Irvin Press Conference Live - 3/14/2023

Just like it was predicted the video changed nothing. The posters that want him innocent interpret it their way and vice versa.

To be clear, I do not want him found guilty of anything, I just want him off the NFLN so I can watch it because all of the other pregame shows are awful. He makes the one on MFLN awful for me. It's either about the Cowboys or WR's, his knowledge of the game is not broad enough for an analyst.
He said she said. He probly made a bad comment. Slapped himself like “bad boy” and left. He may get a go away check but not big money. Unless the NFL fires him. Maybe they let him keep his job and finish his contract doing as little as possible and do not renew his contract. Depending on how much time is left on the contract.
I have not read that timeline and if you listen to the radio call in, he was still in limbo about what was happening.

Why would Marriott know or care if he'd been taken off the air? They just wanted him out of their hotel but I believe that happened on Tuesday.
No, Marriott claimed the investigations happened on Monday and then Irvin left their hotel at 10pm Monday night. Check Pages 5-6 of the embedded PDF in the link for that and the timeline.
So you think her "no-no" motion with her hands twice was nothing? We know nothing about the manager but we do know that this video account of the encounter more closely matched what Marriott put out there than what Irvin's team was saying. But you can run with the manager theory because that's what Irvin's team is now going to try to play up. I suspect there'll be a whole lot of others with you.
not at all 100% te opposite sorry you arent drive me into your little conspiracy take.. there wasn't a no no motion at was as amical a stranger interaction fan-famous person ive ever seen..looked 200% normal..sorry man you are one of the top negative people here always looking at it as worse and anti cowboys.
1) people are using alternative facts here... that manager starts to clap at almost the exact same time Irvin and the female engage in conversation.
2) She clearly leans around the pilar to see which way Mike is going, then moves in his direction when she sees him on that side.
3) Irvin never stumbles, leans... nothing at all to say a "Drunken gait."
4) What is very clear is the manager is not happy with HER. If these employees had heard these comments made, especially the security guy that was walking around the bar and the manager, why didnt they intervene at that exact moment.

I can promise you if what Irvin is accused of saying was uttered to any female that I was in a group with and I heard it, I would IMMEDIATELY have stepped right in the middle of them and said, who man, that **** is way out of line and walked my friend away from him. Did I miss that part of the video?

Im till waiting on someone to show me the employees that approached Mike and the lady that clealry could see she was uncomfortable to intervene. Where ar ethey???/ Taking the selfie with him and then shaking his hand as they pointed out which way the elevator was? Someone tell me at which minute mark I can find these co-workers at?
Sorry Reid but the only one spinning alternative facts has been you today. Very many of them. Today is not good for Irvin's side. His witnesses are all but discredited and the video happened almost exactly the way Marriott said down to her backing up (in contrast to Irvin's lawyer's claim) and Mike slapping himself 3 times, things you said you wanted to see on the video to give Marriott credence. Both happened. You're silent on those points now.

1. That manager claps to get her attention clearly. He doesn't even notice Mike until he sees Mike interject in his trying to get her attention.
2. Lol. She wouldn't have even seen Mike from the angle she was walking in as there were 2 pillars in the path. She actually looks left into the bar and keeps walking around the outside, maybe to avoid that manager. Mike is clearly headed to the elevators, looks at her a few seconds and then changes his angle towards her, speeding up even to get to her as another poster pointed out.
3. I don't see a drunken gait. He's an animated person anyway so it'd be hard to tell the difference regardless.
4. Agree on the manager. Maybe that's why she was trying to avoid to the outside of the pillar in the first place. As for security, it would seem to me that you want to have an intention play out or you miss being able to back up a report if one is made. Nothing physical was going to play out because they were there. If you're there patrolling a bar, you know there could be violent drunks but you'd need to hear/see a physical threat being made to prevent one. A disgusting comment isn't going to move them but you can't interrupt one being made either to get the full comment on record. Again, just my supposition. Mike didn't pose much of a physical threat, besides continuing to lean in or step towards her. But they did eventually intervene, enough to get Mike's attention to have him back off. Why do that if it was harmless?

Again, you are not trained security personnel. What you would do or be offended with is immaterial.

The ones who approached Mike were clearly the two security personnel. One of them made himself obvious to Mike. What lady are you talking about? That wasn't in Marriott's account. They mention "employees" which are these 2 security guys. One circled like a shark at the beginning and the other was much more obvious in the end, appearing at 37:00 and then it's he that takes a picture with Mike and sends him to the elevators.

Try 36:45 and 36:50. But pointing this out is negative, right?

