Is the drama on this team real?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Translation: "Yeah, I was dead wrong about that flippant remark I made to place all evils in the football world on the fans and media, but I don't want to admit that you owned me with a recent quote".
Yeah how nice to admit you are wrong. :thumbup:


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Well all the players already got their method acting certificates so that they can earn residuals for boosting ratings.


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The issues recently with Micah and Hooker, like all of a sudden this comes out? Is this issue really a real issue, or is this just to give us something to discuss?? I have a hard time believing anything along these lines are real today, but are just done for entertainment. Does anyone else feel this way, or is this really an issue??
I seriuosly dont know. And i would have forgotten about if if you did not start the thread (no offense, just an explanation).

To me it was just a minor dispute. Nothing special. But to make it public leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I as a GM or HC would sit down with those two players and have a talk with them. Just to figure out what kind of character theses guys have. I wouldnt like to have such people on my team. Fighting things out in public is a sign of missing class and character.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ah, ok. You just repeat things the parrot-fashion way.

The way you posted it could make someone believe you have more insight. I just wanted to clear that up for myself.
Just an observation. We see all too often. Some media person, or even just a fan on here sees or hears something. Then runs with it before everything comes out.

And no, I do not repeat things in a parrot fashion. I think you do that, on what ever I post.