Is Brian Gumble gonna announce the Dallas/Packer game?

Sarge;1785293 said:
I don't feel so bad not having it than.

You should, the Gumbal/Collingsworth crew is a savvy football fan's dream. They're not perfect but they never seem to get away from the game that's going on. No shouting, very little distracting "entertainment"...

If you need to be told what's happening, they aren't the announcers for you, but if you're used to muting MNF, they do an adequate job with the things you need, down and distance, injuries...
StanleySpadowski;1785399 said:
You should, the Gumbal/Collingsworth crew is a savvy football fan's dream. They're not perfect but they never seem to get away from the game that's going on. No shouting, very little distracting "entertainment"...

If you need to be told what's happening, they aren't the announcers for you, but if you're used to muting MNF, they do an adequate job with the things you need, down and distance, injuries...
I can't get past listening to BG's voice to actually know what he's saying. It's high pitched and annoying.
Hostile;1785322 said:
Is Brian Gumble gonna announce the Dallas/Packer game?

No, but Bryant Gumbal is. :)

Not quite. Bryant Gumbel will be calling the game. Good try though...;)
dallasfaninsf;1784700 said:
Hes announcing the colts/atl game, and omg I can't stand his voice or his talking. Please don't announce next week's game!

That was Bryant Gumbel? I thought it was Kermit the Frog!:laugh2:
They actually didn't bother me yesterday. I like how they had a Total Access Live with Deion and Mooch.
Well, I don't have an issue with his announcing. I will say I thought the game broadcast quality looked better this year from what I remember of last year.
parchy;1784722 said:
When a big play happens, he sounds like a deaf guy trying to fight his way out of a garbage bag.

Mike Tirico, too.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: This is toooo funny. You should email it to him.

Surprised at all the complaints on play-by-play/color guys at this time.

I've always found the annoyance level of sports casters to have an inverse relation to my teams success.

In 2001 they all sucked! Couldnt stand that Madden guy!

This year I could listen to Skip Bayless do Cowboy games with a smile on my face! :) :) :)
David276;1785623 said:
its alot better than that damn joe buck and troy being "neutral"

lOL, yea it would be great for Troys broadcasting career if he really showed his favoritism to teh Cowboys. Other teams fans already think Troy already shows plenty of favorotism to Dallas. Lets make it real apparent. Joe Buck is ok. I don't have a problem with any announces unless they just royally mess up in their preparation. Calling guys by the wrong names, making erroneous statements about the teams they are covering. A good analysist to me is better than than teh main play by play guy. I can see down and distances myself or that a back runs for 3 or 7 yards. I do like a good analyst to tell me things my eyes do not see. Troy is ok, Dallas bias or not.....
I cant stand that guy either

but did anyone else catch what was said when they came back from the 1st(I think) commercial break?

I believe Gumbel said "What? Are you drinking on the job again?" or something like that.

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