Is anyone else NOT on the ledge?


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Nope. Not worried. If Romo plays just "bad", we win. He played flat out horribly and we still had a chance.

Big Dakota

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YoMick;1839343 said:
I was expecting 12-4 or 11-5 before the season started. Then after Green Bay I though that 14-2 was very possible. Then after the Lions game I was concerned. I mentioned that ANOTHER desperate team (Eagles) were dangerous. They were.

So now... I am not worried... just a little concerned. We could end up 13-3.

Believe you me Mick, the Bears and Lions will play the pack tooth and nail in the next 2 weeks, just like the egirls did today and the skins will week 17. I think the Pack drops one of the next 2.


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My only concern is that Dallas has really struggled since the second half of the Green Bay game.

Fortunately Dallas went into the second half with a big lead.

The next week Dallas was fortunate Hanson missed a realatively easy field goal and even more fortunate when Romo fumbled but the ball got kicked right back to Kosier.

Of course this week Dallas lost.

That is 2 1/2 weeks which Dallas has really not looked real impressive.

The common thread here is that TO has been invisible these last two and a half weeks. I am not blaming TO, but I am crediting the opposing teams for finding a formula at least temporarily for really slowing Dallas down.

Big Dakota

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LowTech;1839348 said:
Today was a good example of why sweeping the giants this year was such a feat. Its tough to beat someone twice a season, much less sweep your division.

How many times have the boys swept since 1960? Once?


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Big Dakota;1839358 said:
Believe you me Mick, the Bears and Lions will play the pack tooth and nail in the next 2 weeks, just like the egirls did today and the skins will week 17. I think the Pack drops one of the next 2.

it will have to be the bears because the lions are complete dogs on the road.

I still will hold out hope martz comes up with something to beat them.

the bears however at home should be in there last stand finish out the season strong mode.


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I agree with you. We gave Tony a pass on the Bills game. This is not the level of play the Cowboys deserve when they are paying him what they are paying him. He had tears in his eyes at the end of the game and you could tell he had been crying during the post conference. Tony has been living high the past few weeks and this is a reality check. Put your feet back on the ground, get the ball to the reciever, and win the game. He is the most awesome QB. He just got out to the party and forgot he had to go to work the next day. The party was a brunette on Sat. by the way. I think he was distracted because Jess just showed up with her dad to cheer him on. Knowing her, she probably thought it was a good idea. duh?


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Big Dakota;1839358 said:
Believe you me Mick, the Bears and Lions will play the pack tooth and nail in the next 2 weeks, just like the egirls did today and the skins will week 17. I think the Pack drops one of the next 2.

I do. I do. :D

I have been saying for weeks that the Bears would bring it to the GB game... and that was before they were making a run at the possible playoffs... but that has since changed... I dont know how much they will/can bring.

Based on how the Lions took another dagger today... I dont know about them....

I would bank on the Bears

Big Dakota

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jillsfavs;1839368 said:
I agree with you. We gave Tony a pass on the Bills game. This is not the level of play the Cowboys deserve when they are paying him what they are paying him. He had tears in his eyes at the end of the game and you could tell he had been crying during the post conference. Tony has been living high the past few weeks and this is a reality check. Put your feet back on the ground, get the ball to the reciever, and win the game. He is the most awesome QB. He just got out to the party and forgot he had to go to work the next day. The party was a brunette on Sat. by the way. I think he was distracted because Jess just showed up with her dad to cheer him on. Knowing her, she probably thought it was a good idea. duh?

WoW, you know all about Tony's private life don't ya:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


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jillsfavs;1839368 said:
I agree with you. We gave Tony a pass on the Bills game. This is not the level of play the Cowboys deserve when they are paying him what they are paying him. He had tears in his eyes at the end of the game and you could tell he had been crying during the post conference. Tony has been living high the past few weeks and this is a reality check. Put your feet back on the ground, get the ball to the reciever, and win the game. He is the most awesome QB. He just got out to the party and forgot he had to go to work the next day. The party was a brunette on Sat. by the way. I think he was distracted because Jess just showed up with her dad to cheer him on. Knowing her, she probably thought it was a good idea. duh?

