Is Garrett getting a pass for lack of discipline?

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Weak minded people sure. 9%? I rest my case.

So out of the statistics in that article that show that 30 percent of marijuana users have some form of marijuana use disorder and 17 percent of those who start using in their teens are dependent on it and even that 4 million people were dependent on marijuana in 2015, you grabbed hold of the 9 percent statistic?

Believe me, you should rest your case because you make it look more ignorant every time you post.
So out of the statistics in that article that show that 30 percent of marijuana users have some form of marijuana use disorder and 17 percent of those who start using in their teens are dependent on it and even that 4 million people were dependent on marijuana in 2015, you grabbed hold of the 9 percent statistic?

Believe me, you should rest your case because you make it look more ignorant every time you post.

People get addicted to qtips too buddy. Only a weak minded fool would ruin his career over smoking dope.
People get addicted to qtips too buddy. Only a weak minded fool would ruin his career over smoking dope.

Oh, and a serious statement? Just how serious is crime in the streets of our Country, anyways?

Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30 percent of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder. People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.

Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. People who use marijuana frequently often report irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks. Marijuana dependence occurs when the brain adapts to large amounts of the drug by reducing production of and sensitivity to its own endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.

Marijuana use disorder becomes addiction when the person cannot stop using the drug even though it interferes with many aspects of his or her life. Estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because epidemiological studies of substance use often use dependence as a proxy for addiction even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted. Those studies suggest that 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become dependent on it, rising to about 17 percent in those who start using in their teens.

In 2015, about 4.0 million people in the United States used or were dependent on marijuana;3 138,000 voluntarily sought treatment for their marijuana use.

Estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because epidemiological studies of substance use often use dependence as a proxy for addiction even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted.

Are you even capable of comprehending the article?
So out of the statistics in that article that show that 30 percent of marijuana users have some form of marijuana use disorder and 17 percent of those who start using in their teens are dependent on it and even that 4 million people were dependent on marijuana in 2015, you grabbed hold of the 9 percent statistic?

Believe me, you should rest your case because you make it look more ignorant every time you post.

What are the odds of becoming addicted? Studies have shown that:

  • Of all the people who use marijuana, about one in eleven will become addicted.
1/11=9% Addiction rate. Comprehend much?
What are the odds of becoming addicted? Studies have shown that:

  • Of all the people who use marijuana, about one in eleven will become addicted.
1/11=9% Addiction rate. Comprehend much?

I'm not as concerned on the ramifications of 'addition' to marijuana, as I am in the generalized criminality that develops from that 'innocent' participation. Selling harm on marijuana is a tough sell, but expanded criminality throughout society, isn't.
Estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because epidemiological studies of substance use often use dependence as a proxy for addiction even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted.

Are you even capable of comprehending the article?

First, a constructive discussion involves first and third person references...not an insultive stance with the use of You.
If you want to so...But knock off the personal insults.
What are the odds of becoming addicted? Studies have shown that:

  • Of all the people who use marijuana, about one in eleven will become addicted.
1/11=9% Addiction rate. Comprehend much?

What are the odds of becoming addicted? Studies have shown that:

  • Of all the people who use marijuana, about one in eleven will become addicted.
  • When a young person begins smoking marijuana in his or her TEENS, he (or she) has a one in six chance of becoming addicted.
Admissions to Treatment

  • According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, in 2010, more than 360,000 people were admitted to treatment for addiction, with marijuana being listed as the primary drug they were abusing. That is, they went into rehab because of marijuana and its effects on their bodies and minds.
  • Twenty-eight percent of those admissions or 103,000 people were between twelve and seventeen years old. (This figure applies only to publicly-funded facilities so the actual number is much higher.)
  • Forty-three percent were under 21.
  • In general, only about one person in ten receives needed treatment so it could be estimated that well over three million Americans may be addicted to marijuana – a million of them being high school students or younger.
  • Among those entering addiction treatment in 2010, 18% said that their primary drug was marijuana but another 21% said that it was their second or third most problematic drug.
ER visits
  • Because of greatly increased potency, mental distress, panic attacks and other problems have also increased. In 2011, there were nearly half a million visits to ERs related to problems with marijuana use. Common symptoms were severe nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks and paranoia.
Daily users
  • According to the 2013 World Drug Report, an estimated 1 in 15 high school seniors is a daily or near-daily user of cannabis. For parents who once smoked marijuana “on the weekend or at parties,” they can understand what a high school student smoking DAILY would mean to his ability to really do school or be a school kid.
Marijuana withdrawal

Some people argue that because marijuana does not have dramatic withdrawal symptoms like alcohol or heroin, it is not addictive. But there are two errors to this thinking. One is that the marijuana of today is more than two times stronger than it was twenty years ago (some say much stronger than that), and withdrawing from that is quite a different matter. The other is that it is simply not true: There ARE withdrawal symptoms when a chronic user stops using cannabis.
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