Young people have student loans they will never pay off, majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have credit card debt out the yazoo, no such thing as a balanced budget and the national debt continues to skyrocket no matter which party is in charge, inflation out of control, housing is starting to out-price the average American, supply chains can no longer keep up with the world pre-pandemic status quo……. the country is headed for a reckoning. I just hope a global recession is the worse it will become.
On the plus side, people are saving more money today than in the past. Unfortunately inflation will devalue their savings. But I agree, at some point something have to give. I think housing will fall first. But this is a cyclical thing. Home ownership is good and bad for the economy. It's good because home owners spend money on durable goods. It's bad because home buyers drive up the cost of housing and debt.
What worries me about the current situation is it looks a lot like the late 1970s. Gas priced doubled a couple of times in the 1970s due to supply issues at the same time payments were due for the war in Vietnam, which led to inflation. Once inflation began to roll it was hard to stop. But there is a different problem today with high inflation - retirement. Back in the 1970s pensions were very common. Pensions were based on salaries so as inflation drove up wages, pension payments followed. Today, there are very few pensions offered by non-union companies, and very few unions companies. Retirement plans are mostly some kind of savings plan, like a 401k. Inflation will destroy the value of those accounts and people's retirement plans. I worry the next big crisis will be a retirement crisis. People will not have enough money to pay for retirement but they will be too old to work. This will happen at the same time Social Security will become insolvent.
In the meantime interest payments on the national debt have increased to $479 billion annually. This number will increase as interest rates rise. Where does this money come from? We either print more which is honestly morally reprehensible, or we tax more. Printing creates higher inflation, higher interest rates and higher interest payments. Raising taxes create more unemployment, less consumer spending, and recession. We are in a pickle.