Is the drama on this team real?


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The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out? Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss?? I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment. Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??

big dog cowboy

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The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out? Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss?? I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment. Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??
Please give us your thoughts.


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The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out? Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss?? I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment. Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??
No issues. All fan bases are in the same position right now of picking fly crap out of pepper in an effort to talk football. Same old, same old.


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No issues. All fan bases are in the same position right now of picking fly crap out of pepper in an effort to talk football. Same old, same old.
I get this attitude and in many cases I would say that it is appropriate. In this case I am not so sure. We have a team that just finished a season quitting before half time in a home play off game. The same team has a GM that enables basically everything. These players literally called each other out. I feel like it is a bit more than nothing.


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The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out? Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss?? I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment. Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??
It gives the single agenda posters something to whine about. As if they ever need anything.


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Its not a drama ......... its a Circus.
The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out? Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss?? I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment. Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??
I do believe some are playing their part in the hopes of drumming up fans and pleasing the owner.
It is a circus show.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out?
The Kardashians, Survivor and Big Brother are examples of reality television. Parsons and Hooker are examples of JerryVision. Two different things. except the latter example is usually spontaneous.
Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss??
It is an issue for Parsons and Hooker. CowboysZone discuss everything, real or imagined.
I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment.
Since the site's launch, I have a hard time believing CowboysZone is the near daily beneficiary of multiple threads created about one topic. It is a mystery but also entertaining.
Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??
Think 'the centre cannot hold'. That puts everything into perspective.


I'm not dead yet......
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I think when Jerry said all in what he didn't say was he had to start by making some major changes that are going to be a bit painful this year.. Is there drama? Yes, will there be drama? Yes, a lot of it, but in the long run, it may be a good thing.


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The only drama is fan and media created and driven.

The Micah and Malik deal is really nothing. They probably say down and had a few beers and laughed about it, and at the fans and media.
Exactly and now the media will play it like it's still a big story weeks and weeks from now