I wont i cant care less about this saw it evaluated it and 75% of people will see it my way.. but hey be on your island.. IM Italian and of there no sound and someone's just observing from afar you would think every conversaaiton io am having is adversarial or controversial because we talk with our hands and emphatically move and are loud.. that mean nothing.
I wonder what he said to the guy that was with him after they talked. When he was talking to him and slapped himself a few times. He was talking with some other guy and they split off and he went over to Irvin and walked him towards the entrance/exit and then back to the elevator.
If anything bad was said then it's virtually his word against hers and Michael has witnesses that were close by that has come to his defense pretty much verifying his version of events.

As far as what the video shows.......get out of here. Nothing physically happened whatsoever. It's absolutely ridiculous and I hope Mike gets all the money he's after.
I wont i cant care less about this saw it evaluated it and 75% of people will see it my way.. but hey be on your island.. IM Italian and of there no sound and someone's just observing from afar you would think every conversaaiton io am having is adversarial or controversial because we talk with our hands and emphatically move and are loud.. that mean nothing.
I take it these two weren't Italian then. And 75% of this board thinks Dez caught it. Those that know the rule know that 75% of you are wrong. Herd mentality might work for some things but not always true things.
If anything bad was said then it's virtually his word against hers and Michael has witnesses that were close by that has come to his defense pretty much verifying his version of events.

As far as what the video shows.......get out of here. Nothing physically happened whatsoever. It's absolutely ridiculous and I hope Mike gets all the money he's after.
Lol. Mike's witnesses don't even look like they're paying attention most of the time. Their accounts are pretty much discredited. Neither of them even saw the initial encounter to opine on it. They got sweet photos though. Not that they'd be endeared to Mike at all for anything. No, not at all.

And this was nothing to do with physical, only about what was said and the aftermath of that.
Lol. Mike's witnesses don't even look like they're paying attention most of the time. Their accounts are pretty much discredited. Neither of them even saw the initial encounter to opine on it. They got sweet photos though. Not that they'd be endeared to Mike at all for anything. No, not at all.

And this was nothing to do with physical, only about what was said and the aftermath of that.
blah blah blah move on..
Ok let's go with your "no no" gesture. It lacks a lot of context, it could be him making a joke to her and her clairifying something or slow down, wait, etc. Context is important with that gesture. But I can give you three gestures that she uses that are positive.

Much of the time she is standing with he hands in front of her in a relaxed position. This is typically an ideal position to keep her hands. Its hard to tell but if she had a limp wrist if could signifiy interest in him. While using that pose, she often repeats a palms up gesture, which is a submissive geture as well as one that conveys open and honesty. So she has now shown two submissive getures. The third one she uses is her hands behind her back. She is holding one hand with the other which signify's confidence and dominence. So two submissive positive gesture and one gesture in which she feels confident. Also both handshakes she uses a dominent handshake by keeping her hand over the top.
And the lawyer pointed out the leg kick. That awe shucks leg kick. Could be smitten with him. She wanted to meet him that’s for sure. And the other guy was likey her boss and didn’t want her bothering him. Those 3 claps could have been to get her attention to leave him alone. Maybe a set up. Who knows. Sucks if he is a target. But he could have said something. At the end he was slapping his face like “bad boy”.. or “sober up”… Lol.
And the lawyer pointed out the leg kick. That awe shucks leg kick. Could be smitten with him. She wanted to meet him that’s for sure. And the other guy was likey her boss and didn’t want her bothering him. Those 3 claps could have been to get her attention to leave him alone. Maybe a set up. Who knows. Sucks if he is a target. But he could have said something. At the end he was slapping his face like “bad boy”.. or “sober up”… Lol.
exactly. I think the guy that chewed her out for talking with Irvin might have been jealous. It may not be her at all doing this but HIM.
LOL. Now this is the best one I've read today. If the "no no" gesture lacks context, so does this body language analysis. Body language wise, she also couldn't wait to get out of there and the security personnel helped her with that. Or was that a signal for Mike to chase her like a cheetah chases a field mouse?
You have a creative take. I showed you two body language poses that she used throughout 95% of the coversation that shows she is open and engaged. One was submissive and one was confident and dominant. You are trying to use a minor gesture that took up less that 2 seconds of the whole conversation as your justifcation that it was a negative encounter. LOL Security didn't do anything.

