Is there a streaming media genius in the house?


Just Dez It
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I've recently done some home renovations, including getting a 1080p TV and a PS3. After installing it all I started playing with them and seeing what they can do.

I found out how to stream media from my PC (ubuntu using mediatomb media server) to the PS3. The PS3 found it immediately and works wonders.

Now I'm a total noob when it comes to streaming media, so when I try to get another PC on my wireless network to use the same media server, I have no clue how to set it up. I'm trying to use VLC (videolan client) and have it detect it to no avail.

I've tried to research it and also attempted plenty of s.w.a.g's to get it to work, all resulting in failure.

It's a shot in the dark, but does anyone know how to connect to a configured media stream? And if it's server specific, what do I need to look for in the config?



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you have to jack it up first, then unscrew the gasket and let the oil spill into the oil pan

then screw the gasket back on and remove the oil filter, again letting the oil into the oil pan

then put on the new oil filter and pour in the new oil into the tank from the engine and you're good to go

hope I helped