competition for Singleton.

That leaves Burnett, Ware, Carpenter and Ayodele as guys who can play the outside, and none of those guys are going anywhere. Boiman too but I think he's more of a backup/ST type.

The numbers stack up in Al's favor, plus Bill likes him. And as mentioned an older guy like that is good to have around with so many 1-3 year guys.

I'm not aginst Singleton but I'm hoping a younger player will apply the pressure. I don't want Singleton to win the job because he is older I want him to win the job because he is better. Having said that I want the best players to win jobs on this team.


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Doomsday101 said:
I'm not aginst Singleton but I'm hoping a younger player will apply the pressure. I don't want Singleton to win the job because he is older I want him to win the job because he is better. Having said that I want the best players to win jobs on this team.

Goes without saying.

Just trying to handicap the field a bit.


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DLCassidy said:
I have quite a few I’m curious about. Please feel free to add any others.

Tony Romo vs. Drew Henson. I don’t see anyway Henson can surpass Romo. Parcells is much higher on Romo than Henson and I think training camp will show why.

AL Johnson vs. Andre Gurode. I think it’s Al Johnson’s job to lose. Andre preformed well against Carolina last year, but he was also well rested with no previous playing time. I hate to think of rotating these guys, but in the Texas heat one of these guys will wear down by the end of the year if they start exclusively.

Stephen Peterman vs. EJ Whitley. This could be Peterman’s last year with the Cowboys. I’m extremely disappointed he hasn’t stepped up. If Peterman does step up, then you’re correct about Whitley heading for the practice squad. I just hope another team does not grab Whitley from our practice squad. The one thing I have noticed is that Parcells’ draft weakness historically has been with the OL. He’s great at drafting LB, RB, DE, QB and TE. But drafting OL has not been one of Parcells’ strengths over his career.

Rob Petitti vs. Marc Columbo. I too see Fabini starting with Petitti being the backup RT. Columbo may just be a depth player.

Greg Ellis vs. Chris Canty. I see Canty winning this battle and Ellis being traded by midseason. Only a Canty injury may stop that from happening. An injury to a non-divisional DE may prompt the influx of phone calls to Valley Ranch, asking for Ellis' services.

Terrence Copper vs. Miles Austin. Monmouth Hawks, baby!!!! I’m very partial on this one. Austin all the way!!!

Kai Parham vs. Oliver Hoyte. I’d really like Parham to win this battle. Parham looked terrible at the Combine during drills, but 3-4 ILBs don’t usually look as graceful when they run with 4-3 OLBs in drills.

Pat Watkins vs. Marcus Coleman. I think Coleman wins the spot initially and by midseason we will see Watkins the starting free safety for the Cowboys.

Keith Davis vs. Justin Beriault. I have to admit. I’m not a Davis fan. I think he is a great special teams player, but a horrible FS. By midseason I think the FS hierarchy will be 1) Pat Watkins 2) Marcus Coleman 3) Justin Beriault 4) Keith Davis

Here are some other matchups:

Al Singleton vs. Bobby Carpenter: Conventional wisdom would tell you hands down, Bobby Carpenter will be the starting strong side OLB. But don’t count out Singleton just yet. Carpenter still has to learn the Cowboys' defensive playbook and get comfortable out there. I don’t think Singleton is ready to hand it over immediately.

Patrick Crayton vs. Skyler Green: This will be a very interesting battle for the 3rd down slot receiver. I like Crayton, but I think Green has the potential to be explosive in the slot.

Lousaka Polite vs. Anthony Fasano: Will the Cowboys ever use a FB again? Will they be exclusively a 2 TE offense? This could be Polite’s last year with the Cowboys unless he significantly contributes on special teams.

The final matchup:

Bill Parcells vs. linguini with clam sauce. It’s a no brainer. That linguini does not stand a chance. :grin:


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stilltheguru said:
i dont see how beiault has better speed then davis.alot of people on this site seem to overrate the hell out of him.

Allow me to educate you on Justin Beriault.

His combine numbers and ranks for the 2005 safety draft class:
  • 4.52 - 40 = as fast a Pool and Butler, faster if you include the shuttle drill for acceleration
  • 39 1/2" vert = #4 of the FS prospects and #1 of the SS prospects. Was taller than all other players who jumped higher at 6'2 5/8"
  • 3.81 shuttle = #1 of all the FS & SS prospects
  • 6.93 cone = #1 of all the FS & SS prospects
  • 11'0" broad jump = #2 of the FS by 1" and #1 of SS
On Top of his Safety Ranking he Ranked:
  • Fastest 20 yard shuttle overall: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 3.81
  • 3rd fastest 60 yard shuttle overall: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 10.82
  • Fastest 60 yard shuttle for safeties: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 10.82
That is some SERIOUS agility & acceleration to be the fastest at the 20 yard shuttle


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Peterman's competition is with Kosier for the starting LG spot. That will be an interesting battle in my opinion. People think that Kosier was brought in to replace Allen, but he may have been brought in to back up Peterman. After all, Kosier has mostly been a backup for his short career and Peterman was a first day pick that was expected to start within a few years.


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MtlCowboy said:
i would like to see someone emerge to battle Tyson Thompson for the 3rd RB spot.
didn't seem BP had much confidence in TT but he was an rookie URFA and hopefully he'll show that he improved in the offseason. maybe Summers will push for this spot?

I don't know if it's a battle between Thompson and other running backs but a battle between Thompson and other kick returners (most notably Green).

Thompson really doesn't offer much in the way of a RB unless he's dramatically improved over last season so if someone beats him out as a returner, someone else will probably have his job at RB.


