Is 2014 a good year to pick Romo's eventual replacement

Dude Aren't you the guy who watched the game, watched the part where you somehow thought that Garrett was yelling at Romo?--were you serious?
You have no ability to discern what is happening during a game. Furthermore, stats are used, in part, to decide how much money to pay players. That is a very important part if any business. $$$Are you going to answer the question of your alternative to Romo?$&
I've asked you 4 times now. You will not address it and are oddly avoiding answering.
Is this some sort of strange denial where you're not seeing this question or do you not understand the question?
You really were serious with that strange thread you started that was closed because it was so oddly untrue.
Many called you a troll. I guess that's it.

Answer my question. I've answered every one of your questions.

I already answered your question. If you don't like my answer that's your problem. And just because I'm critical of Romo doesn't mean I'm not a fan, it just means that I have standards.... buzz off kid
Romo didn't play at all from 2003-05. He missed almost all of 2010 (ten games). What am I getting at? He doesn't have the same wear and tear most eleventh year QB's have. I fully expect him to play out his contract and maintain at least 85 percent of his current effectiveness. So to answer the question, no. Not yet.
Not yet.

Draft the future when you think Romo has 1 season left.
Romo didn't play at all from 2003-05. He missed almost all of 2010 (ten games). What am I getting at? He doesn't have the same wear and tear most eleventh year QB's have. I fully expect him to play out his contract and maintain at least 85 percent of his current effectiveness. So to answer the question, no. Not yet.

Father time doesn't care about how many games youve started.. But hopefully hes one of those players that can play at a high level at age 37. He would most likely be a statue in the pocket though.
I think there will be several qb's graded higher than manziel IMO. I'd rather have a prototypical strong arm pocket passer. Am I the only one who thinks Johnny won't translate to the nfl? I'm no Mel kiper jr. But that's my hunch with him. I think we have too many other needs right now to draft a qb high in the draft. But it will need to be addressed within 2-3 years

Let me be the first to say, "I am glad you are no Mel Kiper." halfing said that, while there are no guarantees with Johnny Foosball, there is a big chance he can translate his skills to the NFL. If he bulks up, more off a chance.
A respectable pocket passer ala Aikman would be great. Another Andrew Luck or even that running Wilson would be good. Sometimes a team half to adapt to the skills of a QB.
Yes we half too many other needs. But QB is the most pressing for any team. Any team without a good QB will be mired in mediocrity.

I do disagree with you about 2-3 years. That is how long the new QB would/should half to sit before he start, so the quicker the better.
I'm pretty new to this forum. Can anyone please give me some insight on this guy. Cowboyfan74?
Is he really a cowboys fan?
He's been arguing with me for about 3 days with odd and repetitive non points.
He also can't answer straight forward questions. I don't normally encounter people like this.
Is it possible Romo personally hurt his feelings?

Just ignore posters like him and you will enjoy this site bit more. Unfortunately, there are many more like him on this site, which make it much less enjoyable.
Yes, we should give some serious consideration to devoting a high pick for acquiring an eventual QB prospect to replace Romo when the appropriate time comes. It's always a risky thing going for a QB early-on in any draft but next year may be the most advantageous point in time to consider it. We seem to have a decent situation with respect to better depth this year. Of course, an addition or two to our OL and DL will be high priorities as well.

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