Here is a breakdown for you. The convo starts at 23:11:58. From 23:12:08 to 23:13:39 no one was really in position to hear the conversation. Maybe the other table could have heard a little depending on the background noise and if they were paying attention. On the video time of 23:13:39 you can see black shirt and grey shirt pass by each other and there is an exchange of a message. The female employee points both guys out as if saying I think they want to get a picture with you.

Gray shirt walked out just behind her when she came into the camera. There was no encounter yet so he had nothing to be watchful for. The conversation started at 23:11:58. Gray shirt walks away at 23:12:08. He was present for the first 10 seconds of the conversation. That's it. Until 23:13:39 which is a minute and half later, he was not in a position to hear the coversation, so again, he could not have known anything was wrong. 23:13:39 both black and grey shirt pass each other and exchanged a message. this was the next time they were in position to hear anything. The conversation was already wrapping up at this point. The female employee points them out as if to say they want to take a picture with you, which he obliges. The manager, black shirt, and grey shirt were in no position to hear any part of the coversation past the first 10 seconds. They had no indication that anything was wrong. So that blows you theory out of the water that they interviened to help her. They physically could not have known anything was going on.
I have not read that timeline and if you listen to the radio call in, he was still in limbo about what was happening.

Why would Marriott know or care if he'd been taken off the air? They just wanted him out of their hotel but I believe that happened on Tuesday.
In this video, M says the nfl moved him to another hotel, and left people to watch him, to see if he was acting normal or going cte lol.
So marriot did not kick him out.
A complaint was reported, so it was best to get him out of that hotel for all concerned including MI.
No one would tell him what it was all about, so thats why he said certain things on the radio show.
Hiding out was where the nfl put him and had guys on him to keep him there and observe him.
Just like it was predicted the video changed nothing. The posters that want him innocent interpret it their way and vice versa.

To be clear, I do not want him found guilty of anything, I just want him off the NFLN so I can watch it because all of the other pregame shows are awful. He makes the one on MFLN awful for me. It's either about the Cowboys or WR's, his knowledge of the game is not broad enough for an analyst.
You convicted him several days ago who are you trying to fool?
You have a creative take. I showed you two body language poses that she used throughout 95% of the coversation that shows she is open and engaged. One was submissive and one was confident and dominant. You are trying to use a minor gesture that took up less that 2 seconds of the whole conversation as your justifcation that it was a negative encounter. LOL Security didn't do anything.

Here is a breakdown for you. The convo starts at 23:11:58. From 23:12:08 to 23:13:39 no one was really in position to hear the conversation. Maybe the other table could have heard a little depending on the background noise and if they were paying attention. On the video time of 23:13:39 you can see black shirt and grey shirt pass by each other and there is an exchange of a message. The female employee points both guys out as if saying I think they want to get a picture with you.

Gray shirt walked out just behind her when she came into the camera. There was no encounter yet so he had nothing to be watchful for. The conversation started at 23:11:58. Gray shirt walks away at 23:12:08. He was present for the first 10 seconds of the conversation. That's it. Until 23:13:39 which is a minute and half later, he was not in a position to hear the coversation, so again, he could not have known anything was wrong. 23:13:39 both black and grey shirt pass each other and exchanged a message. this was the next time they were in position to hear anything. The conversation was already wrapping up at this point. The female employee points them out as if to say they want to take a picture with you, which he obliges. The manager, black shirt, and grey shirt were in no position to hear any part of the coversation past the first 10 seconds. They had no indication that anything was wrong. So that blows you theory out of the water that they interviened to help her. They physically could not have known anything was going on.
Yeah and supposedly the grey shirt was security and black shirt was a fan.. If that’s the case why did they pass and exchange words like that. And the guy clapping inane the vest was likely a manager. I dont think he was jealous.

My wife was director of security for a disney resort. ALOT OF CELEBS came through there and as hard as they try when news of or when celebs show up the word spreads quickly through staff. Many want autographs or pictures. But they are all very much aware of cameras. Not sure what her position was at the hotel but the guy in vest looks like he was trying to make her leave him alone, maybe she wasn’t supposed to be there. Without knowing what was said it could have been a setup for money grab for her to get paid from him and the hotel. Or maybe he shot her down. Or he could have said something. Him slapping himself after she walks away… LOL when he did that he was talking to the 2 guys. What was he saying then.
exactly. I think the guy that chewed her out for talking with Irvin might have been jealous. It may not be her at all doing this but HIM.
It could have been that way. The guy was not happy. A lot will come out we will never know about. Not sure if it goes to trial. If NFLN fires him it will get interesting. There are different angles from cameras. They will have him on camera from the time he arrived at hotel outside. Why will they not give them all the video. It’s not to protect Irvin.

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