Interesting point about Romo and leverage

Jerry would have to press the issue against Tony and I'm sure he will not. Jerry will eat the cap hit to maintain the special relationship.

I would eat the cap in order to prove my point to Denver and Houston. No Quarterback for you!! You better freshen up that resume, especially the Houston people (surprised they didn't get the ax for the Osweiler mess, they won't survive missing out on Romo)
Romo's salary is already on the books. I just hold on to him till training camp until Texan's cry uncle. Screw them all!

Seriously, who will Houston roll with. They are sitting in a very bad position right now. Dallas can simply wait them out. Make no mistake, the Houston front office are on the hot seat. Rick Smith better fire up that resume
Seriously, who will Houston roll with. They are sitting in a very bad position right now. Dallas can simply wait them out. Make no mistake, the Houston front office are on the hot seat. Rick Smith better fire up that resume

furthermore, it appears the new team is the one that can try to get the signing bonus back from romo.
so jones would not have to do the dirty work, giving romo less leverage.
actually i think it is the new team that would be the one to press the issue.
so jones does not have to be the one that does the dirty work.
so the threat is credible.

Just won't happen just like they will not go after the remaining SB for Free. He will walk away clean.
I would eat the cap in order to prove my point to Denver and Houston. No Quarterback for you!! You better freshen up that resume, especially the Houston people (surprised they didn't get the ax for the Osweiler mess, they won't survive missing out on Romo)

They actually could get by without Romo. Just think KC just unloaded their backup QB and he's available too. McNair thinks he's smarter than Jerry
so I think they will wait out Jerry who probably will release him before the draft.
The only leverage Romo has is not being willing to renegotiate his contract and make the trading team accept his salary. Other than Jerry's commitment to do right by him, which may be all Tony needs, Romo would have to go to the team the Cowboys chose, but would not have to redo his contract, which could make him unappealing to teams wanting to trade for him. Therefore, he does have leverage, but not in the ability to cancel any trade requests.
Romo is not retiring
That is just rubbish put out by the Romo homies
He desperately wants to play to show the Cowboys what a mistake they made not playing him last year
Jerry is the moron who is muddying the waters so that all the teams know he will release Romo so they're not trading and are content to wait him out

This I agree with. Jones should have played his cards close to the vest, no comments about Romo and certainly nothing about doing "what's right" by him. The only thing he should be doing right by is the Dallas Cowboys.
Romo is not retiring
That is just rubbish put out by the Romo homies
He desperately wants to play to show the Cowboys what a mistake they made not playing him last year
Jerry is the moron who is muddying the waters so that all the teams know he will release Romo so they're not trading and are content to wait him out

I actually think the move is to keep him for 2017. Has no trade value. Team has cap space and they can't use his cap savings for current FA anyway.
thought I heard Spagnola declare this week on Talking Cowboys, that were Romo to retire he'd immediately be obligated to pay the Cowboys $19MM.

Wouldn't be $19M, and there'd be no immediate obligation.

The team could choose to seek repayment for the remaining prorations of his signing bonus. That's $5M, and Dallas would have to choose to go after that money. Here we are again looking at a situation in which Jerry would have to make the decision to do something that I would consider unexpected given the relationship between the two.

Romo has leverage, make no mistake. His leverage won't be found in his contract though. It's his relationship to Jerry because Jerry doesn't screw premier players over. Hardly screws over any players, and I can only say hardly based on Jimmy Smith from 20+ years ago.
I actually think the move is to keep him for 2017. Has no trade value. Team has cap space and they can't use his cap savings for current FA anyway.

Yeah, well they can roll whatever they don't use over to next offseason. Cut/trade versus keep, that's a difference equal to his base salary of $14M when it's all said and done.
Jerry could fight to make him repay it; which we all know he won't. If Romo retires, which he isn't, but IF he did...he would keep the money.

And yes the Cowboys would still have rights to him.
Awwww, Jerry, just marry Romo and have his kids!!!!

it states that if romo retires, he would have to pay back a portion of his signing / restructuring bonus.
is this true?

so he could not just threaten to retire if traded to a team he does not like.
furthermore, the cowboys would still hold his rights if he unretire?
if all this is true, cowboys have all the cards other than the tony jones part...
Would not happen, waldo.
In fact, Doug Free wont even have to pay back his...let alone Romo.
Would not happen, waldo.
In fact, Doug Free wont even have to pay back his...let alone Romo.

actually i think the team that traded for romo would have the right to request back the bonus, not the cowboys.
actually i think the team that traded for romo would have the right to request back the bonus, not the cowboys.
I assume you mean if he was traded and then retired
There's someone around here claiming that, but its not so.
Just like the cap hit from guaranteed bonus paid and subsequent cap obligation is not tranferable to another team (Dallas eats it either way), the bonus money already paid that could possibly be recovered by the original team upon a player retiring is also not transferable.
I assume you mean if he was traded and then retired
There's someone around here claiming that, but its not so.
Just like the cap hit from guaranteed bonus paid and subsequent cap obligation is not tranferable to another team (Dallas eats it either way), the bonus money already paid that could possibly be recovered by the original team upon a player retiring is also not transferable.

yes that is what i meant.
it has been a while, so i forgot who mentioned it.
someone who seemed knowledgeable definitely said the bonus would be recoverable by the new team...
yes that is what i meant.
it has been a while, so i forgot who mentioned it.
someone who seemed knowledgeable definitely said the bonus would be recoverable by the new team...
Hes normally right on this type of topic, but not on this specific issue.

Anyway, its irrelevant.
Cant imagine a scenario where Jerry would try to force a trade to a team Romo would refuse to play for...or a team that'd ever make a trade for a starting QB who didnt want to play for them.
Talk about WAY out there in make believe. The team would have to be nuts.
Hes normally right on this type of topic, but not on this specific issue.

Anyway, its irrelevant.
Cant imagine a scenario where Jerry would try to force a trade to a team Romo would refuse to play for...or a team that'd ever make a trade for a starting QB who didnt want to play for them.
Talk about WAY out there in make believe. The team would have to be nuts.

the jets could have been one lol
they may have gave something good for him.

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