CFZ Is Micah really worth a record breaking deal?


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I know I'll get bashed, I know it's not time, but we have to get our thoughts ready for this record breaking deal. In his first season, he blew the league by surprise because obviously no one knew what he could do as a rookie.

2nd season, I think we as fans are still living in the bubble of his first season. With these players, we need to go case by case, season by season. Every year there seems to be a new dominant player, or a team that comes out of nowhere to surprise everyone.

I said that to say, let's take Micah since he's the topic of this post, on a season by season basis. Year one was dynamic, year two, he was good, but often burned out! I've never seen a second year player burned out like that......

Contractually and I REALLY don't care what he gets, it's neither my money or yours. I just think we're basing his every move off of year one. I'd like to see him be that dominant force in the league, to me there's a few guys ahead of him.

He said weeks ago that he wants to affect the game and he isn't worried about sack totals. Believe it or not, I almost cried hearing that!!! It's not just about sack numbers, but what else you can do, to have that ultimate impact on the game.

So let's see what he does this year by taking over games and doing what he needs not worrying about numbers!! Once again I will get bashed and I accept it!!! Please give your thoughts!!


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Good post. My view is not yet. Micah is an elite athlete no doubt. He can be a HOF player. My concerns are he has washed out a bit late in both seasons and he comes across as a bit immature. That stuff needs to change. I think it will.


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Great post and question you are posing. To me he’s worth it. He is issue #1 for every D coordinator facing the Cowboys and something they have to scheme against. The only thing that would make him less of a nightmare for opponents is Quinn and his use of him. I’d say pay him. He is likely to only player on the roster other than maybe Pollard that opposing teams worry about.


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Players that can get to the QB get paid. That's just the way it is today. Get his someone who can take away some pressure on him and maybe he doesn't burn out by the 3/4 mark of the season. I don't want to lose a speed player that puts pressure on the QB, especially in our division, with two QB's that can run with the ball, one of which has the luxury of throwing the ball up to some damn good receivers.


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Good post. My view is not yet. Micah is an elite athlete no doubt. He can be a HOF player. My concerns are he has washed out a bit late in both seasons and he comes across as a bit immature. That stuff needs to change. I think it will.
It's hard to make a decision especially with what you mentioned. GREAT ATHLETE etc etc, but where's he at late in the season, or late in games. SOMEONE will see this and will bash me for it, as if Micah is destroying the game at pivotal points like we want him to. If he can keep some juice saved, this will really help. YES HE'S ASKED TO DO A LOT, but hey he's a freak


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Great post and question you are posing. To me he’s worth it. He is issue #1 for every D coordinator facing the Cowboys and something they have to scheme against. The only thing that would make him less of a nightmare for opponents is Quinn and his use of him. I’d say pay him. He is likely to only player on the roster other than maybe Pollard that opposing teams worry about.
Very true, but wouldn't you and this may sound contradicting, but I'd like it if we could move him around more. Last season he was basically on one side the hole game. MOVE HIM AROUND a little please. We know he's to be watched, and we made it easy for teams to scheme him


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Players that can get to the QB get paid. That's just the way it is today. Get his someone who can take away some pressure on him and maybe he doesn't burn out by the 3/4 mark of the season. I don't want to lose a speed player that puts pressure on the QB, especially in our division, with two QB's that can run with the ball, one of which has the luxury of throwing the ball up to some damn good receivers.
Very very good point but for him to be effective you're right we need some others to step it up I agree


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If you have the QB you truly want for the next several years, then yes. If not, then I would at least quietly find out what I could get in return. The problem is JJ rarely does things quietly.


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To this owner? Absolutely

To a guy like Belichick, not so much. He has traded his best D player before a bank breaking deal had to be made. And he's done that several times.
Yes he has!! I'M LOVING THE RESPONSES so far, I had my heart set on being bashed, very refreshing!! It's coming soon lol


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If you have the QB you truly want for the next several years, then yes. If not, then I would at least quietly find out what I could get in return. The problem is JJ rarely does things quietly.
So true


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Fundamental truth in modern professional sports: If you want to keep a great player, you have to pay for it. The average length of an NFL player’s career now is 4-5 years. Sure Parsons will likely play longer than that but a player never knows when an injury can end a career. IMO, All NFL players deserve whatever the market dictates.

Micah Parsons is arguably the best young defensive player in the league now. That means he will have the clout to set the market, again unless injury or some other issue arises.

Will it be too much for the Cowboys? Doubtful. Jerry like his stars.


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I have zero problems making him the highest paid defensive player in the league ( even at $30-31M ) BUT only THREE guaranteed years. If we can't win a SB with him by then.......move on ( trade him ). I would not extend or give him a 3rd deal.........injury factor is way too risky.


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It's today's NFL. The top players will keep getting record breaking contracts that all of us will deem as ridiculous. But it's what the market will bear. Contracts will continue to go up as long as the cap goes up.

Hypothetical, in the distant future you will have a million dollar cap with a QB making 200 million a year. And we will all complain about it.