Irvin to have 7am Wed press conference - Video in post 113

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yeah right. The man was ruined by the very networks u think are fair. If they were being fair they would have waited instead of acting hasty. The picture they painted of him is he is guilty thus why they treated him badly instantly. The media is trash.
This is standard practice when someone on air is accused of something. Why?

Because the downside is much worse than the upside. Lets say Fox has a baseball host accused of sexual assault. They do what you want them to do and let the host stay on air and it turns out he actually did assault someone. That's a crap ton of criticism and potential business risk coming at them.

To my knowledge, Irvin still got paid he just wasn't put on air. I have no issues with that and we have to remember these are businesses here and they have to manage with their bottom line in mind.

In terms of reporting, seems to me the allegations and story has been reported fairly and accurately with few, if any, in the media claiming Irving did this, etc. So your complaints seem unfounded here.
thats not what he just said. Which is true? Even if he did have a drink and is unsure, thats not a crime. The witnesses all say the same thing. Lets see the vid.
That is what he said on the radio call in.

If he'd really not been drinking anything but water, why use the drinking excuse for not remembering? That raises more questions.
This is standard practice when someone on air is accused of something. Why?

Because the downside is much worse than the upside. Lets say Fox has a baseball host accused of sexual assault. They do what you want them to do and let the host stay on air and it turns out he actually did assault someone. That's a crap ton of criticism and potential business risk coming at them.

To my knowledge, Irvin still got paid he just wasn't put on air. I have no issues with that and we have to remember these are businesses here and they have to manage with their bottom line in mind.

In terms of reporting, seems to me the allegations and story has been reported fairly and accurately with few, if any, in the media claiming Irving did this, etc. So your complaints seem unfounded here.
standard? Accurate?Unfounded? MEH...
I should have deleted it so we'd have more room for Booger sez and Stephen sez threads.
theres like 75 pages on this subject all speculation, no new news and where this alleged 730 now 1030 deadlines that past press conference?? ughh :facepalm:
I gave you an example. Multiple actually.

Godwin vs Gallup to be precise.

But hey. Ignorance is bliss.

You havent analyzed anything. Otherwise you would realize this is nothing more than a he said she said and a girl whos blowing things way out of proportion because its 2023 and thats the norm now. People get offended if you look at them the wrong way.

However every single one of your posts has a sense of wanting Irvin to "pay for what he did" Its laughable.
To be fair we dont know it was the female employee who blew things out of proportion, it could very well be the manager and thats probably more whats going to be argued...whats was said vs the actions taken mostly by the manager as a representative of Marriott. The female employee could come out and say "Irvin kinda creeped me out and i said that to the manager and without my knowledgde he put these actions in motion." not saying thats what happened but anything is possible without the audio.
is due process still a thing in the legal system/USA? Thats what we all are promised as a United States citizen, no matter what anyone thinks. Thats the letter of the law. No matter what bias either way we feel about 88...he is due that. That is why the networks did him wrong. They didnt wait for due process and the facts to be vetted. They acted irrationally and by doing s degraded him. Not even a police report was filed..think about that. A man was ruined .
Due process doesn't apply to business decisions. NFL Network is well within their rights to take Irvin off the air while this gets sorted out. They don't have to give him due process. He apparently still got paid his contract during his removal.

It's amazing how many people don't understand concepts of due process, free speech, etc., and how they are more government constraints than limitations that private companies have on them.
That is what he said on the radio call in.

If he'd really not been drinking anything but water, why use the drinking excuse for not remembering? That raises more questions.
maybe but does that rise to this level where a guy gets railroaded? Thats not the spirit of the law. Is this the 1940's?
Due process doesn't apply to business decisions. NFL Network is well within their rights to take Irvin off the air while this gets sorted out. They don't have to give him due process. He apparently still got paid his contract during his removal.

It's amazing how many people don't understand concepts of due process, free speech, etc., and how they are more government constraints than limitations that private companies have on them.
we understand a con job when we hear 1.
theres like 75 pages on this subject all speculation, no new news and where this alleged 730 now 1030 deadlines that past press conference?? ughh :facepalm:
75? I am ashamed of us!!

There are at least 10 pages where posters are being criticized for speculating. I am sorry, if speculation becomes outlawed, we have nothing to discuss.

Some of us are bored and this is our tire in the cage. We need this or we start throwing poop.
Look what happened in the Boston Celtics situation, coach loses his job but the young lady didn’t and she was a willing participant at first.
maybe but does that rise to this level where a guy gets railroaded? Thats not the spirit of the law. Is this the 1940's?
He railroaded himself. Up until that call in, he was still in AZ, evidently hiding out, and the NFLN hadn't done anything which is really strange. What were they doing?
Due process doesn't apply to business decisions. NFL Network is well within their rights to take Irvin off the air while this gets sorted out. They don't have to give him due process. He apparently still got paid his contract during his removal.

It's amazing how many people don't understand concepts of due process, free speech, etc., and how they are more government constraints than limitations that private companies have on them.
True but if it comes out it was nothing Irvin can go after his employer for wrongfull____ fill in the blank...not saying its a wise move or a slam dunk but it is an option any employee has.
75? I am ashamed of us!!

There are at least 10 pages where posters are being criticized for speculating. I am sorry, if speculation becomes outlawed, we have nothing to discuss.

Some of us are bored and this is our tire in the cage. We need this or we start throwing poop.
its a nice break from the war that rages on the other 75% of the threads here for sure.
Look what happened in the Boston Celtics situation, coach loses his job but the young lady didn’t and she was a willing participant at first.
great example actually. The Duke Lacrosse thing as well. Was totally fabricated admittedly. Those young mens lives were ruined as a result and the media never relented or apologized. SICK.
True but if it comes out it was nothing Irvin can go after his employer for wrongfull____ fill in the blank...not saying its a wise move or a slam dunk but it is an option any employee has.
u BET your arse he will.
Look what happened in the Boston Celtics situation, coach loses his job but the young lady didn’t and she was a willing participant at first.
I believe the NBA like the NFL has a "Face of the league" clause that can get you if bad press comes to town. Employee in the league have to sign it knowing the backlash they can face.
standard? Accurate?Unfounded? MEH...
Yeah, all of those.

In the coverage of the story, point out what has been inaccurate in the reporting on the story? Give me real examples.

Yes, standard practice in situations like this is to take on air talent off the air if they are involved in a controversy. This has happened everywhere from news stations to sports networks.
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