Is Murray on an unsustainable pace?


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If you don't cut his workload sooner, he may be resting on December 29, 2014.

Look I get it... Let's not run him I to the ground.
But he is at warp speed.
His is in a zone.
His line is making his life easier.

Mix a running back in here and there but don't change much else.

Grab that lineman and run behind him downfield... That was a beautiful site!
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remember some years ago when Denver seemed able to line up a different guy every year and they all got over 1000?


Mr. Fixit
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remember some years ago when Denver seemed able to line up a different guy every year and they all got over 1000?

That team went nowhere after Davis and Elway were done. Great point, keep players with great results over players who provide above average results.

Risen Star

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So if its not broke, why fix it? Why mess with a good thing? Good thing is actually an understatement, why mess with a GREAT thing? What prompts "us" fans to WANT a lesser product?

That's typical fan shortsightedness.

It's not about a lesser product because you think the next back will be a lesser player. Its about using your limited cap funds the most efficient way over the entire roster.

I'm not delusional enough to believe Murray is the reason they're running the ball so well and if he's not that impact player then I'm not about to pay him like one as he ages. I'll go young and use the cap space that would have went to Murray on other areas of the roster. Odds are you'll wind up with a better team than simply resigning the current back.

That offensive line will make stars out of a plethora of running backs. Those are the guys I break the bank for.

Reverend Conehead

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To me it seems a no-brainer. Randle has proven effective, so you give him more carries. Those screens to Dunbar also worked really well. Use those as the situation permits. Maybe even give a carry or two to Clutts.

Squash the Gnats

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Mr. Fixit
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That's typical fan shortsightedness.

It's not about a lesser product because you think the next back will be a lesser player. Its about using your limited cap funds the most efficient way over the entire roster.

I'm not delusional enough to believe Murray is the reason they're running the ball so well and if he's not that impact player then I'm not about to pay him like one as he ages. I'll go young and use the cap space that would have went to Murray on other areas of the roster. Odds are you'll wind up with a better team than simply resigning the current back.

That offensive line will make stars out of a plethora of running backs. Those are the guys I break the bank for.

LOL. Pure speculative self aggrandizing drivel. Plethora of running backs sounds suspiciously like "any 500 coaches can coach this team". It was nonsense then, and it's nonsense now.

As for age, Murray's window is very similar to Romo's. The time to win is now, not some magical fantasy in the "near" future. No one knows what happens next season let alone in 2-3 years from now. You can't just substitute ingredients willy nilly and expect the same gourmet meal. No chemist expects the same or even similar results when even ONE chemical is changed for another. No businessman worth their bones will replace a best selling item with a lesser product and expect the same return.

I know you think highly of your opinions but you are wrong on this one. Murray may be having a once in a lifetime season, or he could beginning a Hall of Fame one, you don't know, no one does. But I am going to bet on the horse that has carried this team out of mediocrity and rejuvenated the championship aspirations of this franchise. This OL is special no doubt, but when they block for Murray, history happens.


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I'm sorry. But your reply is deeply disturbing.

I don't understand your take on this.

I said that if you can make a deep playoff run with Murray getting 400 carries, then you do it and let the future take care of itself. How the hell is that a disturbing comment?

If you have a bell cow, you use that bell cow until it stops giving milk.........then you go get another bell cow and start milking it...........I fail to see what is so disturbing about this.
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Many people are calling for Murray to be as much as possible to help the Cowboys win "now." Sure, but if a worn-down Murray is of little use come playoff time, those same people will probably be complaining.

If you don't win games now, then you may not have to worry about a rested Murray for the playoffs.

The last 3 seasons we have missed the playoffs by 1 all 3 seasons, we had games we lost early in the season which could have made the difference.

Bottom play to win every game as if it is your last and you do whatever it takes to win that game and let the future take care of itself.
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Not at this pace, no. I don't really care about Murray's long-term prospects since I don't believe that will be Dallas' concern, but I would prefer the best possible running back in the lineup come December. A little less of him now probably means more of him later.

That ain't happening if his arc continues towards 420+ carries.

Reverend Conehead

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Not fixed at all. Daryl Johnston occasionally got carries and was capable of being effective, especially since defenses weren't expecting him to get the ball. The same thing could work for Clutts. He could get a rare carry and pick up yards, especially if you get a defense overpursuing to Murray. Don't give Clutts 10 carries a game. Maybe give him 1 every game or 1 ever two games.