Jerry jones=Money, Money=Jerry Jones, he's the issue!!
Ask yourself these three questions:
1. Was Jerry Jones the problem from February 1989 to March 1994? Because he was making money then too.
2. Has Jones been the problem from April 1994 to the present? He has simply made more money.
3. What essential football decision-making change did Jones make for himself when considering questions one and two?
Other professional sports team owners make money, just like Jones. What makes Jones conventionally different from the vast majority of his peers in any sport is not money. It is his defiance in allowing a different championship football seeking goal be overseen from a different perspective.
It is irrelevant how little or how much authority observers believe Jones has in football decisions. No organization is its most effective with a weakest link at any point along its chain. The most successful organization excise its weakest link--no matter who sits at the bottom or stands at the top.
Jerry Jones, self-football genius, is that weakest link. Always has been. Always will be. He can return to making money--even MORE money--and not continuing being the problem. He has done it before, correct? Right.