Why does everyone keep bringing up his personal life or his contract? He had a 108 rating going into todays game and had an off game. It happens. No QB will EVER go through a season without at least one game where they didn't play well. Even Tom Brady today looked iffy. What the heck are people expecting?

Perfection week in and week out with personal life outside of football? Pay by the touchdown pass? Sorry. None of that is realistic.


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jillsfavs;1839368 said:
I agree with you. We gave Tony a pass on the Bills game. This is not the level of play the Cowboys deserve when they are paying him what they are paying him. He had tears in his eyes at the end of the game and you could tell he had been crying during the post conference. Tony has been living high the past few weeks and this is a reality check. Put your feet back on the ground, get the ball to the reciever, and win the game. He is the most awesome QB. He just got out to the party and forgot he had to go to work the next day. The party was a brunette on Sat. by the way. I think he was distracted because Jess just showed up with her dad to cheer him on. Knowing her, she probably thought it was a good idea. duh?

I dont think anyone gave Tony a pass on the Bills game. He WAS given credit for winning when he had the chance. He was bad and he knew and everyone else knew and there was no pass. BUT with that said... ALL QB's have bad/really bad games. It happens. Maybe thats what you mean by pass.

Big Dakota

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YoMick;1839372 said:
I do. I do. :D

I have been saying for weeks that the Bears would bring it to the GB game... and that was before they were making a run at the possible playoffs... but that has since changed... I dont know how much they will/can bring.

Based on how the Lions took another dagger today... I dont know about them....

I would bank on the Bears

Living up here in the "frozen north" all my life and watching the "Black and Blue" div. i know one of those 2 teams will come close if not beat the Pack.


Rising Star
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As far as I am concearned today was an abberation on Romo's part. If he plays like this next week I will start to worry but I have faith he will bounce back.

What I am more concearned about is Garrett's unwillingness to run the football. I know he wants to score points and keep attacking but we still to be more balanced. I have no doubt that if he would of stuck with the run Philly's defense would of softened up as the game went on.

Lets just chalk this up to Jim Johnson out coaching Garrett and Romo having a bad day and move on. We should dominate Carolina next week, then it will be a dog fight vs Washington before a needed bye week.


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Big Dakota;1839381 said:
Living up here in the "frozen north" all my life and watching the "Black and Blue" div. i know one of those 2 teams will come close if not beat the Pack.

The Mother Flowering Lions are such a thorn in the Cowboys side that they would mail the game in... they always find a way to get to us :mad:

Kitna looked like a beaten man... I dont think he will play GB hard like he did the Cowboys last year

BUT I hope you are right.


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Weird as it was and as poor as Romo had been playing, I believe that a healthy Gurode gets Dallas that win. If Romo isn't on his back so much in the fourth quarter, I think he finds a way to get the team into the endzone for the win.

As for the game, I am obviously most concerned about the injuries. If those guys are fine, I'm fine...

Beyond that, I'm kind of strange. I think it's hard to keep winning every single week. In this league it starts to feel like you're due to lose. I told my wife a couple of weeks ago that I thought the Cowboys might want to go into the playoffs with one more loss (not the last game of the season though) just to help them focus and sharpen up. Sometimes winning streaks get to be too much of a story.

I think Romo said it all best. It's what happens from here on out that determines whether you were successful or not.

In the meantime, I'm proud of the defense. I want a better running game. I want Romo to play like the superstar he has been all season long.


More than meets the eye.
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The Panch;1839318 said:
How was this less troubling?? Romo had one bad game and grew so much from it earlier and yet has the worst game of his career to to put us in a must win situation for the next two games and risk injuries.