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calcbfan1 said:
Allow me to educate you on Justin Beriault.

His combine numbers and ranks for the 2005 safety draft class:
  • 4.52 - 40 = as fast a Pool and Butler, faster if you include the shuttle drill for acceleration
  • 39 1/2" vert = #4 of the FS prospects and #1 of the SS prospects. Was taller than all other players who jumped higher at 6'2 5/8"
  • 3.81 shuttle = #1 of all the FS & SS prospects
  • 6.93 cone = #1 of all the FS & SS prospects
  • 11'0" broad jump = #2 of the FS by 1" and #1 of SS
On Top of his Safety Ranking he Ranked:
  • Fastest 20 yard shuttle overall: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 3.81
  • 3rd fastest 60 yard shuttle overall: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 10.82
  • Fastest 60 yard shuttle for safeties: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 10.82
That is some SERIOUS agility & acceleration to be the fastest at the 20 yard shuttle

Thanks- that's the stuff I didn't have. Anyone have access to Davis' combine #'s?


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StanleySpadowski said:
I don't know if it's a battle between Thompson and other running backs but a battle between Thompson and other kick returners (most notably Green).

Thompson really doesn't offer much in the way of a RB unless he's dramatically improved over last season so if someone beats him out as a returner, someone else will probably have his job at RB.

I thought Thompson looked good carrying the ball last year. He was the only back to average 4 ypc last year. The only back we've brought in is Demetrius Summers and he doesn't have Thompson's speed. Skyler Green will likely return kicks but that shouldn't impact Thompson's position on the team.


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calcbfan1 said:
Allow me to educate you on Justin Beriault.

His combine numbers and ranks for the 2005 safety draft class:
  • 4.52 - 40 = as fast a Pool and Butler, faster if you include the shuttle drill for acceleration
  • 39 1/2" vert = #4 of the FS prospects and #1 of the SS prospects. Was taller than all other players who jumped higher at 6'2 5/8"
  • 3.81 shuttle = #1 of all the FS & SS prospects
  • 6.93 cone = #1 of all the FS & SS prospects
  • 11'0" broad jump = #2 of the FS by 1" and #1 of SS
On Top of his Safety Ranking he Ranked:
  • Fastest 20 yard shuttle overall: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 3.81
  • 3rd fastest 60 yard shuttle overall: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 10.82
  • Fastest 60 yard shuttle for safeties: Justin Beriault (Ball State) 10.82
That is some SERIOUS agility & acceleration to be the fastest at the 20 yard shuttle

well see what he does this preseason.cause i didnt see any of this athletic ability last year in preseason.


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StanleySpadowski said:
I don't know if it's a battle between Thompson and other running backs but a battle between Thompson and other kick returners (most notably Green).

Thompson really doesn't offer much in the way of a RB unless he's dramatically improved over last season so if someone beats him out as a returner, someone else will probably have his job at RB.

I thought he was good enough to be a 3rd RB, and he was good enough on kickoff returns to be paired with Green back there.

I wouldn't call him a lock but I don't think he's far out on the bubble unless someone else is brought it.


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He did all that on an injured knee?

One of the biggest stories of last year's camp other than Tyson Thompson was Beriault being all over the field hitting people and making plays. He also showed well in pre-season games. They chose to keep him on the team for the whole year knowing he wouldn't even play last season due to his knee surgery. Hopefully he comes back strong this season. My guess is that he will be Roy's back-up.

Thick 'N Hearty

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CaptainAmerica said:
Look at Henson's contract. He signed Henson to a 6 year deal, (no years have been voided).

What the hell? Didn't Hutch get a 7 year deal? How long did he last? Don't gauge whether or not someone will be here because of their contract. How about Glover's contract... I don't think it was set to expire.

With that said, if Henson performs in TC like he has in NFLE, the coaching staff will have some serious discussions going on. I think the consensus right now is Romo is the 2nd QB until Henson and beat him.


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stilltheguru said:
well see what he does this preseason.cause i didnt see any of this athletic ability last year in preseason.

You must not have been watching, becuase Beriault had a sack, an INT and he forced a safety, in just 4 quarters of playing time.

Davis had zero sacks, zero INTs and zero forced safeties in twice as much playing time.


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calcbfan1 said:
Davis had zero sacks, zero INTs and zero forced safeties in twice as much playing time.

He didn't get any of those things through 16 regular season games either.


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
What the hell? Didn't Hutch get a 7 year deal? How long did he last? Don't gauge whether or not someone will be here because of their contract. How about Glover's contract... I don't think it was set to expire.

With that said, if Henson performs in TC like he has in NFLE, the coaching staff will have some serious discussions going on. I think the consensus right now is Romo is the 2nd QB until Henson and beat him.

I disagree. In 2004 Henson was the 2nd QB...2005 it was Romo.

Both years it was an open competition and I think it will be this year too.

Number 2 is open to whoever wins it now.


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Jarv said:
I disagree. In 2004 Henson was the 2nd QB...2005 it was Romo.

Both years it was an open competition and I think it will be this year too.

Number 2 is open to whoever wins it now.

I agree. I don't think Romo has much of a strong hold on the backup spot and expect this to be a wide-open competition

Thick 'N Hearty

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Jarv said:
I disagree. In 2004 Henson was the 2nd QB...2005 it was Romo.

Both years it was an open competition and I think it will be this year too.

Number 2 is open to whoever wins it now.

I see where you're coming from, but I still think Romo is the coach's pick right now.


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the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
I see where you're coming from, but I still think Romo is the coach's pick right now.

Time will tell I guess....Payton, Romo's sponser is gone tho...

Me thinks BP will keep an open mind on the whole situation.