News: Is Leighton Vander Esch the NFL’s top performing first rounder?


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My guess is they had a chat with his agent and already have a framework for a contract in place. You don't trade a 1st rounder for a guy with one year left unless you 100% intend on paying him.

Chats are fine, but they're not particularly binding, particularly when it's an agent and not the principle doing the chatting. Cooper is not going to leave multiple millions on the table because of a chat his *current* agent had with Jerry.

Any framework that isn't written down will almost certainly be remembered differently by the parties involved, each remembering it to their own benefit.

We're going to overpay unless Cooper gets hit by a bus.


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PFF's grades aren't all that. LVE is balling hard though, and I'm not sure if there are 10 better Mikes out there right now.

People are right that he won't get DROY recognition because of his lack of turnovers, but dude is a tackle machine. He is playing better in year 1 than I ever expected, and long term, I don't think a Brian Urlacher kind of ceiling is out of the question.

DROY, IMO will come down to Denzel Ward (killing it in Cleveland right now, lots of splash plays), Darius Leonard (tackle machine as well, stuffs the stat sheet more than LVE because the defense around him sucks), or Bradley Chubb (7 sacks right now, pretty much guaranteed to make double digits by year's end).
all bottom feeders teams that will end up with worse records than us even if we go 8-8 or worse.


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all bottom feeders teams that will end up with worse records than us even if we go 8-8 or worse.
Doesn't change the fact that Leonard and Ward are balling out. And no one has mentioned the deadlocked warrior Donte Jackson who has been lockdown at cornerback this yr. He's looking like a strong candidate for droy for a playoff contender in Carolina.


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Darius Leonard from Indianapolis Colts is droy.
I’m glad someone besides me watches the rest of the league. That kid is a beast.

Edmunds in Buffalo is balling out too. I haven’t seen the Chargers but heard The DB they took is playing good and the DB Miami took is not playing bad.


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Chats are fine, but they're not particularly binding, particularly when it's an agent and not the principle doing the chatting. Cooper is not going to leave multiple millions on the table because of a chat his *current* agent had with Jerry.

Any framework that isn't written down will almost certainly be remembered differently by the parties involved, each remembering it to their own benefit.

We're going to overpay unless Cooper gets hit by a bus.

They've got memos. They'll never see the light of day b/c of tampering, but when you start offering say 80 million bucks to someone for anything, both parties tend to write those numbers down and hold each other to it.

I'd say there's about a 95% chance they've got a contract in place with Coop and his agent right now and are just waiting till the end of the season to sign it. The only way either party is likely to back off it is if Coop gets seriously hurt or if he plays out of his mind. Even if Coop disappoints, the deal still is going forward because of leverage.
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lmao ... if we don't see any improvement in the offense or Cooper being a playmaker come monday (his first game ever as a cowboy), this board is going to melt .


He's not going anywhere unless he gets hurt. He will be one of the highest paid guys on the NFL at his position. Book it!!


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neither should the corporations actually

People act in their own interests. It's hard to blame them. And there's no point in it. Corporate governance is a big unsolved problem. You can prevent outright graft, but pretty tough to prevent people from doing what they can to protect their positions.

I don't blame Garrett for acting in his interests. I blame Jerry for letting him.


Red, White and Brew...
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I don’t know if he IS DROY, but I like the kid and liked the pick from the get go. He’s the future on D.


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They've got memos. They'll never see the light of day b/c of tampering, but when you start offering say 80 million bucks to someone for anything, both parties tend to write those numbers down and hold each other to it.

I'd say there's about a 95% chance they've got a contract in place with Coop and his agent right now and are just waiting till the end of the season to sign it. The only way either party is likely to back off it is if Coop gets seriously hurt or if he plays out of his mind. Even if Coop disappoints, the deal still is going forward because of leverage.

Interesting theory. I find it hard to believe that given tampering laws, that they'd ever write such things down.

Again, it's Jerry putting himself in a bad spot. Is there any punishment to players for "tampering"? I don't think so. And players come and go quickly, while Jerry is an owner. Why put himself in the position of being outed by a player or agent for tampering?

But if true, it would change my evaluation. I still wouldn't like it, as I don't like spending lots on WRs, but that's a strategic consideration. It wouldn't consider it clownish, merely unfortunate.

But why have memoranda, instead of sign and trade, or trade and sign? If they've made their meeting of the minds, why not remove uncertainty on both sides?

"Even if Coop disappoints"
Part of my worry. There are lots of built in excuses for Cooper, and the need of Jerry not to look like a fool. This structurally turns it into just a bad deal today, because of the high likelihood of signing a contract tomorrow that is way overpriced.

If Cooper were on the free market today for a contract for the next 5 seasons, I wouldn't want to sign him to 14mil per year you project, most all guaranteed. And that's straight up, without trading a 1st.

It is what it is. You're telling me you think they've already signed up for my worst case scenario. We're giving up a 1st, *and* a huge contract, most all guaranteed, for a guy who has been meh the last season and a half.


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Ha,the first posted three lines of that article told me all I needed to know,therefore I felt no need in 'clicking on' the attached link.

*they don't know their Azz from a hole in the ground over thereo_O

A positive review for any first round pick, at this juncture of the season, actually is a very positive thing. We don't know where his season will end, but he is worth watching. That makes a discussion pertinent and not a waste.


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PFF's grades aren't all that. LVE is balling hard though, and I'm not sure if there are 10 better Mikes out there right now.

People are right that he won't get DROY recognition because of his lack of turnovers, but dude is a tackle machine. He is playing better in year 1 than I ever expected, and long term, I don't think a Brian Urlacher kind of ceiling is out of the question.

DROY, IMO will come down to Denzel Ward (killing it in Cleveland right now, lots of splash plays), Darius Leonard (tackle machine as well, stuffs the stat sheet more than LVE because the defense around him sucks), or Bradley Chubb (7 sacks right now, pretty much guaranteed to make double digits by year's end).

He is in a 'rooks' growth cycle. Think a first year linebacker will accumulate a ton of turnovers? I sure don't...but he raises a strong eyebrow for a fan, as to his future.


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He's not playing enough to be seriously considered, even with the tape that shows he's effective when he does play.
If he was a full time 3 down LB, then I think you could make a legit argument.

But, there are players listed in this thread that are starting and performing well as rookies that should get the nod over him.


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You have no clue what you're talking about.

He is a terrific route runner.

He's not perfect, but route running is unequivocally NOT a problem for Cooper.

Lol, come on Monday night!


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instead we wasted it on Pooper who will walk after next year and we'll get a 3rd round comp pick in return

so basically we traded our 2019 1st rounder for a 2021 3rd round pick

Smart move, jerruh

How so? Cowboys seem to have the intent to signing Cooper to a longer term deal.


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If he continues playing at the high we've seen the last few weeks, I think the ROY is a given. Hell, I've seen his name mentioned as a top 5 LBer in the league. That's all pro conversation......