Folks can make all the excuses they want and everyone knows this is a confident team, but the fact that you can have this much of a trashy performance by your franchise player at this point in the season is very disturbing. I agree with those who said better now than January, but its still pathetic that a pro QB of any caliber can play this poor.

Do you watch much pro football?

Favre, Manning, and Brady have all played games of the same quality as Romo's most recent performance. In fact, before this year, Brady was averaging one 4 interception game per season.

And do we even need to rehash the playoff clunkers of Manning and Favre?


Zone Scribe
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I wouldn't say I'm on the ledge, but I am a little concerned. This is really the second week in a row where we were outplayed and outplanned, and we're a booted fumble away from 0-2 in December (speaking of regression to the mean, how much longer until the other team starts falling on all these loose footballs?). As bad as Tony was today, he was equally terrific last week to somehow pull out a win in a game we really had no business winning. Teams have found a way to take our best offensive weapon out of the game, and it doesn't appear that we have any idea how to counter it. Defenses are making Garrett play the dink and dunk game, and he doesn't seem to adapt well to it. Our defense is just inconsistent. Maybe if Romo was on today we would have managed to squeeze out another win, but we're not playing our best football to close out the year .... yet again.


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I am only worried about injuries......which early reports say we are ok.

ROMO has us the best record after 14 games ever and I am proud of that.......he had a bad game.

What was the reason? I am not sure......maybe it was the eagles.


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Chocolate Lab;1839305 said:

This loss can be summarized easier than almost any other: Romo was horrible.

Unless you expect him to continue playing horribly -- in which case you'll little to no evidence to back your case -- there should be nothing to worry about. The defense, which everyone had been wringing their hands about, was very good today.

So... Romo reverts to the mean, we win.

The truth is, this loss was less troubling than almost any I can think of.

Simple as that.

You're right. If his thumb is ok and we win these next two, which is quite feasible, we'll look back and laugh at this. I'm more bummed out that we didnt score a touchdown. Its funny, last week we went for it on 4th near the goal line and scored. This week we went for a field goal, but we really could have used those 4 points. Who knows. I do know if we had 10 points Westbrook would have went in. Boy was that one of the strangest things Ive ever seen. Anyway, I remember looking at our tough stretch. We had three games on the road. We had Philly in Philly, the Giants for first place, the Packers. I remember thinking, if we got through that and faced NYJ, Det, Phil, Car and Wash that we would lose one and finish 14-2. And I thought Philly at home could be the loss. So Im not too bummed out.

Im surprised they didnt put in Johnson. Romo obviously couldnt hit open receivers.

We still have beaten every team we have played except the Patriots. How funny would it be to beat the Pats in the bowl and be able to say we beat every team we played this season? I wonder how many teams in history can say that. But Im getting way ahead of myself.

Maybe this will light some fire under us. Maybe this game can give our defense some much needed confidence. I felt for the defense, they finally come up big and we cant score 11 points, when weve scored 24 or more all year. Oh well, thems the breaks.

Its just a loss, even in our champion years we always had 3 or 4 each year. No need to jump off a bridge. Hey I am even getting myself prepared for the ultimate bad thing - losing a super bowl that isnt close. In the 3 SB losses we were still in it to the last play. None of us knows what it feels like if we're down by 20 in the 3rd quarter, how awful it will be to sit there for an hour watching it unfold. I am going to get myself mentally prepared for that.
But again, Im getting way ahead of myself.


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ddh33;1839391 said:
Weird as it was and as poor as Romo had been playing, I believe that a healthy Gurode gets Dallas that win. If Romo isn't on his back so much in the fourth quarter, I think he finds a way to get the team into the endzone for the win.


good point, because of Proctor, Romo may need a proctologist.


The Duke
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No, I'm not on the ledge. I highly doubt the Offense is doomed, especially with Glenn coming back, and the Defense finally showed some real flair.

I still hate to lose, especially to the Eagles.