Interesting read on Eagles drafting college graduates


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Garrett's standards differ very little from just about every other standard out there.

The Eagle's would be the first team I have heard of that actually places a premium on successful completion of school.

Most teams across the league don't care.

I have serious doubts that his standards are all that different either. Theres hasn't been a winning coach yet that I know of that wouldn't put his neck out for the guy that offers the best chance for him to succeed. But they both are trying to create a similar atmosphere by placing a premium on guys that are self motivators. Garrett looks for guys that have been voted team captains and they're lookin for guys with that will graduate.


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I went to college and realized I was better off starting my own business and learning things specific to my trade. While I believe structured learning may be appropriate to some people, I find college to be overly expensive and more about the degrees then actual material.