I'd be really interested to see what people's opinions of phones are after long time use.
One thing that I really appreciate about my iPhone (I'm still on the 4, not even 4s) is that it works exactly the same as it did the first day I got it a few years ago. I haven't had any corrupted software by downloading certain apps like I did with my BlackBerry and Black Jack II before it, the screen hasn't dulled, my battery life is still the same (good for about 2 days of normal use) and there haven't been any hardware issues whatsoever.
Could just be because phones are getting better and better in general, so don't take this post as me bragging about an apple product-- I'm genuinely curious of other peoples experience with Smart phones and longevity.
S4 destroys it's owners with short battery life, too many added features that don't work, a fragemented OS and an app store full of sub-standard apps. Most reviews agree.
I got the HTC One since everyone I know has the S4 and I love it.
I've had the iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, and now currently the iPhone 4s. In between the 3G and 4 I decided to go with an Android phone and I was not all that impressed. I am what you would consider tech savvy and even though the iPhone might be more simplistic than the Android OS I prefer iOS. Not to mention iOS 7 looks awesome and the camera on the 5s looks very promising! I am a photographer so that's very important to me!
The new iPhones are the junk before they finally go bigger.
S4 is the choice. You will feel like you are holding something.
I have a galaxy note 2 and iPhone 5
The note is the ultimate phone/ tablet hybrid = phablet
Just wondering which android phone you've had before.
Samsung GS4 has better camera than iphone 5s
Samsung GS4 ...13mp and 2mp front
iphone 5s ..............8mp and 1.2mp front
Personally, I really like Samsung's bigger screen and higher resolution over iphone 5s.
Battery life is fine...You have to pick and choose your options with this phone because there are sooooo many...
Most IT engineers like myself love it...Maybe it just wasn't produced for the technically challenged.
I always find it amusing when people fight over consumer goods.
I find it discouraging when people feel the need to point out that they find it amusing for people to argue over consumer goods as if they're above that.
I find discouraging when people complain about others that find it amusing that people argue over consumer goods like they are above that.
You just had to didn't you.
With Iphone5 new fingerprint scanner and all the NSA revelations, I'm staying far away from from the new phone.
The reason they are the size they are is that Apple wanted a user to be able to use the phone comfortably with one hand... method behind the madness...
That being said, insiders say they may be looking to add a larger phone as part of their lineup down the line...